Five things that white people like doing that will always make me laugh lol


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
Walking alone in the cemetery

Jogging or riding a bike in the rain

Eating outside in cold weather

Ordering Amazon packages and not tracking them and letting them sit in the lobby for days to get stolen

Texting and walking the dog at the same time
The first 3, I've done, and didn't mind doing, as well as sometimes enjoyed.

As far as ordering Amazon? I check the tracking on a daily basis from the time I get a "your item has shipped" notification until the day it arrives. Not only do I think it's kinda cool that I can keep tabs on my shipment, but I also don't want porch pirates stealing my stuff.

As far as texting and walking a dog? I don't text unless I have a place where I can stop and be out of the way. I've watched too many funny videos of people walking into things, falling into water, etc. while texting, so I don't do it myself so as to avoid going viral.
Walking alone in the cemetery

Jogging or riding a bike in the rain

Eating outside in cold weather

Ordering Amazon packages and not tracking them and letting them sit in the lobby for days to get stolen

Texting and walking the dog at the same time

Things that make me sad.....

Black Americans voting for the democrat party....the party that owned black humans as slaves, keeps black children from being educated, and creates generational poverty, crime and death in black communities in the cities controlled by the democrat party...

Young black men, with no hope for the future because the democrat party destroyed their chances at an education, shooting each other every day in democrat party controlled cities......

Black children raised in fatherless homes because of the democrat party "Great Society."

Black Americans who see their children murdered in gang violence because the democrat party has destroyed their chance at an education, leading to drug addiction, generational crime and poverty.........

Black Americans who think the Republicans, who freed blacks from democrat party slavery and supported the Civil Rights movement as the democrat party fought against it until the very end......are the they continue to vote for the democrat party, the slave owning, kkk, jim crow party...
Walking alone in the cemetery

Jogging or riding a bike in the rain

Eating outside in cold weather

Ordering Amazon packages and not tracking them and letting them sit in the lobby for days to get stolen

Texting and walking the dog at the same time
I've only done one of those with my cracker ass.
Walking alone in the cemetery

Jogging or riding a bike in the rain

Eating outside in cold weather

Ordering Amazon packages and not tracking them and letting them sit in the lobby for days to get stolen

Texting and walking the dog at the same time

LOL...never walked around in a cemetery.
I avoid the rain.
I dont eat outside in cold weather unless I have no choice. Like deer hunting.
I live in a house in a gated community and my packages are left on my porch.
I dont do a lot of texting period.

I find blacks penchant for driving around with broken tail lights,and expired inspection stickers while smoking weed rather strange.
I dont get why blacks sit on the front porch drinking 40's and smoking weed in front of everyone and their dog.
I dont understand why blacks are so loud in restaurants like a pack of monkey's.
I could give you more but I dont feel like wasting anymore time.....
I will add this one in parting...
I dont understand why blacks cant just get a job rather than relying on an EBT card.
for the longest it was 710. I dont even look at it no more
Hey man, if you could buy a little house (in good shape) (cuz Lord knows you ain't no fixer-upper)

And pay mortgage instead of rent and maybe do some but not all maintenance-man type things, you would be better off financially.

Also you would be building wealth.
Walking alone in the cemetery

Jogging or riding a bike in the rain

Eating outside in cold weather

Ordering Amazon packages and not tracking them and letting them sit in the lobby for days to get stolen

Texting and walking the dog at the same time

How you know they walking around in the cemetery? one of your hang out spots? that seems kinda funny to me ..... anyway, they're probably there to pay respects to someone, or be close to someone they lost.
not exactly a group function unless theres a funeral.

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