Fixing Inequality

You can prove me wrong any time now, sweetheart.

I provided more proof than you did, Buttercup.

You haven't provided any proof. Hell, you've never stated what the problem is.
And you're not my type anyway.

Ugh, posters like you are so tedious. Go back and read my posts or not. Say something worth responding to or not. Either way I don't really care. I am done responding to nothing.
How about we just create a VAT to replace the corp tax and provide some minimal incentives for domestic labor.

The biggest problem with our corp tax is how it relates to foreign trade.

Wow stunningly wrong. VATs never work. ALl the Euro countries started off with VATs of 2-3% and are now up to about 20%.
The biggest problem with the corp tax rate is that it is higher than all of our competitors, and it applies to money earned overseas.
How about a flat tax to replace most of this?

A VAT is fairly similar to a flat tax in concept. They are also similar to sales taxes or gross income taxes. All of the ideas are based on shifting away from a tax that focuses on production towards one that focuses on consumption. The benefit of a consumption based tax is that it would be relatively neutral to the location of the producer. The credit tied to labor would shift that a bit.

Europe relies heavily on the VAT to fund everything from education to healthcare AFAIK. The US uses a lot of different taxes, corp, sales, income(state/fed/FICA), property, payroll, etc. I would only want the VAT to replace the corp and sales taxes in the US.
I provided more proof than you did, Buttercup.

You haven't provided any proof. Hell, you've never stated what the problem is.
And you're not my type anyway.

Ugh, posters like you are so tedious. Go back and read my posts or not. Say something worth responding to or not. Either way I don't really care. I am done responding to nothing.

Translation: No, I cannot state what's wrong with. I just know it has to be the case.
Yeah, I've read all your stupid posts and you never detail the problem.
How about we just create a VAT to replace the corp tax and provide some minimal incentives for domestic labor.

The biggest problem with our corp tax is how it relates to foreign trade.

The biggest problem are actually government's incentives for certain businesses. It's not government's purpose to chose winners and losers.

I am against VAT primarily because it would hurt States, but at this point I would accept pretty much anything that would replace federal taxing system we have now. How do you justify VAT if you don't know exactly how much tax you're really paying? And how do you apply VAT on services?
How about we just create a VAT to replace the corp tax and provide some minimal incentives for domestic labor.

The biggest problem with our corp tax is how it relates to foreign trade.

Wow stunningly wrong. VATs never work. ALl the Euro countries started off with VATs of 2-3% and are now up to about 20%.
The biggest problem with the corp tax rate is that it is higher than all of our competitors, and it applies to money earned overseas.
How about a flat tax to replace most of this?

A VAT is fairly similar to a flat tax in concept. They are also similar to sales taxes or gross income taxes. All of the ideas are based on shifting away from a tax that focuses on production towards one that focuses on consumption. The benefit of a consumption based tax is that it would be relatively neutral to the location of the producer. The credit tied to labor would shift that a bit.

Europe relies heavily on the VAT to fund everything from education to healthcare AFAIK. The US uses a lot of different taxes, corp, sales, income(state/fed/FICA), property, payroll, etc. I would only want the VAT to replace the corp and sales taxes in the US.

That's sweet.
The VAT is OK in theory. In practice it creates a huge bureaucracy that is of course unaccountable that issues rulings that companies scramble to game. Sales taxes are state/local phenomena for the msot part, so a VAT could not replace them. The VAT is nothing like a flat tax, but more like a Fair Tax.
Ame®icano;8473508 said:
How about we just create a VAT to replace the corp tax and provide some minimal incentives for domestic labor.

The biggest problem with our corp tax is how it relates to foreign trade.

The biggest problem are actually government's incentives for certain businesses. It's not government's purpose to chose winners and losers.

I am against VAT primarily because it would hurt States, but at this point I would accept pretty much anything that would replace federal taxing system we have now. How do you justify VAT if you don't know exactly how much tax you're really paying? And how do you apply VAT on services?

The only incentive in place is one for labor. Something that can be adjusted based on the needs of the economy at any point in time. It is not the same as picking winners and losers which tends to focus tax benefits to certain companies.

The VAT is not perfect and they are not all built exactly the same but I would prefer a simple one.
Wow stunningly wrong. VATs never work. ALl the Euro countries started off with VATs of 2-3% and are now up to about 20%.
The biggest problem with the corp tax rate is that it is higher than all of our competitors, and it applies to money earned overseas.
How about a flat tax to replace most of this?

