Flakes for Biden

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.
The endless amount of shills foisted on Repub voters. Some Repub voters know are just that. Many go...many new ones come in. The Prog safety valve is alive and well.
Flake is the only one I have heard of and he was so useless in Congress he makes Bill De Blasio look like an effective leader.
Another success of Trump, getting globalist traitors out of the republicrat party. Perhaps by next year it will deserve to actually be refered to as The Republican Party and be more than token opposition to regressive leftwing globalist sociopaths.
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.
He is incredibly well-named.


Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as "MacCullem" absolutely shredded this worthless bit of flotsam.

Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as MacCullem absolutely shredded him.

Flake first tried to worm out of the situation by lying about Biden planning to be the most "progressive" president in history. Yet, Biden himself has said that’s what he wants to be. MacCullum nailed Flake on that. Flake’s deflection was to claim “this is a primary.” He claim Biden is lying to appease the far left. In reality, Biden has bragged about being the most "liberal" Senator in Congress.

Then MacCullum dropped the hammer, asking Flake exactly what policies Biden is pushing that he supports. He has no answer, instead stumbling around and talking about an immigration bill that went nowhere under Obama. She finally asks him about school choice, yet another area Flake says he disagrees with Biden. At that point, he admits that there will be many things he and “President Biden” disagree on but that he will have “reverence for our institutions.”
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.

Just think of all the GOP members who don't have the stones to stand up against this POS in the Oval Office.
They all have Trump's balls and tiny cock in their mouths.

Here's another GOP strategist who said fuck Trump.

His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.

Just think of all the GOP members who don't have the stones to stand up against this POS in the Oval Office.
They all have Trump's balls and tiny cock in their mouths.

Here's another GOP strategist who said fuck Trump.

View attachment 380150
Your ugly vulgarity reflects only on you.
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.

Trump is not putting America first. He is putting Trump first. Flake is showing that he has finally decided to come clean. Many moderates in Arizona will do the same thing.
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.
He is incredibly well-named.


Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as "MacCullem" absolutely shredded this worthless bit of flotsam.

Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as MacCullem absolutely shredded him.

Flake first tried to worm out of the situation by lying about Biden planning to be the most "progressive" president in history. Yet, Biden himself has said that’s what he wants to be. MacCullum nailed Flake on that. Flake’s deflection was to claim “this is a primary.” He claim Biden is lying to appease the far left. In reality, Biden has bragged about being the most "liberal" Senator in Congress.

Then MacCullum dropped the hammer, asking Flake exactly what policies Biden is pushing that he supports. He has no answer, instead stumbling around and talking about an immigration bill that went nowhere under Obama. She finally asks him about school choice, yet another area Flake says he disagrees with Biden. At that point, he admits that there will be many things he and “President Biden” disagree on but that he will have “reverence for our institutions.”

McCallum is another bimbo who uses bleach in her hair that softens the brain. If Fox were not so pro-Trump she wouldn't have a job.
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.
He is incredibly well-named.


Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as "MacCullem" absolutely shredded this worthless bit of flotsam.

Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as MacCullem absolutely shredded him.

Flake first tried to worm out of the situation by lying about Biden planning to be the most "progressive" president in history. Yet, Biden himself has said that’s what he wants to be. MacCullum nailed Flake on that. Flake’s deflection was to claim “this is a primary.” He claim Biden is lying to appease the far left. In reality, Biden has bragged about being the most "liberal" Senator in Congress.

Then MacCullum dropped the hammer, asking Flake exactly what policies Biden is pushing that he supports. He has no answer, instead stumbling around and talking about an immigration bill that went nowhere under Obama. She finally asks him about school choice, yet another area Flake says he disagrees with Biden. At that point, he admits that there will be many things he and “President Biden” disagree on but that he will have “reverence for our institutions.”

McCallum is another bimbo who uses bleach in her hair that softens the brain. If Fox were not so pro-Trump she wouldn't have a job.

Nobody who gets their news from CNN or MSLSD is qualified to judge anyone
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.

Trump is not putting America first. He is putting Trump first. Flake is showing that he has finally decided to come clean. Many moderates in Arizona will do the same thing.
Flake's a Flake, Fake News polls aside, AZ is Trump Country.

NEW CONSPIRACY THEORY: ANTIFA AND BLM ARE ACTUALLY WORKING FOR TRUMP. Trump roars to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats.

Demented Joe and The Ho get Zip, Zilch, Nada
“In a shock from past election years, Joe Biden got no convention poll bounce, according to a newly released Reuters/Ipsos poll.”

Black Americans lead the march back home to the Party that Freed Them, back home to the Republican Party.

