Five Babies In Texas Test Positive For Tb After Possible Mass Exposure

According to the article - all the cases were by exposure to one healthcare worker at the hospital, who had been sick or months without realizing it.

Not a single article has any link to immigration or immigrants legal or illegal nor does it say the health care worker was illegal.

Of course it was all because of one healthcare worker.

Long dormant diseases make comebacks when Illegal Aliens are let into the US.

Obama invited them in and gave them bus fare to wherever they wanted to go.

But he's Black and a Democrat so it's ok.

Illegals have been coming to the US for a couple of hundred hears. Our entire nation invites them. If you eat bacon/pork, YOU are paying for Smithfield to actually advertise for illegal labor to come from Mexico AND paying for Smithfield to go get them. Same with Tyson chicken. Other companies still invite them every single picking season.

In spite of the Repubs doing all they could to stop him, Obama has slowed to a trickle from the south and he has deported more than 2 million.

It was Obama who wanted the law changed so he could deport the refugee children.

Where are the Repubs in this? Boehner refuses the vote on the bill they agreed to and, while the Dems and the president face war, the Rs are on vacation.

You stupid fuck. Illegals have been coming into this country all to the loud cheers of the fucking left.

LEGAL immigration has been happening, most of which included health screenings. This dates back to Ellis Island and the reason why so many were kept there until they passed health screenings and vaccinations (whatever existed) at that time.

This is the process and it is imperative. This is not the case with the mass influx of these illegals that came in here, all to the delightful cheers and false reporting of the typical left wing morons in the media.

As a result of all of this illegal immigration disease has been unleashed into this country. To say nothing about our national security. Another thing you fucking morons could not care less about, cause you still think to this minute that terrorism is a republican bumper sticker lie. You fucking moron.

Again, I cannot help but notice how you avoid the reasons why obama never visited the border. Keep on thinking it has nothing to do with the Secret Service knowing they did not want the president exposed to the diseases they knew were flooding across.

Meanwhile, you like the fucking pawn you are (you are nothing more than that. Absolutely nothing more) you point your fingers and cry racism. While your fucking claim of him exporting illegals. All for the papers to report. Most, if not all of those illegals, that this pathetic administration has sent back, have turned right around and came right back over.

The numbers are skewed and like everything the media reports about what this administration claims is a miserable fucking lie.

Fuck you, and your fucking willful ignorant moronic mind.

I presume because you have difficulty competing with immigrants in the marketplace for jobs, you're letting your emotions overwhelm your historical accuracy.

...what we used to do.
A Photograph of an Immigration Officer on Ellis Island, New York circa 1880. (Getty)

There's a notion that in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Europeans immigrated to the U.S. legally. But "legally" meant something very different than it does now. At that time, the United States accepted practically everyone who showed up, with few restrictions other than the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and a brief health examination.

The foreign-born share of the population, 12.9 percent, is lower today than it was during the entire period from 1860 to 1920, according to data published by the Brookings Institution.

For the rightwing/Republican/Foxduped dumbasses on the USMB, I repeat that last sentence - "The foreign-born share of the population, 12.9 percent, is lower today than it was during the entire period from 1860 to 1920,"


You fucking leftists are such deranged pieces of shit.

The Ellis Island Medical Inspection Video - Ellis Island -

Watch that video of what they had to go through. No it is not fucking FOX news, you miserable illiterate sack of shit.

They go into detail of what each person had etc. No country, NONE would allow the influx of ILLEGALS pouring into their borders like this.

Now, we have epidemics with our children and TB is now being predictably reported.


"U.S. Public Health Service doctors sometimes had only six seconds to scan each immigrant during the line inspection." and sometimes they had a few seconds longer for a health inspection then-----then 98% of all immigrants were allowed to pass thru Ellis Island.
Do Republicans ever do any research before posting or-----or do they just offer the made-up opinions they conjure in their dupid minds?


"Sometimes" only six seconds? You are a fucking moron. The initial observation was a 360 degree turn. Almost all of them were given this examination. They were then sent and their eyes were examined for "pink eye."

