"Flattening The Curve" The Not So New Democrat Talking Point....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
"Flattening The Curve" The Not So New Democrat Talking Point....

I noticed this morning that this is the new democrat mantra after Cuomo and other Democrat governors have again started locking down their states. I asked myself what curve are they talking about? The curve they are referencing is the number of INFECTIONS.

IT appears that they think the public is so stupid that we will not check to see if the real measures of this COIVD virus are being affected. Hospitalization rates are not climbing and persons needing intervention has not gone up. This means that those who are becoming infected are the ones who are asymptomatic or have little problem with this virus.

Yesterday a panel of over 500 world renowned Epidemiologist sent a letter to the White House to explain why the US must reopen and do it now. They explained that we have a 99.8% survival rate with current medications and therapeutics and that further lockdowns only prolong the suffering and secondary consequences of the virus are more deadly than the deaths caused by the virus(suicides, loss of business, mental health, etc).

The epidemiologist's explain that now is the time to get people out and allow them to become infected before flu season sets in and people are cornered in their homes for prolonged periods during winter. Herd immunity is the only way to beat this virus and removing persons from the "burn" chain (lay matches close to one another and light the end, they will all burn in series but remove matches and the chain dies) is the bet way to protect the vulnerable.

Laura Ingraham had three of these world renowned epidemiologist on her show to explain how this needs to be done: The interview begins at 2:40 seconds:

It is stunning to see real science in action.. Over 1,000 medical professionals world wide have now signed on to this letter...
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"Flattening The Curve" The Not So New Democrat Talking Point....

I noticed this morning that this is the new democrat mantra after Cuomo and other Democrat governors have again started locking down their states. I asked myself what curve are they talking about? The curve they are referencing is the number of INFECTIONS.

IT appears that they think the public is so stupid that we will not check to see if the real measures of this COIVD virus are being affected. Hospitalization rates are not climbing and persons needing intervention has not gone up. This means that those who are becoming infected are the ones who are asymptomatic or have little problem with this virus.

Yesterday a panel of over 500 world renowned Epidemiologist sent a letter to the White House to explain why the US must reopen and do it now. They explained that we have a 99.8% survival rate with current medications and therapeutics and that further lockdowns only prolong the suffering and secondary consequences of the virus are more deadly than the deaths caused by the virus(suicides, loss of business, mental health, etc).

The epidemiologist's explain that now is the time to get people out and allow them to become infected before flu season sets in and people are cornered in their homes for prolonged periods during winter. Herd immunity is the only way to beat this virus and removing persons from the "burn" chain (lay matches close to one another and light the end, they will all burn in series but remove matches and the chain dies) is the bet way to protect the vulnerable.

Laura Ingraham had three of these world renowned epidemiologist on her show to explain how this needs to be done: The interview begins at 2:40 seconds:

It is stunning to see real science in action.. Over 1,000 medical professionals world wide have now signed on to this letter...

And yet the left continues to push their "were all gonna die" narrative, impose hysteria on millions of Americans, destroy our economy and millions of lives along with it. The lefts" believe the science" talking point only applies if the fake science being spewed reinforces their scare tactics.
"Flattening The Curve" The Not So New Democrat Talking Point....

I noticed this morning that this is the new democrat mantra after Cuomo and other Democrat governors have again started locking down their states. I asked myself what curve are they talking about? The curve they are referencing is the number of INFECTIONS.

IT appears that they think the public is so stupid that we will not check to see if the real measures of this COIVD virus are being affected. Hospitalization rates are not climbing and persons needing intervention has not gone up. This means that those who are becoming infected are the ones who are asymptomatic or have little problem with this virus.

Yesterday a panel of over 500 world renowned Epidemiologist sent a letter to the White House to explain why the US must reopen and do it now. They explained that we have a 99.8% survival rate with current medications and therapeutics and that further lockdowns only prolong the suffering and secondary consequences of the virus are more deadly than the deaths caused by the virus(suicides, loss of business, mental health, etc).

The epidemiologist's explain that now is the time to get people out and allow them to become infected before flu season sets in and people are cornered in their homes for prolonged periods during winter. Herd immunity is the only way to beat this virus and removing persons from the "burn" chain (lay matches close to one another and light the end, they will all burn in series but remove matches and the chain dies) is the bet way to protect the vulnerable.