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has soared to a new record high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters, at 52%.

“The president has just recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby in amazement.​

His approval rating among minorities was rock solid, Trump-Strong, with African Americans, shockingly high. 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.


With prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God. Good Schools, Safe Neighborhoods, a fair chance for their children and grandchildren. Trump can't do it by himself, he needs their prayers, and they will not waiver, they will not tire, they will not falter, and they will not fail.​

Approval among independent voters Trump is up, to 44%. And intriguingly, now even 23% of Democrats approve of Trump.

Last night @donlemon called for the rioting to end, not that he gives a damn about the assaults, the murders, the looting and the arson, no it's "because it's showing up in the polling." What polling? The media polling after the DNC Convention that was never released over the weekend. But yes, folks, it exists. You’re just not allowed to see it. Because it does NOT look good for these folks that cheer the mass violation of our rights by these Nazi Left Wing "Mostly Peaceful" Rioters.


Flake's a Flake, you can have him.

The Left-Wing fanned violence in cities such as Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon, are driving urban voters into the welcoming arms of Trump. Here in the Big Tent GOP, all are welcome, regardless of Sex, Race, Gender, Educational Attainment, Social Standing or anything else you can think of. You are welcome to voice your thoughts, confidentially state your views without fear of a cancelling, and while we may not agree with what you say or think, we would fight to the death for your right to freely say it and think it.

The basis of our Liberal Constitutional Democracy is the mutual securing of each others natural rights.

Happily Staring Down Eclipses, even the Left-Wing Rioters unwittingly work to turn voters to Trump!


“Are you trying to get Trump re-elected?” angry store worker in Kenosha, Wisconsin says after store windows shattered amid Jacob Blake protests.

How obvious was this reaction, we have been warning the blockheads since the riots started, three months ago, and now, suddenly even Dumb Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo, who is the dumbest of all the Cuomos, are starting to figure out the painfully obvious. Americans do NOT respond to the systematic violation of their rights by one side, by using their secret ballot to give them even more power! Who are the Dummies that are funding and coordinating these Nazi Brown Shirts who are just now starting to realize that?

Windows of businesses and residential buildings being smashed on University Avenue — which were not preemptively boarded up. A Papa John’s employee asks protesters, “Do you want Trump to be elected?”

For these folks, violence and destruction is its own reward. They won't stop even if they are shown beyond question that it is driving voters to Trump.
“Another factor continuing to help the president’s high approval rating is a rise in crime in our nation’s biggest cities. Unlike a year ago, the president is performing well with voters in large cities.
His law-and-order message makes deep sense with urban voters.
Trump’s focus on issues important to blacks, including the economy, jobs, and criminal justice reform, has boosted his support among the voting group that traditionally goes all-in for Democrat presidential candidates.

“The president is also improving his job approval numbers with African Americans and millennial African Americans, which is a trend we witnessed last year.
Trump has been persuasively making the case that he has done more for African American voters, by way of prison reform and previously low black unemployment, than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, both of whom increased incarceration among African Americans for generations on nonviolent drug charges.
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His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.

Trump is not putting America first. He is putting Trump first. Flake is showing that he has finally decided to come clean. Many moderates in Arizona will do the same thing.
Flake's a Flake, Fake News polls aside, AZ is Trump Country.

NEW CONSPIRACY THEORY: ANTIFA AND BLM ARE ACTUALLY WORKING FOR TRUMP. Trump roars to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats.

Semented Joe and The Ho get Zip, Zilch, Nada
“In a shock from past election years, Joe Biden got no convention poll bounce, according to a newly released Reuters/Ipsos poll.”

Black Americans lead the march back home to the Party that Freed Them, back home to the Republican Party.

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has soared to a new record high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters, at 52%.

“The president has just recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby in amazement.​

His approval rating among minorities was rock solid, Trump-Strong, with African Americans, shockingly high. 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.

View attachment 380295
With prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God. Good Schools, Safe Neighborhoods, a fair chance for their children and grandchildren. Trump can't do it by himself, he needs their prayers, and they will not waiver, they will not tire, they will not falter, and they will not fail.​

Approval among independent voters Trump is up, to 44%. And intriguingly, now even 23% of Democrats approve of Trump.

Last night @donlemon called for the rioting to end, not that he gives a damn about the assaults, the murders, the looting and the arson, no it's "because it's showing up in the polling." What polling? The media polling after the DNC Convention that was never released over the weekend. But yes, folks, it exists. You’re just not allowed to see it. Because it does NOT look good for these folks that cheer the mass violation of our rights by these Nazi Left Wing "Mostly Peaceful" Rioters.

