Fisting the old grey hag......


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
No, that isn't what Dana Loesch actually said, but the fascist left, especially the slovenly employees of the NY Times are virtually illiterate.

Twitter exploded due to the ignorance of NY Times snowflakes who never developed a vocabulary sufficient to know the word fisk;

Word Origin and History for Fisk
2002, an Internet argument tactic involving a reprinting of an article orblog post, interlarded with rebuttals and refutations, often intended toshow the original is a sandpile of flawed facts, unfounded assertions, andlogical fallacies. Named for English journalist Robert Fisk (b.1946), MiddleEast correspondent for the "Independent," whose writing often criticizesAmerica and Israel and is somewhat noted for looseness with details.Related: Fisked ; fisking.

Well, one can't expect much from the reactionary dolts of the fascist left. The NY Times exists to carry water for the fascist democratic party. It takes scant intelligence to be a boot licking sycophant of the ilk that defines those of the Times...

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