Flight 370


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
I know this is a tragedy and I'm not trying to be mean or unfeeling but that said who else is sick of the non stop coverage which is not even coverage any more but just recycled theory and speculation now? When something real and substantial is found lets have it by all means but until then give it a rest the media has long since crossed the line from covering a tragedy to exploiting it for ratings in my view.
CNN and FOX are covering it the most, followed third by msnbc, of all the cable networks.

I'm not that invested in the story personally, but then I don't normally get invested in any of these tragedies that suck up air-time in the media.
CNN and FOX are covering it the most, followed third by msnbc, of all the cable networks.

I'm not that invested in the story personally, but then I don't normally get invested in any of these tragedies that suck up air-time in the media.

I have been turning the coverage off for at least a week. I have heard the big interest is the result of the mystery. Mine has always been of the families. I can't imagine the agony of not knowing and listening to the moment-to-moment speculation and theories. The families lives have been changed forever. :(
CNN and FOX are covering it the most, followed third by msnbc, of all the cable networks.

I'm not that invested in the story personally, but then I don't normally get invested in any of these tragedies that suck up air-time in the media.

I have been turning the coverage off for at least a week. I have heard the big interest is the result of the mystery. Mine has always been of the families. I can't imagine the agony of not knowing and listening to the moment-to-moment speculation and theories. The families lives have been changed forever. :(
All I know that this is a FUBAR situation.

Yes, I agree, the family members have it bad, and my heart does go out to them.

I believe something fishy has happened, b/c I cannot fathom that this day and age such a big jet can just disappear w/o anyone knowing and/or being accountable for what what happened to it.

I'm of the belief that the Malaysian government isn't nor ever have been forthcoming with what they actually know of the event.

However, that's as far as I'm willing to go w/my speculation.

I'm not going to bash the coverage, b/c although I'm not personally invested in it, I can understand why it resonates w/people the world over, including Americans. It's like something from a sci-fi B-movie...in real life. That's a guaranteed media blitz.

Bill O'Riled Up went on a rant last week about the media coverage and speculation, to turn around and give it media coverage and his own speculation.

That guy is a turd of the biggest proportions.
Bill O'Riled Up went on a rant last week about the media coverage and speculation, to turn around and give it media coverage and his own speculation.

Yes, I noticed that myself. He just can't stay out of the headlines....ratings ya know. He KNOWS Megyn Kelly is almost in his time slot. ( in my opinion ) I also stopped watching The Factor, for the most part, other than Bill's Talking Points segment, when he first opens the show. Sometimes, though, if he has a guest on I enjoy listening to, I will stay. I love Watters`World more than anything on Bill's show.

The coverage of the vanishing airliner with almost 300 passengers on board is not the only thing Bill is covering lately, as are other cable networks.
Yes, I noticed that myself. He just can't stay out of the headlines....ratings ya know. He KNOWS Megyn Kelly is almost in his time slot. ( in my opinion ) I also stopped watching The Factor, for the most part, other than Bill's Talking Points segment, when he first opens the show. Sometimes, though, if he has a guest on I enjoy listening to, I will stay. I love Watters`World more than anything on Bill's show.

The coverage of the vanishing airliner with almost 300 passengers on board is not the only thing Bill is covering lately, as are other cable networks.
I watch most of msnbc's shows on a daily basis, and the only time I turn from that is to watch O'Riled Up's show.

It's the only tolerable show I can stand on that God-forsaken network full of shrills. I like to know what the rabid RWers are thinking

Megyn lost major points for me. BEFORE her show she was at least mostly sensible, since her show, however, she's become a female version of Sean "I Lost My Sanity" Hannity's show w/all the hyperbole, conjecture and damn near blatant lies.

I honestly expected more from her, she really disappointed me.

On Watter's World, I love how they do those movie clips, they are SO on-point!
I know this is a tragedy and I'm not trying to be mean or unfeeling but that said who else is sick of the non stop coverage which is not even coverage any more but just recycled theory and speculation now? When something real and substantial is found lets have it by all means but until then give it a rest the media has long since crossed the line from covering a tragedy to exploiting it for ratings in my view.
The leftist media is using this story as cover for Obama's pathetic incompetence and a diversion from what is happening in Ukraine now. They are also pushing the "plane has crashed into the ocean" narrative when there is no reason that it couldn't have landed somewhere.
Yes, I noticed that myself. He just can't stay out of the headlines....ratings ya know. He KNOWS Megyn Kelly is almost in his time slot. ( in my opinion ) I also stopped watching The Factor, for the most part, other than Bill's Talking Points segment, when he first opens the show. Sometimes, though, if he has a guest on I enjoy listening to, I will stay. I love Watters`World more than anything on Bill's show.

