Fixing the GOP Part 5- Changing the tone on Abortion


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Abortion used to be a winner issue for Republicans, but now it is a liability. For decades, they've used it to get working class whites to vote against their own economic interests, but now the issue is backfiring on them, as Akin and Murdouck can attest.

Not that I would call on them to give up their principles... Most sensible people would agree that less abortions would be a good thing. It's how you get there that makes the difference.

First and foremost, they need to learn to live with Roe v. Wade. On a practical matter, SCOTUS is never going to overturn that ruling. Not at this point. Only three justices would vote to overturn it (Scalia, Thomas and Alito). Kennedy clearly won't, and given the way he balked at overturning ObamaCare, I doubt Roberts would, either. Democrats will probably make the next two appointments.

But even if they did get their way, most states would pass abortion laws that reflect the status quo. And it would probably lead to more Democrats at the statehouse level.

Second, just like they need to stop sounding like racists when talking about immigration, they need to stop talking like misogynists when talking about this issue. The word "rape" should never be qualified with an adjective . And when a radio loudmouth starts calling a woman vile names for expressing her opinion on family planning, every elected Republican should denounce him when he does it. The very fact I have to write these sentences tells us just how off the tracks the GOP has gotten on this issue.

So once you've accomplished the first two, you get about the third one, which is, accepting you will always have some abortion, how do you have LESS abortions? Sadly, this would probably be the hardest pill to swallow. It would mean putting the needs of pregnant women above those of big corporations, to start with. It would mean real meaningful family and medical leave. It would mean common sense sex education in the schools. And, yes, it would mean embracing universal health care.

You can compare a country like the Philippines, where abortion is illegal, but 500-800K women have them regardless, or you can have a country like France, where abortion is legal, and the government pays for them, but they also pay for all those other things. As a result, France has half the per capita abortions that we do.

I guess it depends on what your goal really is, and if you really mean what you say.
Come on, no one had a comment on this?

Usually, you get the screaming folks who say Obama wants to smother babies or something...

Obama voted to withold medical care from a baby who survived a late term abortion. What kind of a monster would do that?
Come on, no one had a comment on this?

Usually, you get the screaming folks who say Obama wants to smother babies or something...

Obama voted to withold medical care from a baby who survived a late term abortion. What kind of a monster would do that?

He did nothing of the sort and you need to get your news somewhere other than "Whackadoodle times".

No "babies" survive late term abortions to start with. This law was another attempt by the crazy Christian Right to mess with abortion providers, which is why the IL Senate voted it down.

This is the kind of crazy talk you guys need to get away from. Any woman having a late abortion (not a "late term" abortion) is doing so because there is a damned good medical reason for doing so. You guys don't need to compound her agony by wagging a finger at her.
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Come on, no one had a comment on this?

Usually, you get the screaming folks who say Obama wants to smother babies or something...

Obama voted to withold medical care from a baby who survived a late term abortion. What kind of a monster would do that?

He did nothing of the sort and you need to get your news somewhere other than "Whackadoodle times".

No "babies" survive late term abortions to start with. The fetuses are terminated in teh womb and the medical waste removed.

He sure as hell did.
Obama voted to withold medical care from a baby who survived a late term abortion. What kind of a monster would do that?

He did nothing of the sort and you need to get your news somewhere other than "Whackadoodle times".

No "babies" survive late term abortions to start with. The fetuses are terminated in teh womb and the medical waste removed.

He sure as hell did.

No, he didn't. In fact, this is one the bills he voted "Present" on.
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A librul telling conservatives they have to condone slaughtering babies.. Unreal..

IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.... For those of us who support life.. it's one of the most important issues that we support.. NOTHING and NO ONE will ever change that.
A librul telling conservatives they have to condone slaughtering babies.. Unreal..

IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.... For those of us who support life.. it's one of the most important issues that we support.. NOTHING and NO ONE will ever change that.

Actually, you are being played for a Rube.

Roe v. Wade was decided by Republican Justices and upheld by Republican justices- repeatedly.

