Five Myths About Retirement


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I got this in an email from my father-in-law and both of us can verify it has valid points.

Retirement is not simple thing to achieve and yet so few really plan for it.

Five Myths About Retirement
It's Likely to Cost More Than You Think It Will

By Tom Lauricella

May 24, 2014 8:17 p.m. ET

It's not all golf and grandchildren.

Many people spend years planning for retirement and think they have it all figured out, until they actually retire.

Here are a few areas where retirees don't know as much as they think they do.

1. You'll probably retire earlier than expected.

Sounds like a good thing, but it's not. Among the most critical variables determining the size of a retirement nest egg is how many years money is saved before withdrawals start. These days, many financial plans assume delayed retirement, and to a large degree it's happening.

But not by as much as some have planned. Some 22% of workers say that they expect to wait until age 70 to retire, according to the most recent survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. But only 9% of retirees actually retired at that age, the survey found.

Meanwhile, EBRI has found that a sizable number of retirees leave the workforce earlier than planned for negative reasons. In the group's 2014 survey, 49% retired early, but 61% of them said it was because of a health problem or disability. Many others are forced out of a job by changes at their company.

And for some early retirees, it was health problems of a spouse or other family member that led to leaving a full-time job.

By contrast, 26% of the early retirees told EBRI they had retired early because they could afford to..

For those who had banked on working longer to save more, "it means having to start drawing on their investments sooner than they had expected," says Judy Ward, a senior financial planner at T. Rowe Price Group. In addition, it may mean signing up for Social Security sooner than planned, which can result in a smaller monthly benefit.

2. It's not easy to get back into the workplace.

Meanwhile, retirees often find it hard to find new work. Roughly two-thirds of retirees say they plan to work in retirement, but just 27% report actually doing so, EBRI says. In part, the same dynamics that make it harder for older workers in general to find jobs also hinder retirees.

"Forced unemployment typically means they will seek re-employment comparative to the same job skills," says Catherine Seeber, senior financial adviser at Wescott Financial Advisory Group in Philadelphia. "The problem is, they aren't equipped to compete with the younger, more socially savvy job seeker, and employers aren't eager to 'pay the price' for the experience."

For some, the very health issues that prompted early retirement in the first place limit their ability to work.

3. You'll regret buying that second home.

A dream of some retirees is to buy a second home to live in part time, and eventually sell their primary home. The advice from advisers: don't. "Our experience with the second home has generally been that they are expensive, a hassle and a mistake," says Neil Hokanson, a financial adviser in Solana Beach, Calif. "Clients could stay at the Ritz-Carlton when they go to their second-home area for far less, and with none of the hassle of frozen pipes, neighbor disputes, volatile housing values."

That challenge gets magnified as retirees age and become less able to take care of one house, never mind two.

4. Medicare doesn't cover what you think it does.

It's no secret that health costs are a major burden, but many people wrongly assume that once they pass 65, Medicare will be there to deal with the problem.

Not even close. Traditional Medicare, the federal health insurance program, covers on average just 48% of an enrollee's health costs, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

There are routine costs Medicare generally doesn't cover, such as eyeglasses and hearing aids. Dental care, where it's easy to rack up bills totaling thousands of dollars for a root canal, isn't covered. Retirees still have to pay deductibles, which when dealing with a chronic or serious illness can quickly run up the tab.

The biggest problem: Medicare doesn't cover the cost of a long-term-care facility or of home health-care aides. Shirley Whitenack, an elder-care attorney in Florham Park, N.J., says many retirees need a Medicare supplemental insurance policy, otherwise known as Medigap.

According to Kaiser, the average Medigap premium was $2,200 a year in 2010. But premiums vary by age. At 80, beneficiaries paid 52% more than 65-year-olds. "It is important to budget the cost of a Medigap policy in the retirement years," Ms. Whitenack says. Even then, she notes, Medigap policies won't cover nursing-home care.

5. Your budget is unrealistic.

A major part of retirement planning is figuring out how much money you'll need. This usually focuses on generating the income needed to sustain a particular standard of living. Many people work on the assumption that they will spend less when they're no longer working.

It's true lower taxes and the end of retirement-account contributions usually reduce income needs. But many advisers say retirees don't account for the general rise in out-of-pocket spending, especially when retirees are young and healthy.

"They have more time to go out, shop and travel," says Heather Locus, a financial adviser at Balasa Dinverno Foltz, in Itasca, Ill. The risk then becomes putting a hole in a nest egg that can't be repaired.

The key, she says, is building extra room into the budget. "We try to offset this by helping our clients get a good idea of their spending the past few years before retirement and then adjusting for increased travel or hobby expenses."

And then later in life, they allow for higher medical costs in a plan, she says.
Generally good stuff, although not too sure on some of the supporting information for point #5.