The coverage of the vanishing airliner with almost 300 passengers on board is not the only thing Bill is covering lately, as are other cable networks.
I watch most of msnbc's shows on a daily basis, and the only time I turn from that is to watch O'Riled Up's show.

It's the only tolerable show I can stand on that God-forsaken network full of shrills. I like to know what the rabid RWers are thinking

Megyn lost major points for me. BEFORE her show she was at least mostly sensible, since her show, however, she's become a female version of Sean "I Lost My Sanity" Hannity's show w/all the hyperbole, conjecture and damn near blatant lies.

I honestly expected more from her, she really disappointed me.

On Watter's World, I love how they do those movie clips, they are SO on-point!
Does MSNBC still broadcast from the lunatic asylum? LOL

What a star studded network, Alec Baldwin, Keith Olbermann, Martin Bashir, Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Chris Mathews. Wow.
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Lots of unanswered questions like who turned what off when and why, new course headings, altitude changes, and whatnot.

But I'm curious about the two Iranians they know were onboard with the help of stolen passports. Of all the things being speculated about I rarely hear anyone mention those guys, unless I'm just not tuned in when they're being talked about.
And the last time I did hear anything the reporter sort of just dismissed one of them because of reports his destination was Germany where he was going to visit his mother. But what's a visit to dear old mom got to do with the fact the guy's still in possession of a stolen passport? And what about the other guy? Seems to me if those two were up to something nefarious it'd be rather simple to plant a 'mom' story.
Here's what we know about those two Iranians...

  1. They had stolen passwords.
  2. Their final destinations were in Germany...where the rest of their family members are.
  3. Their intent was to seek asylum.
  4. We know that on these types of flights, people with stolen passwords are not uncommon. Specifically involving people intending on seeking asylum.
  5. They had no ties to any terror groups or organizations.
  6. They have a clean past with no ties to any political groups or organizations.

These are the facts on the table.
Anything else may be speculation based on ideology.
Here's what we know about those two Iranians...

  1. They had stolen passwords.
  2. Their final destinations were in Germany...where the rest of their family members are.
  3. Their intent was to seek asylum.
  4. We know that on these types of flights, people with stolen passwords are not uncommon. Specifically involving people intending on seeking asylum.
  5. They had no ties to any terror groups or organizations.
  6. They have a clean past with no ties to any political groups or organizations.

These are the facts on the table.
Anything else may be speculation based on ideology.

Fact # 7, [MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION] About Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's wife and family. His wife and kids moved out of the family home the day before the plane disappeared. They lived in the suburbs of Kuala Lampur. Both she and the kids are missing. The Malaysian authorities don't know where they are. They did learn the Capt. had built a Boeing 777 Flight Simulator inside his home. He erased some things off of that before he departed for the airport. - J.
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Fact 8: Erasing things from flight simulator games/programs is VERY common

Side note: As a lifelong techie, I played flight simulator games myself from the late 80s to the mid 90s. I have a childhood friend who played them even more than myself. He's now a professional pilot back home in the Caribbean. We added and deleted stuff all the time, based on space and/or other factors. Sometimes you just don't need or want it anymore.
Fact 8: Erasing things from flight simulator games/programs is VERY common

Side note: As a lifelong techie, I played flight simulator games myself from the late 80s to the mid 90s. I have a childhood friend who played them even more than myself. He's now a professional pilot back home in the Caribbean. We added and deleted stuff all the time, based on space and/or other factors. Sometimes you just don't need or want it anymore.
Depends what is being erased, genius.
Here's what we know about those two Iranians...

  1. They had stolen passwords.
  2. Their final destinations were in Germany...where the rest of their family members are.
  3. Their intent was to seek asylum.
  4. We know that on these types of flights, people with stolen passwords are not uncommon. Specifically involving people intending on seeking asylum.
  5. They had no ties to any terror groups or organizations.
  6. They have a clean past with no ties to any political groups or organizations.

These are the facts on the table.
Anything else may be speculation based on ideology.

Fact # 7, [MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION] About Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's wife and family. His wife and kids moved out of the family home the day before the plane disappeared. They lived in the suburbs of Kuala Lampur. Both she and the kids are missing. The Malaysian authorities don't know where they are. They did learn the Capt. had built a Boeing 777 Flight Simulator inside his home. He erased some things off of that before he departed for the airport. - J.
The leftist media is just doing its best to make this look like this isn't yet another case of Muslim terrorism. LOL

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