And the GOP establishment is already plotting ways of cutting you adrift.
Links to Barack Obama's votes on Illinois' Born Alive Infant Protection Act | Jill Stanek

Hussein Obama supported shelving babies who somehow made it through being chopped up alive in their mother's womb and were born in to this world, ALIVE, sliced up, crying.. Obama VOTED to shelve those babies, DENYING medical care.. allow them to die..

OBAMA MONSTER and those who support him..


Any fetus being aborted at that stage is already so seriously ill it wasn't going to survive under any circumstances.
Links to Barack Obama's votes on Illinois' Born Alive Infant Protection Act | Jill Stanek

Hussein Obama supported shelving babies who somehow made it through being chopped up alive in their mother's womb and were born in to this world, ALIVE, sliced up, crying.. Obama VOTED to shelve those babies, DENYING medical care.. allow them to die..

OBAMA MONSTER and those who support him..


Any fetus being aborted at that stage is already so seriously ill it wasn't going to survive under any circumstances.

Thanks for proving you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Links to Barack Obama's votes on Illinois' Born Alive Infant Protection Act | Jill Stanek

Hussein Obama supported shelving babies who somehow made it through being chopped up alive in their mother's womb and were born in to this world, ALIVE, sliced up, crying.. Obama VOTED to shelve those babies, DENYING medical care.. allow them to die..

OBAMA MONSTER and those who support him..


Any fetus being aborted at that stage is already so seriously ill it wasn't going to survive under any circumstances.

Thanks for proving you don't know wtf you're talking about.

He just talks out of his ass all the time. Just Wink and NOD.
Obama did not vote yes, because it did not support the right to legal abortion, like the fed law passed in 2002.
Links to Barack Obama's votes on Illinois' Born Alive Infant Protection Act | Jill Stanek

Hussein Obama supported shelving babies who somehow made it through being chopped up alive in their mother's womb and were born in to this world, ALIVE, sliced up, crying.. Obama VOTED to shelve those babies, DENYING medical care.. allow them to die..

OBAMA MONSTER and those who support him..


Any fetus being aborted at that stage is already so seriously ill it wasn't going to survive under any circumstances.

Thanks for proving you don't know wtf you're talking about.

That old toothless bastard is the face of liberalism.. "Fuck a dying baby.. it was going to die anyhow maybe."

The absolute sick and twisted mind of liberalism.
Obama did not vote yes, because it did not support the right to legal abortion, like the fed law passed in 2002.

Your hero supports abortion up through birth.. he sends American tax dollars overseas so they can slaughter their children too.. He loves the blood of babies.. it must really get him off to be sooooooooooooooooo pro-slaughter.. He's never seen an abortion he didn't like.
Links to Barack Obama's votes on Illinois' Born Alive Infant Protection Act | Jill Stanek

Hussein Obama supported shelving babies who somehow made it through being chopped up alive in their mother's womb and were born in to this world, ALIVE, sliced up, crying.. Obama VOTED to shelve those babies, DENYING medical care.. allow them to die..

OBAMA MONSTER and those who support him..


Any fetus being aborted at that stage is already so seriously ill it wasn't going to survive under any circumstances.

Thanks for proving you don't know wtf you're talking about.

So in BIzarro World, you really think that there are women who wait until the 8th month of a pregnancy, after they've decorated the nursery and picked out names, to say, "Awwww, fuck it, I'm getting an abortion."

I kind of suspect you've never been around any pregnant women since birth. Or women in general, for that matter.

Any fetus being aborted at that stage is already so seriously ill it wasn't going to survive under any circumstances.

Thanks for proving you don't know wtf you're talking about.

That old toothless bastard is the face of liberalism.. "Fuck a dying baby.. it was going to die anyhow maybe."

The absolute sick and twisted mind of liberalism.

I still have my teeth, thanks.

And frankly, for years and years, I fell for the "Rube-Bait" of caring about abortions.

Until I realized the plutocrats just use that as a distraction while they moved my Middle Class to China.

Do you really think there are women out there who wait until the 8th month to have an abortion?

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