Obviously it is difficult to quantify accurately but Ty Bernicke made a go at it awhile back using data from the consumer expenditure survey and found that despite increased medical costs spending does in fact go down in retirement.

Linky to his paper =

He does acknowledge some major holes in his game, especially long term care costs since a person in a nursing home is unlikely to participate in a survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Who knows, I sure don't since not retired yet but am pulling the plug end of this year or early next and am leaving lots of buffer in the spending model just in case.
But isn't it the government's responsibility to take care of all my needs? :eusa_whistle:

Only if you're a Democrat who supports their agenda.

If not, you just get to pay for it.
The best plan is to pay off one's house, save as much as possible, and keep the overhead low - IMO.
The unfortunate thing is, most people see retirement as some great everlasting vacation til death, but it's because most people work to pay the bills, rather than enjoy their vocation.

When I finally "retire" I'll probably be doing the same things I am doing now and discovering new ways to stimulate my brain.
I'm old enough to be on Medicare. I started retiring about seven years ago and plan to be fully retired around age 80. I put in about thirty hours a week at my office. I work for my son who now runs the businesses.

When I started to retire, I began offloading all the things at work I did not like doing. I'm left with what I enjoy and what no one else can do as easily (research and litigation mainly). My work is driven by what I want to do more than anything else and the stress level has gone down dramatically.

Financially, I have always lived modestly and am very comfortable on spending about $52k a year, which is substantially less than my income. Like anyone else, I am one major medical crisis away from insolvency, but that one would have to be bigger than most.

If I did one thing right, it was succession planning in the business. Thirty years of running a business did not make me rich, but it did allow me the freedom to retire at a time and in conditions of my choosing, and to pass on the business inside the family. Everything considered, running my own business turned out far better for me than any job I ever could have attained, and I passed up some fairly lucrative offers over the years.

Retirement should not be a different part of your life. There is nothing I do in retirement I passed up doing thirty years ago. Now I just do it with grandchildren rather than the kids. I think it is the height of folly to work at something you detest, risk an early death, and neglect your family and your inner life for the sake of some elusive financial security. No amount of money when you are seventy will compensate you for time you should have spent with your spouse and children, or the money to provide the housing, education, opportunities, and experiences your family deserves.
If I had to give younger me two points of advice (or I guess anyone who will listen) it would be:
1. Live under your means
2. Read item #1 again

So many other aspects of successful personal finance just fall into place more easily over time if you live just under your means.
The best plan is to pay off one's house, save as much as possible, and keep the overhead low - IMO.

Exactly, but most people don't even do that much.

They think Social Security and Medicaid will take care of everything; they are ion for a shock.
I'm old enough to be on Medicare. I started retiring about seven years ago and plan to be fully retired around age 80. I put in about thirty hours a week at my office. I work for my son who now runs the businesses.

When I started to retire, I began offloading all the things at work I did not like doing. I'm left with what I enjoy and what no one else can do as easily (research and litigation mainly). My work is driven by what I want to do more than anything else and the stress level has gone down dramatically.

Financially, I have always lived modestly and am very comfortable on spending about $52k a year, which is substantially less than my income. Like anyone else, I am one major medical crisis away from insolvency, but that one would have to be bigger than most.

If I did one thing right, it was succession planning in the business. Thirty years of running a business did not make me rich, but it did allow me the freedom to retire at a time and in conditions of my choosing, and to pass on the business inside the family. Everything considered, running my own business turned out far better for me than any job I ever could have attained, and I passed up some fairly lucrative offers over the years.

Retirement should not be a different part of your life. There is nothing I do in retirement I passed up doing thirty years ago. Now I just do it with grandchildren rather than the kids. I think it is the height of folly to work at something you detest, risk an early death, and neglect your family and your inner life for the sake of some elusive financial security. No amount of money when you are seventy will compensate you for time you should have spent with your spouse and children, or the money to provide the housing, education, opportunities, and experiences your family deserves.

Well, that is a personal choice. I planned to work till I couldn't do it any more, which I had presumed would be in my 80s, lol, but my back went bad and here I am on disability.

As your body ages it can do its own thing without consulting your schedule.
I haven't planned
I'll never retire
I'll die broke

But happy :D

I am hoping that you are joking, but that seems to be the predominate plan most are using.

I've lived through and survived more than a few cycles of poverty in my time.
It ain't no thang.
The more you face down an adversary, the less fear in your heart.

My goal in life is to assure that my children are on solid ground. Beyond that, nothing matters. :thup:
I haven't planned
I'll never retire
I'll die broke

But happy :D

I am hoping that you are joking, but that seems to be the predominate plan most are using.

I've lived through and survived more than a few cycles of poverty in my time.
It ain't no thang.
The more you face down an adversary, the less fear in your heart.

My goal in life is to assure that my children are on solid ground. Beyond that, nothing matters. :thup:

Well, all and good but I do hope that you get along with them very well.

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