Fixing Inequality

The utopia believers will always think that 'inequality' can be fixed by government.. it is a myth they fully believe

Actually it is not really a hope in a utopia but a fear of dystopia that would result from 4 more decades of unchecked growth in income inequality.

Although you probably don't even know what the income inequality problem is.

Actually neither do you.
It would be a problem IF we had true poverty like there is in India. We don't. Our poor are inordinately comfortable. They don't go without. They don't suffer the misery of poverty but the misery of envy.

It leads to more dependence on government which is inefficient. It leads to more people out of work or underemployed which is inefficient. It leads to problems with communities that implode in on themselves as jobs go away. It leads to more people in prison. It leads to problems with our education system. I can go on but I hope you get the point.

For ones like you wish to allow dependence on government.. instead of eliminating programs that lead to that very dependence, rather than having people keep to their own responsibilities and be forced to work them out all on their own.. this is not a job for the federal government, in any way, shape, or form

You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?
It leads to more dependence on government which is inefficient. It leads to more people out of work or underemployed which is inefficient. It leads to problems with communities that implode in on themselves as jobs go away. It leads to more people in prison. It leads to problems with our education system. I can go on but I hope you get the point.

For ones like you wish to allow dependence on government.. instead of eliminating programs that lead to that very dependence, rather than having people keep to their own responsibilities and be forced to work them out all on their own.. this is not a job for the federal government, in any way, shape, or form

You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

Wrong, bigger government is the cause of income inequality, not the result of it.

why do you libs always have everything backwards? :cuckoo:
For ones like you wish to allow dependence on government.. instead of eliminating programs that lead to that very dependence, rather than having people keep to their own responsibilities and be forced to work them out all on their own.. this is not a job for the federal government, in any way, shape, or form

You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

Wrong, bigger government is the cause of income inequality, not the result of it.

why do you libs always have everything backwards? :cuckoo:
They were breach birthed as babies? I dunno. It isn't that they don't know anything. It's that everything they know is wrong.


by Peter Morici 15 Jan 2014 50 post a comment

Inequality is replacing the American dream, because the U.S. economy--thanks to Washington’s mismanagement--is underperforming.

America still produces one fifth of the world’s goods and services, but accounts for a much smaller share of global growth. Many U.S. products are no longer the best in class. Consequently, the economy can’t adequately employ many of its college graduates, and wages are stagnant or falling for ordinary folks.

America still has great strengths. High labor productivity, coupled with rising wages in Asia, makes American workers a good value for global investors. There is cheaper energy, thanks to the onshore oil boom, that should attract new factories, but the promised flood of new jobs has only been a trickle.

To put it simply, the bureaucratic quagmire created by complex and ineffective business regulations makes it easier to produce in Asia than in America. The highest corporate tax rates among major industrialized countries make the cost of investing here too high.

It is increasingly difficult to refine and efficiently move oil to California and the Northeast--gasoline costs too much in Monterrey as does heating oil in Massachusetts.

ALL of it here
Fixing Inequality

What's wrong with financial inequality?

We cant compete with China unless we start employing children and all demand for everyones wages to be lowered.

Since Americans dont want to live 15 to one apartment I am not jealous of the Chinese
For ones like you wish to allow dependence on government.. instead of eliminating programs that lead to that very dependence, rather than having people keep to their own responsibilities and be forced to work them out all on their own.. this is not a job for the federal government, in any way, shape, or form

You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

Wrong, bigger government is the cause of income inequality, not the result of it.

why do you libs always have everything backwards? :cuckoo:

That's funny. We have obamacare because the rich no longer give good benefits. So government makes a program. Corporate welfare.

We have so many people on welfare because the rich wanted more profits and shipped jobs overseas.

Social security and Medicare are huge because companies keep more profits and no longer give pensions and healthcare into retirement. More corporate welfare.

I could go on and on. More inequality equals more big government. Wake up.
You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

Wrong, bigger government is the cause of income inequality, not the result of it.

why do you libs always have everything backwards? :cuckoo:

That's funny. We have obamacare because the rich no longer give good benefits. So government makes a program. Corporate welfare.

