Ex-Trump Attorney Delivers Damning Warning Of 'Gravest Threat' Posed By Trump

Trump has no defense. That silly total immunity argument is not really meant to have merit but to delay, push the trial date back.
Trump's cult thinks Trump should have absolute immunity, of course they are also in favor of him being a dictator too.
They sure do. They have daddy issues. They long for the abusive father of their childhood.
You talking about Pedo Joe?

1/Cobb's a ridiculous hack.
Trump hired him. To work in the White House for him. As his lawyer.
You gotta admit....he has an eye for talent. Only the best.

(ps....in fairness, poster DragonLady has already made this point. But, whadahell, why not pile-on?)


They demonize Trump daily.
Ummm, not a heavy lift. IMO

if courts ever accept such nonsense that once any election in America is 'called' no one can dispute it because you'll be violating someone's civil rights.

Here's the real-world reality, poster excalibur: It depends on the nature of how one "disputes" an election. There are appropriate ways.....and some not so.

The DOJ and it's Special Counsel, and the Georgia DA, believe that Trump's actions and instructions fall in the "some-not-so" category.

So, we will have the courts decide. That is their function.
Was it proper and fitting? Was it criminal?
Leave it to CNN and Erin Burnett to find an ex Trump attorney that thinks he's a threat to Democracy. Lame. I can still remember when Erin Burnett was a happy, intelligent financial reporter. She seems to have gone the way of Whoppi Goldberg, another pissed off, disgruntled bitch. Back to MAGA.
No he's not correct.
He is.
And he won't be returning to the oval office.
Likely he will.
Watch what happens to him after the conventions.
You idiots have been predicting a trump return since the inaguration.
I can't speak for any other idiots, but Democrats have become so dangerously insane I now think Trump has a real chance.
Not going to happen.
Brace yourself for prosperity. :eek:
That's your response.
So it would seem. :)
1. If Ty Cobb is "such a hack", why did Trump hire him and keep him on the payroll so long. Trump only hires "the best people".
I'd been wondering when that old chestnut would re-appear.

TDS psychos scared the best people away with threats of destroying their lives, so DJ had to make do.
2. Democrats aren't under indictment and facing years in prison.
Not quite yet, no.
Trump is becoming unhinged and incredibily reckless in threatening everyone in sight.
Democrat projection.
Yesterday, he said he wanted the stock market to crash before the election, because he doesn't want to be "Herbert Hoover" and have it happen when he's President.
If he believes it's inevitable, this sounds reasonable; he does tend to say the quiet parts out loud. :)
Not only would Trump be the first President to be impeached twice
Witch hunts...
he'd be the first President to crash the economy twice.
Do you mean the Democrats burning the country down with their CovidScam?

But if Martians invade, that'll be Trump's fault too! :eek:

Orange Man BAD!!!!
This is the second time, that Joe Biden has rescued the US economy after a Republican President crashed it.
Wait - do you also believe in Santa Claus?

Asking for a red-nosed friend. :)
Joe is doing such a good job on the economy since taking office
Easter Bunny too?
Donald Trump is already taking credit for it.
DJ is SUCH a rascal! ;)
Donald Trump won't even be running for President.
I'd brace myself if I were you; prosperity is coming, and that is catastrophic, yes?
If he keeps running his mouth about declaring himself dictator, executing General Milley, and being the nation's "retribution", he won't even get the nomination, much less win the election.

Trump sounds crazier by the day, and the American people are realizing it.
Please don't harm yourself if things get too good to bear, okay? :)
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What a joke.
I'm here all week; did you know that when Chris Christie sits around the house...
Fact is that neither the Impeachment Judgement Clause nor any other provision of the Constitution precludes the prosecution of a former president.
Prosecute harder please.

More and more of The People are hating y'all more & more every day. :)
Trump is more popular than even

In America today, saying you're a democrat is like admitting you're a pedo.
They demonize Trump daily.
While true, it is also true Trump demonizes, me and my family and my friends, and democrats, and judges, and clerks, and prosecutors, and Joe Biden, and Republicans...DeSantis, Haley, RINOs, and other Americans and the United States of America, on a 24/7...daily basis.
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Save some of that hate for when Trump sits in jail

I'm not the boss of The People.

Sorry. :(

And as Joe Biden would say:

"The only thing we have to hate is, uh, the uh, thing - amafgsyshhyot. You know, record player. Uh hate. The only thing we have to hate is hate itself! Jill? Are you my sisterwife?"
While true, it is also true Trump demonizes, me and my family and my friends, and democrats, and judges, and clerks, and prosecutors, and Joe Biden, and Republicans...DeSantis, Haley, RINOs, and other Americans and the United States of America, on a 24/7...daily basis.
He does like to speak his mind.

SUCH a rascal. :)
It's not as if Cobb is the only person who has worked for Trump and feels his way.

Ask Trump's cabinet and staff, most of whom have made their negative opinions of him crystal clear. Unlike we have EVER seen before in a former President's cabinet and staff.


Oh yeah, that's right, they're all evil RINO Satan Hitler commies who are out to destroy America.

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