A VAT is fairly similar to a flat tax in concept. They are also similar to sales taxes or gross income taxes. All of the ideas are based on shifting away from a tax that focuses on production towards one that focuses on consumption. The benefit of a consumption based tax is that it would be relatively neutral to the location of the producer. The credit tied to labor would shift that a bit.

Europe relies heavily on the VAT to fund everything from education to healthcare AFAIK. The US uses a lot of different taxes, corp, sales, income(state/fed/FICA), property, payroll, etc. I would only want the VAT to replace the corp and sales taxes in the US.

That's sweet.
The VAT is OK in theory. In practice it creates a huge bureaucracy that is of course unaccountable that issues rulings that companies scramble to game. Sales taxes are state/local phenomena for the msot part, so a VAT could not replace them. The VAT is nothing like a flat tax, but more like a Fair Tax.


Is the irony intentional?
That's funny. We have obamacare because the rich no longer give good benefits. So government makes a program. Corporate welfare.

We have so many people on welfare because the rich wanted more profits and shipped jobs overseas.

Social security and Medicare are huge because companies keep more profits and no longer give pensions and healthcare into retirement. More corporate welfare.

I could go on and on. More inequality equals more big government. Wake up.

All lies.

the vast majority of americans were happy with their healthcare policies

jobs went overseas because of unions and taxes, businesses could not survive in the US so they moved.

social security and medicare have nothing to do with corporate profits, where do you get this crap?

Right, the uninsured were very happy no doubt.

You mean they could not increase the pay of executives as quickly if they didn't move jobs. But they could have stayed here.

Companies used to give pensions and healthcare into retirement. Now that is unheard of. You don't think cutting these increased profits?

Sorry, but more inequality equals bigger government. It's a fact.

Many were uninsured by choice, the govt could have given a free policy to the uninsured and it would have cost billions less than obamacare

Executive pay is not the reason there is no textile industry in the USA any more. Nor is it the reason there is no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA. executive pay is not why Detroit is a hellhole--------------------unions, taxes, and liberal govt are the reasons.

No pension plans? have you heard of 401K accounts? do you realize that employers put money into them?
Ame®icano;8473336 said:
I understand you have taken Zingers 101 but explain how we can make cheaper products without lowering wages.

When you come back with another set up 80's insults I'll know you have nothing

Why not simply lower taxes on businesses?

Well they would just funnel it to the executives.

I'd give lower taxes to companies who provide good wages, retirement, and benefits. Heck any business doing that could pay no taxes. Would be better than all the corporate welfare.

are you 12 years old? only a child could be that naive.
A VAT is fairly similar to a flat tax in concept. They are also similar to sales taxes or gross income taxes. All of the ideas are based on shifting away from a tax that focuses on production towards one that focuses on consumption. The benefit of a consumption based tax is that it would be relatively neutral to the location of the producer. The credit tied to labor would shift that a bit.

Europe relies heavily on the VAT to fund everything from education to healthcare AFAIK. The US uses a lot of different taxes, corp, sales, income(state/fed/FICA), property, payroll, etc. I would only want the VAT to replace the corp and sales taxes in the US.

That's sweet.
The VAT is OK in theory. In practice it creates a huge bureaucracy that is of course unaccountable that issues rulings that companies scramble to game. Sales taxes are state/local phenomena for the msot part, so a VAT could not replace them. The VAT is nothing like a flat tax, but more like a Fair Tax.


Is the irony intentional?
There was no irony.
You planning on explaining why you think income inequality is a problem that demands a gov't solution or should we just take your word?
That's sweet.
The VAT is OK in theory. In practice it creates a huge bureaucracy that is of course unaccountable that issues rulings that companies scramble to game. Sales taxes are state/local phenomena for the msot part, so a VAT could not replace them. The VAT is nothing like a flat tax, but more like a Fair Tax.


Is the irony intentional?
There was no irony.
You planning on explaining why you think income inequality is a problem that demands a gov't solution or should we just take your word?

like all liberals, he just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels like it is "unfair". But just don't make rich liberals participate. After all, Oprah needs her billions because she is one of them.
Ame®icano;8473336 said:
Why not simply lower taxes on businesses?

Well they would just funnel it to the executives.

I'd give lower taxes to companies who provide good wages, retirement, and benefits. Heck any business doing that could pay no taxes. Would be better than all the corporate welfare.

are you 12 years old? only a child could be that naive.