We have so many people on welfare because the rich wanted more profits and shipped jobs overseas.

Social security and Medicare are huge because companies keep more profits and no longer give pensions and healthcare into retirement. More corporate welfare.

I could go on and on. More inequality equals more big government. Wake up.

All lies.

the vast majority of americans were happy with their healthcare policies

jobs went overseas because of unions and taxes, businesses could not survive in the US so they moved.

social security and medicare have nothing to do with corporate profits, where do you get this crap?
Wrong, bigger government is the cause of income inequality, not the result of it.

why do you libs always have everything backwards? :cuckoo:

That's funny. We have obamacare because the rich no longer give good benefits. So government makes a program. Corporate welfare.

We have so many people on welfare because the rich wanted more profits and shipped jobs overseas.

Social security and Medicare are huge because companies keep more profits and no longer give pensions and healthcare into retirement. More corporate welfare.

I could go on and on. More inequality equals more big government. Wake up.

All lies.

the vast majority of americans were happy with their healthcare policies

jobs went overseas because of unions and taxes, businesses could not survive in the US so they moved.

social security and medicare have nothing to do with corporate profits, where do you get this crap?

Right, the uninsured were very happy no doubt.

You mean they could not increase the pay of executives as quickly if they didn't move jobs. But they could have stayed here.

Companies used to give pensions and healthcare into retirement. Now that is unheard of. You don't think cutting these increased profits?

Sorry, but more inequality equals bigger government. It's a fact.
To put it simply, the bureaucratic quagmire created by complex and ineffective business regulations makes it easier to produce in Asia than in America. The highest corporate tax rates among major industrialized countries make the cost of investing here too high.

That is what happens when you let low life politicians regulate the economy.

That has been the pattern since 1890. Back them the wanted to regualte and finance the railroads. Which ones survived ?

The Great Northern Railway (reporting mark GN) was an American Class I railroad. Running from Saint Paul, Minnesota, to Seattle, Washington, it was the creation of 19th century railroad tycoon James J. Hill and was developed from the Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad. The Great Northern's (GN) route was the northernmost transcontinental railroad route in the U.S.

The Great Northern was the only privately funded — and successfully built — transcontinental railroad in U.S. history. No federal land grants were used during its construction, unlike all other transcontinental railroads. The Great Northern also fell victim to the deadliest avalanche in U.S. history at the site of the defunct town of Wellington, Washington."

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And here we go again.

Thread after thread, post after post. God knows how many at this point in time.

Still the question asked over and over remains unanswered, What problem or issue is it that needs to be solved by government because someone is paid $8 hr to push a broom and empty waste baskets and the CEO receives $50 mil in salary and bonuses?
It leads to more dependence on government which is inefficient. It leads to more people out of work or underemployed which is inefficient. It leads to problems with communities that implode in on themselves as jobs go away. It leads to more people in prison. It leads to problems with our education system. I can go on but I hope you get the point.

For ones like you wish to allow dependence on government.. instead of eliminating programs that lead to that very dependence, rather than having people keep to their own responsibilities and be forced to work them out all on their own.. this is not a job for the federal government, in any way, shape, or form

You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

No.. ones like you that think that government's job is to try and fix inequality in outcome help to bring about bigger government... government cannot create equalized outcome without more and more limitations on freedom and more and more power... this has been tried and has (and will) failed every time


by Peter Morici 15 Jan 2014 50 post a comment

Inequality is replacing the American dream, because the U.S. economy--thanks to Washington’s mismanagement--is underperforming.

America still produces one fifth of the world’s goods and services, but accounts for a much smaller share of global growth. Many U.S. products are no longer the best in class. Consequently, the economy can’t adequately employ many of its college graduates, and wages are stagnant or falling for ordinary folks.

America still has great strengths. High labor productivity, coupled with rising wages in Asia, makes American workers a good value for global investors. There is cheaper energy, thanks to the onshore oil boom, that should attract new factories, but the promised flood of new jobs has only been a trickle.