Laura Ingraham had three of these world renowned epidemiologist on her show to explain how this needs to be done: The interview begins at 2:40 seconds:

It is stunning to see real science in action.. Over 1,000 medical professionals world wide have now signed on to this letter...

I know one thing, BB, I check the Wiki deaths every day and back in April-May, etc., all you saw as cause of death was COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID.

Well, these days, Covid has all but disappeared as the cause of death, so I know we are being lied to. Democrats are driving this dialog as one more fraud on the American public in their attempt to circumvent the voters and steal another election.
"Flattening The Curve" The Not So New Democrat Talking Point....

I noticed this morning that this is the new democrat mantra after Cuomo and other Democrat governors have again started locking down their states. I asked myself what curve are they talking about? The curve they are referencing is the number of INFECTIONS.

IT appears that they think the public is so stupid that we will not check to see if the real measures of this COIVD virus are being affected. Hospitalization rates are not climbing and persons needing intervention has not gone up. This means that those who are becoming infected are the ones who are asymptomatic or have little problem with this virus.

Yesterday a panel of over 500 world renowned Epidemiologist sent a letter to the White House to explain why the US must reopen and do it now. They explained that we have a 99.8% survival rate with current medications and therapeutics and that further lockdowns only prolong the suffering and secondary consequences of the virus are more deadly than the deaths caused by the virus(suicides, loss of business, mental health, etc).

The epidemiologist's explain that now is the time to get people out and allow them to become infected before flu season sets in and people are cornered in their homes for prolonged periods during winter. Herd immunity is the only way to beat this virus and removing persons from the "burn" chain (lay matches close to one another and light the end, they will all burn in series but remove matches and the chain dies) is the bet way to protect the vulnerable.

Laura Ingraham had three of these world renowned epidemiologist on her show to explain how this needs to be done: The interview begins at 2:40 seconds:

It is stunning to see real science in action.. Over 1,000 medical professionals world wide have now signed on to this letter...

And yet the left continues to push their "were all gonna die" narrative, impose hysteria on millions of Americans, destroy our economy and millions of lives along with it. The lefts" believe the science" talking point only applies if the fake science being spewed reinforces their scare tactics.

There was only one person adversely affected by the virus exposure around the White House, Trump. All of the others were much younger and asymptomatic.. Even Chris Chirsty was not adversely affected but was hospitalized due to comorbidities that make him high risk.

The rest of those affected will recover and have acquired immunities now making a second attack virtually impossible to occur.

The impact was minor for all but two people at this point..
"Flattening The Curve" The Not So New Democrat Talking Point....

I noticed this morning that this is the new democrat mantra after Cuomo and other Democrat governors have again started locking down their states. I asked myself what curve are they talking about? The curve they are referencing is the number of INFECTIONS.

IT appears that they think the public is so stupid that we will not check to see if the real measures of this COIVD virus are being affected. Hospitalization rates are not climbing and persons needing intervention has not gone up. This means that those who are becoming infected are the ones who are asymptomatic or have little problem with this virus.

Yesterday a panel of over 500 world renowned Epidemiologist sent a letter to the White House to explain why the US must reopen and do it now. They explained that we have a 99.8% survival rate with current medications and therapeutics and that further lockdowns only prolong the suffering and secondary consequences of the virus are more deadly than the deaths caused by the virus(suicides, loss of business, mental health, etc).

The epidemiologist's explain that now is the time to get people out and allow them to become infected before flu season sets in and people are cornered in their homes for prolonged periods during winter. Herd immunity is the only way to beat this virus and removing persons from the "burn" chain (lay matches close to one another and light the end, they will all burn in series but remove matches and the chain dies) is the bet way to protect the vulnerable.

Laura Ingraham had three of these world renowned epidemiologist on her show to explain how this needs to be done: The interview begins at 2:40 seconds:

It is stunning to see real science in action.. Over 1,000 medical professionals world wide have now signed on to this letter...

I know one thing, BB, I check the Wiki deaths every day and back in April-May, etc., all you saw as cause of death was COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID.

Well, these days, Covid has all but disappeared as the cause of death, so I know we are being lied to. Democrats are driving this dialog as one more fraud on the American public in their attempt to circumvent the voters and steal another election.

