Flight 93 Never Crashed In The Empty Field Outside Shanksville






THAT is the view you should compare to that hole, terral, but you are such a dishonest person you cant see that

using THIS view that hole looks exactly like a boeing 757

As the plane was careening towards the earth, it suddenly stopped in mid-air perpendicular to the ground the dropped straight down.

That's how all planes crash.

As the plane was careening towards the earth, it suddenly stopped in mid-air perpendicular to the ground the dropped straight down.

That's how all planes crash.

lol...link please...

As the plane was careening towards the earth, it suddenly stopped in mid-air perpendicular to the ground the dropped straight down.

That's how all planes crash.

lol...link please...
see, this is why i like you better than the rest of the moronic troofers
you at least laughed at that
you have much more of a sense of humor than your counterparts

Oh no! Usher files for divorce!:

Usher Files for Divorce - Usher : People.com
Usher has filed for divorce from wife Tameka Foster Raymond.
The R & B star filed the petition Friday in Superior Court in Atlanta, court records show. The couple, who got married in August 2007, have two sons together, Usher Raymond V, 18 months, and Naviyd, 6 months.
Usher, 30, and his wife of nearly two years, 38, have been leading separate lives for months, sources tell PEOPLE. The singer has been away from home often recording his next record in Las Vegas, one source says. "He's done his best to keep Tameka away," says the source.
I repeat the very sinmple question: What conclusive physical evidence is ther to support the model/ theory that one of these

can be found in this hole



So far I'm being given two models
- The plane is there; distinct lack of conclusive evidence and no real explanation of why that is

-the plane is not there, but some smaller items were placed there; aptly explains the available evidence, but requires number of assumptions and is quite unwieldy

simple.there is NO evidence from the pictures its just these 9/11 apologists are in denial too much that they will defend the official version no matter HOW ludicrous it is.:cuckoo:
It would have been nice to see plane parts at the crash scene.
If you look at any other crash scene it doesn't resemble this one.

Baltimore Bob

It simply doesn't show the same signs of a crash as our reference crashes- and noone has explained why

Thanks for confirming to me you are a 9/11 nutter.

Thanks for confirming that you have no answers nd are too stupid and./or scared to use your mind or analyze the available information in an intelligent manner.

Yup, it is so INTELLIGENT to claim the Government hijacked the planes on 9/11, blew up the buildings in New York and launched a missile at the Pentagon and absolutely NO ONE has EVER talked about it.

THOUSANDS of people had to be involved yet TOTAL SILENCE.

Further the claim is made we did it in order to attack Iraq, yet we attacked Afghanistan and repeatedly stated Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Go figure, you guys are just SO SMART.

thanks for confirming that you are a 9/11 apologist Bush dupe who is obvioulsy in denial and afraid of the truth.your the one that has no answers,we continue to ask you for the photos of the wreckage of the plane crash yet you cant produce any.yes we are smart and not afraid of the truth either.if you weren't so much in denial you'd know that the governmnet has made a living for DECADES keeping secrets from the population of the world in secret covert operations involving thousands of evil corrupt men.:cuckoo:
It would have been nice to see plane parts at the crash scene.
If you look at any other crash scene it doesn't resemble this one.

Baltimore Bob

It simply doesn't show the same signs of a crash as our reference crashes- and noone has explained why

Thanks for confirming to me you are a 9/11 nutter.

Thanks for confirming that you have no answers nd are too stupid and./or scared to use your mind or analyze the available information in an intelligent manner.

yep,thats what you are,no answers and too stupid and scared to use your mind to analyze information in an intelligent manner.you have demonstrated that countless numbers of times in your debates with me,eots and terral.
So, '9/11' is angry because I threw out there all the information to destroy Terrl

meanwhile noone else is smart enough to pout it together

JB is amused
It simply doesn't show the same signs of a crash as our reference crashes- and noone has explained why

Thanks for confirming that you have no answers nd are too stupid and./or scared to use your mind or analyze the available information in an intelligent manner.

Yup, it is so INTELLIGENT to claim the Government hijacked the planes on 9/11, blew up the buildings in New York and launched a missile at the Pentagon and absolutely NO ONE has EVER talked about it.

THOUSANDS of people had to be involved yet TOTAL SILENCE.

Further the claim is made we did it in order to attack Iraq, yet we attacked Afghanistan and repeatedly stated Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Go figure, you guys are just SO SMART.

thanks for confirming that you are a 9/11 apologist Bush dupe who is obvioulsy in denial and afraid of the truth.your the one that has no answers,we continue to ask you for the photos of the wreckage of the plane crash yet you cant produce any.yes we are smart and not afraid of the truth either.if you weren't so much in denial you'd know that the governmnet has made a living for DECADES keeping secrets from the population of the world in secret covert operations involving thousands of evil corrupt men.:cuckoo:
when will you ever get over your "Bush dupes" bullshit?
many people that dont agree with your complete idiocy did NOT support Bush in any way shape or form

you only make yourself look even more moronic than most troofer nuts when you do that shit
Terral - Let's just say for the sake of conversation that you are correct and this jet did not crash. I find it hard to believe that out of everybody in the entire world, YOU would be the person who makes the announcement of this fantastic hoax. If the plane did not crash, somebody with a bit of authority would have made that announcement by now. I think you have rocks in your head.
Terral - Let's just say for the sake of conversation that you are correct and this jet did not crash. I find it hard to believe that out of everybody in the entire world, YOU would be the person who makes the announcement of this fantastic hoax. If the plane did not crash, somebody with a bit of authority would have made that announcement by now. I think you have rocks in your head.
no, you see, all those "in authority" are in on it

Terral - Let's just say for the sake of conversation that you are correct and this jet did not crash. I find it hard to believe that out of everybody in the entire world, YOU would be the person who makes the announcement of this fantastic hoax. If the plane did not crash, somebody with a bit of authority would have made that announcement by now. I think you have rocks in your head.

Ask him about what happened to all the people who were on American Airlines flight 77 that allegedly did not crash into the Pentagon on 9/11.
DiveCon - It could be that the government was waiting for Terral to make this announcement so they could give him a big award of some sort...:lol:
DiveCon - It could be that the government was waiting for Terral to make this announcement so they could give him a big award of some sort...:lol:

Terral expects that the government is coming after him once martial law is declared on July 27.
Terral - Let's just say for the sake of conversation that you are correct and this jet did not crash. I find it hard to believe that out of everybody in the entire world, YOU would be the person who makes the announcement of this fantastic hoax. If the plane did not crash, somebody with a bit of authority would have made that announcement by now. I think you have rocks in your head.
no, you see, all those "in authority" are in on it


I thought it was the Jews? :confused:

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