Flake's a Flake, you can have him.

The Left-Wing fanned violence in cities such as Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon, are driving urban voters into the welcoming arms of Trump. Here in the Big Tent GOP, all are welcome, regardless of Sex, Race, Gender, Educational Attainment, Social Standing or anything else you can think of. You are welcome to voice your thoughts, confidentially state your views without fear of a cancelling, and while we may not agree with what you say or think, we would fight to the death for your right to freely say it and think it.

The basis of our Liberal Constitutional Democracy is the mutual securing of each others natural rights.

Happily Staring Down Eclipses, even the Left-Wing Rioters unwittingly work to turn voters to Trump!

View attachment 380306

“Are you trying to get Trump re-elected?” angry store worker in Kenosha, Wisconsin says after store windows shattered amid Jacob Blake protests.

How obvious was this reaction, we have been warning the blockheads since the riots started, three months ago, and now, suddenly even Dumb Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo, who is the dumbest of all the Cuomos, are starting to figure out the painfully obvious. Americans do NOT respond to the systematic violation of their rights by one side, by using their secret ballot to give them even more power! Who are the Dummies that are funding a coordinating these Nazi Brown Shirts who are just now starting to realize that?

Windows of businesses and residential buildings being smashed on University Avenue — which were not preemptively boarded up. A Papa John’s employee asks protesters, “Do you want Trump to be elected?”

For these folks, violence and destruction is its own reward. They won't stop even if they are shown beyond question that it is driving voters to Trump.
“Another factor continuing to help the president’s high approval rating is a rise in crime in our nation’s biggest cities. Unlike a year ago, the president is performing well with voters in large cities.
His law-and-order message makes deep sense with urban voters.
Trump’s focus on issues important to blacks, including the economy, jobs, and criminal justice reform, has boosted his support among the voting group that traditionally goes all-in for Democrat presidential candidates.

“The president is also improving his job approval numbers with African Americans and millennial African Americans, which is a trend we witnessed last year.
Trump has been persuasively making the case that he has done more for African American voters, by way of prison reform and previously low black unemployment, than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, both of whom increased incarceration among African Americans for generations on nonviolent drug charges.
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.
He is incredibly well-named.


Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as "MacCullem" absolutely shredded this worthless bit of flotsam.

Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as MacCullem absolutely shredded him.

Flake first tried to worm out of the situation by lying about Biden planning to be the most "progressive" president in history. Yet, Biden himself has said that’s what he wants to be. MacCullum nailed Flake on that. Flake’s deflection was to claim “this is a primary.” He claim Biden is lying to appease the far left. In reality, Biden has bragged about being the most "liberal" Senator in Congress.

Then MacCullum dropped the hammer, asking Flake exactly what policies Biden is pushing that he supports. He has no answer, instead stumbling around and talking about an immigration bill that went nowhere under Obama. She finally asks him about school choice, yet another area Flake says he disagrees with Biden. At that point, he admits that there will be many things he and “President Biden” disagree on but that he will have “reverence for our institutions.”

McCallum is another bimbo who uses bleach in her hair that softens the brain. If Fox were not so pro-Trump she wouldn't have a job.

Your reply doesn't really advance the discussion.
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.
He is incredibly well-named.


Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as "MacCullem" absolutely shredded this worthless bit of flotsam.

Martha MacCallum may be a rather pleasant individual during most of her time on TV, but she’s also not one to sit there and take someone’s nonsense. That tendency to ask tough questions came last night in her interview with Jeff Flake, as he was made to defend his rationale for endorsing Joe Biden.

What ensued was an a lot of stammering and stuttering as MacCullem absolutely shredded him.

Flake first tried to worm out of the situation by lying about Biden planning to be the most "progressive" president in history. Yet, Biden himself has said that’s what he wants to be. MacCullum nailed Flake on that. Flake’s deflection was to claim “this is a primary.” He claim Biden is lying to appease the far left. In reality, Biden has bragged about being the most "liberal" Senator in Congress.

Then MacCullum dropped the hammer, asking Flake exactly what policies Biden is pushing that he supports. He has no answer, instead stumbling around and talking about an immigration bill that went nowhere under Obama. She finally asks him about school choice, yet another area Flake says he disagrees with Biden. At that point, he admits that there will be many things he and “President Biden” disagree on but that he will have “reverence for our institutions.”

McCallum is another bimbo who uses bleach in her hair that softens the brain. If Fox were not so pro-Trump she wouldn't have a job.