20% of all of them were given a diagnosis in the form of a chalk sign with the condition that was observed.

P for pulmonary
LL or RL if their right or left leg was dragging.
H for heart problems
Also an X with a circle for possible mental derangement.
Among other diagnoses.

The point is, you stupid liberal moron, is they were deliberately put on an island away from the mainland in order to be examined before being admitted.

You fucking ignorant hack.

You all ought to keep on believing what is being officially reported. That way you can really display your sockpuppet attributes.

Lets see. Many reports of TB (Along with other reports of swine flu and God knows what else) among the hundreds of thousands of kids coming over in an organized illegal move for political expediency. a short time later some mysterious illness is effecting children in several states and reports of kids having TB.

We will believe that it was all contracted by some healthcare worker. According to the "reports."

That is right, I am communicating with morons who think Obama has not lied about a thing and all scandals are myths.

According to the article - all the cases were by exposure to one healthcare worker at the hospital, who had been sick or months without realizing it.

Not a single article has any link to immigration or immigrants legal or illegal nor does it say the health care worker was illegal.

Of course it was all because of one healthcare worker.

Illegals have been coming to the US for a couple of hundred hears. Our entire nation invites them. If you eat bacon/pork, YOU are paying for Smithfield to actually advertise for illegal labor to come from Mexico AND paying for Smithfield to go get them. Same with Tyson chicken. Other companies still invite them every single picking season.

In spite of the Repubs doing all they could to stop him, Obama has slowed to a trickle from the south and he has deported more than 2 million.

It was Obama who wanted the law changed so he could deport the refugee children.

Where are the Repubs in this? Boehner refuses the vote on the bill they agreed to and, while the Dems and the president face war, the Rs are on vacation.

You stupid fuck. Illegals have been coming into this country all to the loud cheers of the fucking left.

LEGAL immigration has been happening, most of which included health screenings. This dates back to Ellis Island and the reason why so many were kept there until they passed health screenings and vaccinations (whatever existed) at that time.

This is the process and it is imperative. This is not the case with the mass influx of these illegals that came in here, all to the delightful cheers and false reporting of the typical left wing morons in the media.

As a result of all of this illegal immigration disease has been unleashed into this country. To say nothing about our national security. Another thing you fucking morons could not care less about, cause you still think to this minute that terrorism is a republican bumper sticker lie. You fucking moron.

Again, I cannot help but notice how you avoid the reasons why obama never visited the border. Keep on thinking it has nothing to do with the Secret Service knowing they did not want the president exposed to the diseases they knew were flooding across.

Meanwhile, you like the fucking pawn you are (you are nothing more than that. Absolutely nothing more) you point your fingers and cry racism. While your fucking claim of him exporting illegals. All for the papers to report. Most, if not all of those illegals, that this pathetic administration has sent back, have turned right around and came right back over.

The numbers are skewed and like everything the media reports about what this administration claims is a miserable fucking lie.

Fuck you, and your fucking willful ignorant moronic mind.

I presume because you have difficulty competing with immigrants in the marketplace for jobs, you're letting your emotions overwhelm your historical accuracy.

...what we used to do.
A Photograph of an Immigration Officer on Ellis Island, New York circa 1880. (Getty)

There's a notion that in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Europeans immigrated to the U.S. legally. But "legally" meant something very different than it does now. At that time, the United States accepted practically everyone who showed up, with few restrictions other than the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and a brief health examination.

The foreign-born share of the population, 12.9 percent, is lower today than it was during the entire period from 1860 to 1920, according to data published by the Brookings Institution.

For the rightwing/Republican/Foxduped dumbasses on the USMB, I repeat that last sentence - "The foreign-born share of the population, 12.9 percent, is lower today than it was during the entire period from 1860 to 1920,"


You fucking leftists are such deranged pieces of shit.

The Ellis Island Medical Inspection Video - Ellis Island -

Watch that video of what they had to go through. No it is not fucking FOX news, you miserable illiterate sack of shit.

