"FJB" chant popping up everywhere across America, now featuring NFL games

I have some leftist friends of mine having deep regret right now. Not all leftists look at Biden with rose colored glasses thankfully.
The best I can get out the Leftest dingbats is that they are just glad Trump isn't President. They suffered from the mental illness of trump Derangement Syndrome and didn't take their medication as prescribed by the mental heal professionals.
NO....sorry sheep.......CNN, the google faggots, Zuckerberg and Dorsey made you believe he has been more consistent, they made you believe Trump mishandled it just like they made you believe Cuomo handled it better than anybody else.....Trump was simply "pro choice"......remember when you loved pro choice?
Further, sane people don't elect presidents for their message on a virus.

I think Trump was inconsistent in his message about Covid. He downplayed it, he was inconsistent on masks, he criticized Fauci. He politicized this entire thing.

We’re still seeing the divide between left and right when it comes to vaccines. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. I think Trump caused that. I prefer Biden over THAT.

You asked. I answered.

We disagree. Frankly, I prefer it that way.
Moonglow stupid fuck you really going to try and seriously tell us with a straight face this president drew 81 million votes and is the most popular president in mankind history sense Washington when these videos say otherwise thst he did not get thst many votes.better get off the crack your smoking,must suck being on thst desrrted island your on by yourself believing he got that many votes,a president who can’t even get more than a dozen to his rallies.:rofl:not even those two demonic mass murdering monsters and long time cousins bush and Obama drew this kind of hatred towards them. :rofl:
Flash their bosses from Langley would not pay them the big bucks for trolling they do if they told the truth thst Biden,errr Obama,has been the biggest disaster president in the history of mankind. :laughing0301: :rofl:

they should have been doing this for both bush and Obama ,they were mass murderers of women and children around the world but sense it did not affect them,they did not care,they only care now sense it affects them having to have a poison put into their body,it’s a sad disgusting world thst they did not care when bush and Obama were murdering women and children but now they only all of a sudden care cause it affects them with the poison shot,beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
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Especially as we all know the real cult here is the Left and the DNC. They are more organized into a cult like body than the KKK and the Mafia combined.

It is why they are all parrots.

“Pandemic of the unvaccinated”
”The rich must pay their fair share”
”Masks and Vax and lockdowns are the only solution to COVID”

A brain dead lefty communist cuck asshole faggot will WAIT to get their opinions from their puppet masters before they say anything about a topic.

They are the defintion of a cult for sure. Believe in everything they say all the time, or you will be personally attacked.
Trump was not a better choice.
Whatever makes you sleep at night trollboy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Trump never once said the vaccines need to be mandatory,he in fact said the hydroxychroline which cures miracles,needs to be distributed to the world and he was the most anti war president sense carter you stupid fuck.
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The best I can get out the Leftest dingbats is that they are just glad Trump isn't President. They suffered from the mental illness of trump Derangement Syndrome and didn't take their medication as prescribed by the mental heal professionals.
That is the way most of my leftists friends were, until Biden stepped in office. One friend, who doesn't keep up with the news much, still doesn't believe me when I tell him Biden put through an executive order for a vaccine mandate. I told him to do a quick web search and he will see. He doesn't think the left would do something like that.
They are the defintion of a cult for sure.

What other than a TRUE CULT, could put together over 50 organizations with millions of members working between both sides of the floor, between government, labor and industry, to collectively work together to sediciously rig and steal a national election?

Time Shadow Election Commission.png

And the idiot leftists here are such dopes that even after ADMITTING they stole the election, try to argue there is no proof it was stolen!

Stuttering Fuck.jpg
President Trump is incommunicado- totally deplatformed.

How can you be blaming him for this?

Maybe, the people are just showing their displeasure at Sleepy Joe?
Mac trollboy is just throwing a Hail Mary desperately grasping at all straws like all Biden lovers here to try and convince himself he did not fuck up by voting for Biden.
petro that is because these trollboys are throwing Hail Marys desperately living in denial mode trying to convince themselves they did not fuck up by voting for Biden. :rofl: :rofl: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Too arrogant to eat shit and own up to the fact they screwed up.they cannot refute the facts in these videos the op gave so in their desperate sad pathetic attempts to live in denial mode unable to deal with the truth they fucked up voting for Biden,err I mean Obama,they don’t want to address the facts the op gave in his videos the entire country hates o biden so they go into desperate evade mode changing a thread topic about biden to trump,sad children they are.
Just like Trump had to hide in the basement because he was so popular.
I remember Trump rallies plus his car and boat parades. Trump was damn popular and is still more popular than Joe Biden. You don’t hear crowds all over the nation chanting Fuck Donald Trump.

This rally was in Alabama.

This car parade was in Hawaii


Boat parade in Ft. Walton Beach. Fl.



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We'll certainly see, won't we? One thing we can guarantee....if the Republicans lose, they will cry foul and then go violent thug again.
You guys keep trying to turn the January 6th rowdy mob into one of the biggest events in the history of our nation. As big as 9/11. Do you realize how ridiculous that makes you look?

Nothing spells "loser" quite so succinctly as a massive weepy Trump cult hate-circlejerk.

Sorry you're that such sad commie losers, Trump cultists. I suggest you go service Putin and Xi some more. We know how that always cheers you up.

(Rhetorical question: Have whinier bitches than the Trump cult sore-losers ever walked the planet? Of course not.)
What other than a TRUE CULT, could put together over 50 organizations with millions of members working between both sides of the floor, between government, labor and industry, to collectively work together to sediciously rig and steal a national election?

And the idiot leftists here are such dopes that even after ADMITTING they stole the election, try to argue there is no proof it was stolen!
Cult loser weeping.

Cult boi there has no evidence for his insane weepy meltdown, but the cult told him to repeat it, so he repeats it. He literally doesn't care if it's true, he just obeys.

All of the Trump cultist are that gutless. It's what defines them. The Trump cult casts out any human who possesses a spine.
Moonglow stupid fuck you really going to try and seriously tell us with a straight face this president drew 81 million votes

Sweet Jeebus, you're stupid. And butthurt. Such a very, very butthurt sore-loser beeeeeyaaaaatch.

and is the most popular president in mankind history
It's true. Most Trump cultists literally are too stupid to understand population growth.
I remember Trump rallies plus his car and boat parades. Trump was damn popular and is still more popular than Joe Biden. You don’t hear crowds all over the nation chanting Fuck Donald Trump.

This rally was in Alabama.
View attachment 548745

This car parade was in Hawaii

View attachment 548748
Boat parade in Ft. Walton Beach. Fl.
View attachment 548755
View attachment 548754

these pics back up my video i posted here and is even more evidence trumps crowds were massive meanwhile when biden was campaining,people were making threads posting the dozen or so that would show up for his rallies.:abgg2q.jpg:

You guys keep trying to turn the January 6th rowdy mob into one of the biggest events in the history of our nation. As big as 9/11. Do you realize how ridiculous that makes you look?

resident paid shills like him are butthurt the entire country hates their idiol :abgg2q.jpg:

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