FJB chant rings out in left-wing Boston

Fuck, get over it sore loser. Try and have better message next time.

The message doesn't matter when you have a corrupt group allied against you. Imagine hunter xiden sells a painting for 500,000, the same as a Degat, and morons, like you, think that that is legit.

You corrupt pricks are all the same.
The message doesn't matter when you have a corrupt group allied against you. Imagine hunter xiden sells a painting for 500,000, the same as a Degat, and morons, like you, think that that is legit.

You corrupt pricks are all the same.

Yeah God forbid a son or daughter makes money off the family name. How un-American can you get.
Yeah God forbid a son or daughter makes money off the family name. How un-American can you get.

You were screaming through your teeth when it might have been a Trump kid. Now you're all "oh it's okay" (said in a morons voice). Your hypocrisy is duly noted.
You were screaming through your teeth when it might have been a Trump kid. Now you're all "oh it's okay" (said in a morons voice). Your hypocrisy is duly noted.
You got some posts of mine you want to share? Making money off the family name is the Trump business. I did post displeasure at the Trumpybear forcing his kids security clearance through. His party didn't give two hoots about that either.
You got some posts of mine you want to share? Making money off the family name is the Trump business. I did post displeasure at the Trumpybear forcing his kids security clearance through. His party didn't give two hoots about that either.

They are everywhere. Go fish....
You got some posts of mine you want to share? Making money off the family name is the Trump business. I did post displeasure at the Trumpybear forcing his kids security clearance through. His party didn't give two hoots about that either.
You America hating douche nozzles are getting more desperate and outlandish with your lies day by day. We knew Joe Biden was a fraud and so was his election when he first declared he was running for Senator, and told The American People, "I don't work for you!"

Every day the talking points get more and more outlandish. Like rats on a sinking ship of lies, you scramble on top of your fellow liars, to try to avoid drowning in your own lies.

Makes for great comedy. Almost as funny as Joe's shitty diaper.
The Biden Build Back Better plan is a movement, too.

A bowel movement.

On TV news a couple of nights ago a talking head said Biden is in the toilet with Indies.

This is the GOP's chance to take it all. But they really need to come up with some good, serious, capable candidates. Not more asshats like Trump and Taylor-Greene.

Only if you believe our current ultra- corrupt system is salvageable.
Today, I tend to think not!
You America hating douche nozzles are getting more desperate and outlandish with your lies day by day. We knew Joe Biden was a fraud and so was his election when he first declared he was running for Senator, and told The American People, "I don't work for you!"

Every day the talking points get more and more outlandish. Like rats on a sinking ship of lies, you scramble on top of your fellow liars, to try to avoid drowning in your own lies.

Makes for great comedy. Almost as funny as Joe's shitty diaper.

I'd say you've lost your grip on reality, but I'm pretty sure you never really had a grip in the first place.
Mommy…. why is that man screaming FUCK JOE BIDEN?

Because Republicans are assholes Honey
That's not how psychology works-------

It's more like why does everyone hate Biden? How did someone so hated all across the country win any elections? Peer pressure which the dems rely heavily on---isn't going to work when the peers are screaming Fuck Biden or Go Brandon as everyone watches our country crash and burn under terrorism, food and other shortages, the videos of allies murdered in Afghan, massive inflation, and soon to be freezing to death people because of Biden. Want to talk about assholes..
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That's not how psychology works-------

It's why does everyone hate Biden? How did someone so hated all across the country win any elections? Peer pressure which the dems rely heavily on---isn't going to work when the peers are screaming Fuck Biden as everyone watches our country crash and burn under terrorism, food and other shortages, the videos of allies murdered in Afghan, massive inflation, and soon to be freezing to death people because of Biden. Want to talk about assholes..
Republicans hate anyone who does not conform to their extremism

That is why they act so violently
"Biden LOST"......You mean President Biden....the current Chief Executive?
I mean the Fraud and Chinese Puppet Biden who is trying to destroy the US from within. Biden ain't president---and certainly ain't mine. I support his and his corrupt inept insane administration and congress removal.

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