They go into detail of what each person had etc. No country, NONE would allow the influx of ILLEGALS pouring into their borders like this.

Now, we have epidemics with our children and TB is now being predictably reported.


"U.S. Public Health Service doctors sometimes had only six seconds to scan each immigrant during the line inspection." and sometimes they had a few seconds longer for a health inspection then-----then 98% of all immigrants were allowed to pass thru Ellis Island.
Do Republicans ever do any research before posting or-----or do they just offer the made-up opinions they conjure in their dupid minds?


"Sometimes" only six seconds? You are a fucking moron. The initial observation was a 360 degree turn. Almost all of them were given this examination. They were then sent and their eyes were examined for "pink eye."

20% of all of them were given a diagnosis in the form of a chalk sign with the condition that was observed.

P for pulmonary
LL or RL if their right or left leg was dragging.
H for heart problems
Also an X with a circle for possible mental derangement.
Among other diagnoses.

The point is, you stupid liberal moron, is they were deliberately put on an island away from the mainland in order to be examined before being admitted.

You fucking ignorant hack.

You all ought to keep on believing what is being officially reported. That way you can really display your sockpuppet attributes.

Lets see. Many reports of TB (Along with other reports of swine flu and God knows what else) among the hundreds of thousands of kids coming over in an organized illegal move for political expediency. a short time later some mysterious illness is effecting children in several states and reports of kids having TB.

We will believe that it was all contracted by some healthcare worker. According to the "reports."

That is right, I am communicating with morons who think Obama has not lied about a thing and all scandals are myths.


You seem to be extreme... extremely emotional right now, are you hyperventilating, do you know how to bag yourself? Are you cognitive enough to remember the emergency # for your area?

Right, the line of our ancestors walked past the U.S. Public Health Service doctors for a several second observation, if the doctor spotted an obvious health issue our ancestors were given a closer examination then----- then 98% of immigrants that arrived on Ellis Island, many after a torturous journey and/or wait, passed thru Ellis Island to become... wait for it -- Americans.

If you're an American your emergency # is 911.
Here's where we are in the global system. We restrict smoking tobacco in most progressive areas because exposure to tobacco smoke might lead to cancer in forty or fifty years. Meanwhile the liberal sociologs dictate that Americans who are unfortunate enough to live on the southern US border have to endure a foreign invasion of humans from countries who do not have the same standards of immunization that Americans have had for the last half century.
Here's where we are in the global system. We restrict smoking tobacco in most progressive areas because exposure to tobacco smoke might lead to cancer in forty or fifty years. Meanwhile the liberal sociologs dictate that Americans who are unfortunate enough to live on the southern US border have to endure a foreign invasion of humans from countries who do not have the same standards of immunization that Americans have had for the last half century.

Exactly which south of the border country's children are you askeered of?
Here's where we are in the global system. We restrict smoking tobacco in most progressive areas because exposure to tobacco smoke might lead to cancer in forty or fifty years. Meanwhile the liberal sociologs dictate that Americans who are unfortunate enough to live on the southern US border have to endure a foreign invasion of humans from countries who do not have the same standards of immunization that Americans have had for the last half century.

Exactly which south of the border country's children are you askeered of?

OMG, have the rightwingers/Republicans on the USMB

The exposure of children comes from the non-vaccinated throughout the country, mostly from children in evangelical and fundamentalist families.
Here's where we are in the global system. We restrict smoking tobacco in most progressive areas because exposure to tobacco smoke might lead to cancer in forty or fifty years. Meanwhile the liberal sociologs dictate that Americans who are unfortunate enough to live on the southern US border have to endure a foreign invasion of humans from countries who do not have the same standards of immunization that Americans have had for the last half century.

Exactly which south of the border country's children are you askeered of?

OMG, have the rightwingers/Republicans on the USMB


Honestly, the question is that stupid, and anyone thinking it was an actual intelligent question is dumber than the one asking it.

It is like being a smaller midget, when we are talking about liberals and your lack of brainpower.

Seriously, you are an absolute fucking idiot.
I realize you're just desperate to blame this on Obama and the refugee children but there's no indication in that article to support that.

