

Since 2010™
Jan 4, 2010
The latest GOP 2012-er to hop in, Newt Gingrich, gave his first speech as a candidate last night. Speaking to the Georgia Republican Party’s state-wide convention, Newt labeled President Obama the "foodstamp President", and stated that he wanted to be the "paycheck President".. Clever right? He continued by saying.. “we’re at the crossroads.. down one road is a European centralized bureaucratic socialist welfare system" and the other road is a “proud, solid reaffirmation of American exceptionalism.” Doesn't that just sound great? Guess what Newt, people haven't forgotton your record as a big spending Congressman..

Execellent article from Zaid Jilani on Gingrich and his speech:


The theme of Gingrich’s economic critique was clear and blunt: Democrats and progressives want to use government to stifle the economy and imagine a future of government dependency for everyone. Gingrich, on the other hand, believes in the free market and capitalism, which are the correct paths.

There’s one glaring problem with Gingrich’s narrative: as Speaker of the House of Representatives in the 1990′s, he himself was one of the most avid big spenders in the entire country, using government cash to enrich his district and lift it up to being one of the wealthiest in the country.

During his tenure in Congress, Gingrich represented large portions of Cobb County, Georgia. Cobb was a mostly-white district and largely suburban — completely different from the crude stereotypes Gingrich and others used to blast the welfare state, which were generally portrayed as minority-heavy urban environments. At the same time Gingrich was working with President Bill Clinton to cut back on spending for programs for the poorest Americans, Gingrich made Cobb one of the most subsidized districts in the entire country.

A 1996 article from New York Magazine notes this:

[Gingrich] represents Cobb County, a prosperous jurisdiction that ranks third among suburban counties in federal dollars returned per resident. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the federal government spent $4.4 billion in Cobb County in 1994, some $10,000 per resident, or nearly twice as much per capita as it spent in New York City.


So the next time you hear Gingrich deride government spending to improve the lives of Americans, know that he actually does believe in doing so — as long as it’s his own already-wealthy base.

FLASHBACK: As Gingrich Calls Obama A ‘Food Stamp President’, He Was One Of Biggest Spenders In Congress

Included in this article, was a video from the 90's, when filmmaker Michael Moore went to Cobb Country, to try to get them to give up their Federal $$.. Let's take a look at how that went down:


Newt is a prime example of how much the right likes to hate on the Federal Govt., but they sure like the funds they, or their district recieve from said entity.

By all means, be all for eliminating big government, but if you're gonna run on that, make sure you stay consistant with that message.. :thup:. Otherwise you're just a hypocrite.
Anyone older than 30 should know that the Slug is a spending freak
I am shocked.

A hypocritical politician!

Whatever is the country coming to?

*tsk, tsk, tsk*

Is there any that aren't?

There's plenty to discuss about other hypocritical positions, but I've always took issue with the Conservative mantra of.. Government is terrible!*

*Unless it benefits the rich.. or our district.. :thup:.

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