The fact that DeBlasio and Cuomo are using bull shit numbers to justify killing their state is very enlightening to me.. They dont give a rats ass about thier people and politics is all that drives them.. I just wish New Yorker's would wake the hell up...
The real truth is that the democrats are doing everything they can to make everything as worse as possible and then blame the consequences of what they've done on Trump. So, just how gullible is the American public and American voters? I guess we'll find out in 4 weeks.
The leftists never let the country after they sold us on flattening the curve the first time. The curve was flattened by June. It's all politics by the left, they should be made to pay the political price.

People agreed to shutdown in order to flatten the curve so PPE could be stocked up and recommendations could be put in place for businesses to safely re-open. The MSM attacking TRUMP for telling people to not let COVID control their lives is unbelievable. It's truly sad when you think about all the seniors who have lost going on a year of their lives in isolation over politicized fears.
"Flattening The Curve" The Not So New Democrat Talking Point....

I noticed this morning that this is the new democrat mantra after Cuomo and other Democrat governors have again started locking down their states. I asked myself what curve are they talking about? The curve they are referencing is the number of INFECTIONS.

IT appears that they think the public is so stupid that we will not check to see if the real measures of this COIVD virus are being affected. Hospitalization rates are not climbing and persons needing intervention has not gone up. This means that those who are becoming infected are the ones who are asymptomatic or have little problem with this virus.

Yesterday a panel of over 500 world renowned Epidemiologist sent a letter to the White House to explain why the US must reopen and do it now. They explained that we have a 99.8% survival rate with current medications and therapeutics and that further lockdowns only prolong the suffering and secondary consequences of the virus are more deadly than the deaths caused by the virus(suicides, loss of business, mental health, etc).

The epidemiologist's explain that now is the time to get people out and allow them to become infected before flu season sets in and people are cornered in their homes for prolonged periods during winter. Herd immunity is the only way to beat this virus and removing persons from the "burn" chain (lay matches close to one another and light the end, they will all burn in series but remove matches and the chain dies) is the bet way to protect the vulnerable.

Laura Ingraham had three of these world renowned epidemiologist on her show to explain how this needs to be done: The interview begins at 2:40 seconds:

It is stunning to see real science in action.. Over 1,000 medical professionals world wide have now signed on to this letter...

I know one thing, BB, I check the Wiki deaths every day and back in April-May, etc., all you saw as cause of death was COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID.

Well, these days, Covid has all but disappeared as the cause of death, so I know we are being lied to. Democrats are driving this dialog as one more fraud on the American public in their attempt to circumvent the voters and steal another election.

The fact that DeBlasio and Cuomo are using bull shit numbers to justify killing their state is very enlightening to me.. They dont give a rats ass about thier people and politics is all that drives them.. I just wish New Yorker's would wake the hell up...

Just watch how the Covid pandemic all clears up after the election if Biden wins! SHAZZAM!
The lefts" believe the science" talking point only applies if the fake science being spewed reinforces their scare tactics.

Whenever the left tries to lay claim to “science”, we need to remember, and we need to remind others, that theirs is the “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
Good News for Trump.... Day five of Remdesiver treatment and his viral load is near zero.. Another day or two and he will test negative...
that was back in Februrary, but just today...

Thanks for clearing that up, Dud, Trump said that Covid was a LITTLE like the flu in that BOTH COULD BE TREATED WITH A VACCINE.

That's not a lie, that's not hiding the truth. That's just your constant false narrative to cover up the fact that Trump took this thing seriously and was acting to minimize it back when you idiots were laughing about it and calling him a XENOPHOBE.
Good News for Trump.... Day five of Remdesiver treatment and his viral load is near zero.. Another day or two and he will test negative...
that was back in Februrary, but just today...

Thanks for clearing that up, Dud, Trump said that Covid was a LITTLE like the flu in that BOTH COULD BE TREATED WITH A VACCINE.

That's not a lie, that's not hiding the truth. That's just your constant false narrative to cover up the fact that Trump took this thing seriously and was acting to minimize it back when you idiots were laughing about it and calling him a XENOPHOBE.
Did you see the actual posts?

“Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!”


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