No, quite old actually. Please explain what is naive, I need a good laugh. Naive is thinking lowering taxes will fix inequality.
Well they would just funnel it to the executives.

I'd give lower taxes to companies who provide good wages, retirement, and benefits. Heck any business doing that could pay no taxes. Would be better than all the corporate welfare.

are you 12 years old? only a child could be that naive.

No, quite old actually. Please explain what is naive, I need a good laugh. Naive is thinking lowering taxes will fix inequality.

No one suggested it would.
Well they would just funnel it to the executives.

I'd give lower taxes to companies who provide good wages, retirement, and benefits. Heck any business doing that could pay no taxes. Would be better than all the corporate welfare.

are you 12 years old? only a child could be that naive.

No, quite old actually. Please explain what is naive, I need a good laugh. Naive is thinking lowering taxes will fix inequality.

There will always be inequality in income--always has been, always will be. Just as you or I will never be an NFL quaterback. Some people have more talents and/or marketable skills than others, some work harder, some are luckier.

We already have a progressive taxation system that punishes success.

What we need is a growing economy that creates jobs for everyone and gives everyone the chance for advancement. A huge oppressive expensive government is the cause of income inequality, not the cure for it.
That's sweet.
The VAT is OK in theory. In practice it creates a huge bureaucracy that is of course unaccountable that issues rulings that companies scramble to game. Sales taxes are state/local phenomena for the msot part, so a VAT could not replace them. The VAT is nothing like a flat tax, but more like a Fair Tax.


Is the irony intentional?
There was no irony.
You planning on explaining why you think income inequality is a problem that demands a gov't solution or should we just take your word?

It is inefficient and left unchecked it will undermine our Democracy. Possibly to the point of revolution.

Is that enough of a reason?
Well they would just funnel it to the executives.

I'd give lower taxes to companies who provide good wages, retirement, and benefits. Heck any business doing that could pay no taxes. Would be better than all the corporate welfare.

are you 12 years old? only a child could be that naive.

No, quite old actually. Please explain what is naive, I need a good laugh. Naive is thinking lowering taxes will fix inequality.

Not directly, but lower taxes leaves more money in the economy for people to spend on consumer goods and for businesses to use for expansion and growth---all of which create jobs.
are you 12 years old? only a child could be that naive.

No, quite old actually. Please explain what is naive, I need a good laugh. Naive is thinking lowering taxes will fix inequality.

There will always be inequality in income--always has been, always will be. Just as you or I will never be an NFL quaterback. Some people have more talents and/or marketable skills than others, some work harder, some are luckier.

We already have a progressive taxation system that punishes success.

What we need is a growing economy that creates jobs for everyone and gives everyone the chance for advancement. A huge oppressive expensive government is the cause of income inequality, not the cure for it.

It is the degree of income inequality that is the problem. Our tax system is not that progressive. Income inequality slows down long term economic growth.

Is the irony intentional?
There was no irony.
You planning on explaining why you think income inequality is a problem that demands a gov't solution or should we just take your word?

It is inefficient and left unchecked it will undermine our Democracy. Possibly to the point of revolution.

Is that enough of a reason?

There is no income inequality is socialist totalitarian govts like north korea. Unless you are smart enough to realize that all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of "leaders" and everyone else is EQUALLY miserable.

you libs have not idea what you are asking for.
There was no irony.
You planning on explaining why you think income inequality is a problem that demands a gov't solution or should we just take your word?

It is inefficient and left unchecked it will undermine our Democracy. Possibly to the point of revolution.

Is that enough of a reason?

There is no income inequality is socialist totalitarian govts like north korea. Unless you are smart enough to realize the all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of "leaders" and everyone else is EQUALLY miserable.

you libs have not idea what you are asking for.

I am asking for the income inequality of the 70's or even the 80's.


No, quite old actually. Please explain what is naive, I need a good laugh. Naive is thinking lowering taxes will fix inequality.

There will always be inequality in income--always has been, always will be. Just as you or I will never be an NFL quaterback. Some people have more talents and/or marketable skills than others, some work harder, some are luckier.

We already have a progressive taxation system that punishes success.

What we need is a growing economy that creates jobs for everyone and gives everyone the chance for advancement. A huge oppressive expensive government is the cause of income inequality, not the cure for it.

It is the degree of income inequality that is the problem. Our tax system is not that progressive. Income inequality slows down long term economic growth.

total bullshit. your jealousy of successful people is all your rant is about.

Instead of crying about it, why not do something to increase your societal value and make more money?

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