Nobody who gets their news from CNN or MSLSD is qualified to judge anyone

You are a bad joke as is Fake News.
His name is appropriate. I honestly dont understand this, and I'm glad I dont. Trumo has put America first in every way. He is what I expect from ANY president. At least these Republicans are outing themselves.

Trump is not putting America first. He is putting Trump first. Flake is showing that he has finally decided to come clean. Many moderates in Arizona will do the same thing.
Flake's a Flake, Fake News polls aside, AZ is Trump Country.

NEW CONSPIRACY THEORY: ANTIFA AND BLM ARE ACTUALLY WORKING FOR TRUMP. Trump roars to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats.

Demented Joe and The Ho get Zip, Zilch, Nada
“In a shock from past election years, Joe Biden got no convention poll bounce, according to a newly released Reuters/Ipsos poll.”

Black Americans lead the march back home to the Party that Freed Them, back home to the Republican Party.

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has soared to a new record high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters, at 52%.

“The president has just recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby in amazement.​

His approval rating among minorities was rock solid, Trump-Strong, with African Americans, shockingly high. 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.

View attachment 380295
With prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God. Good Schools, Safe Neighborhoods, a fair chance for their children and grandchildren. Trump can't do it by himself, he needs their prayers, and they will not waiver, they will not tire, they will not falter, and they will not fail.​

Approval among independent voters Trump is up, to 44%. And intriguingly, now even 23% of Democrats approve of Trump.

Last night @donlemon called for the rioting to end, not that he gives a damn about the assaults, the murders, the looting and the arson, no it's "because it's showing up in the polling." What polling? The media polling after the DNC Convention that was never released over the weekend. But yes, folks, it exists. You’re just not allowed to see it. Because it does NOT look good for these folks that cheer the mass violation of our rights by these Nazi Left Wing "Mostly Peaceful" Rioters.

Flake's a Flake, you can have him.

The Left-Wing fanned violence in cities such as Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon, are driving urban voters into the welcoming arms of Trump. Here in the Big Tent GOP, all are welcome, regardless of Sex, Race, Gender, Educational Attainment, Social Standing or anything else you can think of. You are welcome to voice your thoughts, confidentially state your views without fear of a cancelling, and while we may not agree with what you say or think, we would fight to the death for your right to freely say it and think it.

The basis of our Liberal Constitutional Democracy is the mutual securing of each others natural rights.

Happily Staring Down Eclipses, even the Left-Wing Rioters unwittingly work to turn voters to Trump!

View attachment 380306

“Are you trying to get Trump re-elected?” angry store worker in Kenosha, Wisconsin says after store windows shattered amid Jacob Blake protests.

How obvious was this reaction, we have been warning the blockheads since the riots started, three months ago, and now, suddenly even Dumb Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo, who is the dumbest of all the Cuomos, are starting to figure out the painfully obvious. Americans do NOT respond to the systematic violation of their rights by one side, by using their secret ballot to give them even more power! Who are the Dummies that are funding and coordinating these Nazi Brown Shirts who are just now starting to realize that?

Windows of businesses and residential buildings being smashed on University Avenue — which were not preemptively boarded up. A Papa John’s employee asks protesters, “Do you want Trump to be elected?”

For these folks, violence and destruction is its own reward. They won't stop even if they are shown beyond question that it is driving voters to Trump.
“Another factor continuing to help the president’s high approval rating is a rise in crime in our nation’s biggest cities. Unlike a year ago, the president is performing well with voters in large cities.
His law-and-order message makes deep sense with urban voters.
Trump’s focus on issues important to blacks, including the economy, jobs, and criminal justice reform, has boosted his support among the voting group that traditionally goes all-in for Democrat presidential candidates.

“The president is also improving his job approval numbers with African Americans and millennial African Americans, which is a trend we witnessed last year.
Trump has been persuasively making the case that he has done more for African American voters, by way of prison reform and previously low black unemployment, than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, both of whom increased incarceration among African Americans for generations on nonviolent drug charges.

They are doing no such thing. The polls have shown little movement one way or another.

Arizona has a Democrat Senator and a majority Democrat House delegation. They are likely to expand that by picking up the other Senate seat and maybe expanding their US House majority. You need to quit looking at those fake polls. Worth noting that Trump has received no bounce. Through the 25th, the polls have shown no change. That is not surprising to say the least. Blacks, Asians. Muslims and women still strongly disapprove of Trump.

How do you know you are in trouble? When you have to cite Zogby. Zogby has not been relevant for decades. Urban voters are not being driven into the Trump column. You are dreaming as usual. Trump's law and order message is not bringing anyone home. Voters support police reform as well.

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