But, don't let that stop you from making up more reactionary, dishonest, racist shit.

Looks like they want to forget the Christian disease they brought to America: syphilis

The French Disease the Italian Disease the Christian Disease 8211 the New World Disease The Loom

Syphillis originated in Africa, genius. And came to Europe via Columbus, whose co-travelers picked it up in SOUTH AMERICA.

"The scientific evidence as determined by a systematic review of all published, peer-reviewed instances, best supports the theory that syphilis was unknown in Europe until Columbus returned from the Americas."

History of syphilis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Just watched a video last night of Tyrus Wong (Age 104), a Chinese immigrant who spent 2 years separated from his Father on "immigration hold" while the US checked him out. Why can't we do the same for Mexicans? Oh yeah I forgot, Americans are p*ssies now.

Syphilis, it seems, developed in the New World from yaws, perhaps 1,600 years ago, and was waiting for Columbus and his crew. The Rothschilds are now examining skeletal collections from the Bahamas to look for evidence of syphilis nearer to Columbus' landfall.


© 1997 by the Archaeological Institute of America
The exposure of children comes from the non-vaccinated throughout the country, mostly from children in evangelical and fundamentalist families.

Ah, to be a liberal, to live in a universe where any kooky thing that pops into one's mind magically transforms into liberal "reality."

Even Salon, the hate-site of the Left, acknowledges that the anti-vax movement is dominated by liberals:

With measles making a scary comeback in the U.S., “The Daily Show” reminds us that anti-science attitudes aren’t just a right-wing phenomenon: There’s some dangerous science denialism happening on the left, too, in the form of anti-vaxxers.

Monday night, correspondent Samantha Bee delved into the “outbreak of f*cking misinformation” taking place in the “wealthy white liberal enclaves” where vaccine-preventable infectious diseases like measles, mumps and whooping cough are on the rise, drawing an uncomfortable parallel between people who refuse to vaccinate and the “right-wing nutjobs” who refuse to admit that climate change is happening.​

Let's pop over to the epicenter of the evangelical and fundamentalist movement, Hollywood, CA. Even the Hollywood Reporter is in on the action:

Vaccination rates are plummeting at top Hollywood schools, from Malibu to Beverly Hills, from John Thomas Dye to Turning Point, where affluent, educated parents are opting out in shocking numbers (leaving some schools’ immunization rates on par with South Sudan) as an outbreak of potentially fatal whooping cough threatens L.A. like “wildfire”

The anti vax movement is dominated by weirdies from the Christian far right. Read your article again, then we will talk.
I loved Texas! But . . . loads of weirdie far righties and far lefties.
The exposure of children comes from the non-vaccinated throughout the country, mostly from children in evangelical and fundamentalist families.

Right, and-----and unvaccinated fundamentalist and poor/underinsured American children are more likely to infect each other than they are to be infected by immigrant children which have a higher percent of vaccinated children than American children -- especially in Texas where 1 in 6 children are uninsured and therefore less likely to be as up to date on their vaccinations as immigrant children from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico -- thanks to Texas' Republican controlled legislature and governor.

Migrant kids better vaccinated than U.S. kids, but Fox News stokes ‘germ’ fears anyway

Scott Kaufman
11 Jul 2014

But as The Texas Observer‘s Rachel Pearson noted, children from Guatemala — where vaccines are provided free of charge by the government’s universal health care system — are more likely to be vaccinated against those diseases than children in Texas, where the rate of parents who “opt out” of vaccinations citing “reasons of conscience” has increased every year since 2003.

Moreover, claims by Fox News and Breitbart News contributor Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet that diseases, like the measles, that have been “eradicated” in the U.S. are being “carried across the border by this tsunami of illegals” have proven factually untrue.

According to the World Health Organization, there have been no reported cases of measles in Guatemala or Honduras since 1990, whereas anti-vaccination efforts in the United States have led to multiple outbreaks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

To review; Fox News and Breitbart News have proven factually untrue -- whoda thunk?


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