To put it simply, the bureaucratic quagmire created by complex and ineffective business regulations makes it easier to produce in Asia than in America. The highest corporate tax rates among major industrialized countries make the cost of investing here too high.

It is increasingly difficult to refine and efficiently move oil to California and the Northeast--gasoline costs too much in Monterrey as does heating oil in Massachusetts.

ALL of it here
Fixing Inequality

Breitbart? Doesn't anyone even think of using non-partisan resources for their news? I guess not.
The problem is the income growth is staying at the top. Wages are flat. Who determines wages? Who helped create this mess by shipping jobs out of the country?

Diamond Dave thinks "The only ones responsible for 'fixing inequality' are those who feel that they are not getting what they want or deserve..."
Surely Dave jests.
So it's the workers fault and the government's fault, right?
Yet, as productivity grew wages fell way behind. Yet when profits grew, wages remained generally flat. As taxes on Capital Gains and Dividends dropped, shipping jobs offshore grew. This all happened under deregulating Republicans and regulating Democrats.
The bottom line is this is not only hurting the US's most populated sector (the middle class/poor working classes, it's hurting the economy of America!
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S.
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. - Forbes

Below are three charts dealing with worker productivity and wage growth, profit growth versus wage growth in Real Dollars and the off-shoring of American jobs.

"Who helped create this mess by shipping jobs out of the country?"

All this started with NAFTA. We can thank Bubba for that.
You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

Wrong, bigger government is the cause of income inequality, not the result of it.

why do you libs always have everything backwards? :cuckoo:

That's funny. We have obamacare because the rich no longer give good benefits. So government makes a program. Corporate welfare.

We have so many people on welfare because the rich wanted more profits and shipped jobs overseas.

Social security and Medicare are huge because companies keep more profits and no longer give pensions and healthcare into retirement. More corporate welfare.

I could go on and on. More inequality equals more big government. Wake up.

So you must force people to give what you want.. got it

Inequality can't be fixed except by an incredible amount of tyranny. Freedom and equality are mutually exclusive terms.

Income inequality doesn't need fixing. Those who are pushing for it looks on Lenin or Mao as their idols, chanting "forward" and waving hammer and sickle flags. Didn't we learn how that ended?
We cant compete with China unless we start employing children and all demand for everyones wages to be lowered.

Since Americans dont want to live 15 to one apartment I am not jealous of the Chinese

You no savvy Econ 101, eh?

State your meaning bro

If you think we need to lower wages to compete with China you don't know diddly about economics. Actually even if you dont think that you dont know diddly. You prove it every time you post on the topic.
There is nothing that guarantees, nor that should guarantee, that you can only be so far behind person x or set of persons y....

The income inequality problem is that you feel that what others earn or collect prevents you from gaining more yourself.. and that because others have succeeded, they deserve to be treated unequally by government to make up for your personal difficulties earning or collecting in your personal life

Thanks for demonstrating clearly to me and everyone else that you don't know what the income inequality problem is just like I predicted.

There are a lot of reasons why any individual person in the bottom 10% of income would be there and why the person that is in the top .01% is where they are. I am not interested in any of them really. I am interested in macro economic trends that impact large markets over time which in turn shape a nation.

For example if there is a capital flow imbalance into the US of lets say $100 billion a year I know that will impact our economy. I know it will impact the labor market that is competitive with foreign labor. I know it will make capital more available which will help financial institutions and increase debt. I know that over time it will result in growing income inequality. I also know that if the labor market is eroded enough the nation will stagnate just like it has.

You consider it a problem. when in fact it is an essential part of freedom.. you think it is something the government must control for the sake of the ones you FEEL sorry for... it is not

Chinese manipulation of the USD is an essential part of freedom?

I am sorry but your position is naïve and ignorant.
The utopia believers will always think that 'inequality' can be fixed by government.. it is a myth they fully believe

Actually it is not really a hope in a utopia but a fear of dystopia that would result from 4 more decades of unchecked growth in income inequality.

Although you probably don't even know what the income inequality problem is.

Actually neither do you.

If you say so chief.

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