FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake
I don't defend Trump when he does something that is indefensible.

He should never have said it. Period.

Slip of the tongue or no.

Lots and lots of misstatements by Democrats to point out.

It is amusing though to watch the left orgasm over this talking point they have been promoting since the phony "Trump colluded with Russia" talking point came out.
Every nation is being Cyber attacked by every other nation every moment of the day.
I presume you never run an anti-virus.
What does that have to do with the fact that Trump should not have said what he said?
Hmmm...Good Cyber Security...no breach...no "Russia!" catcall.
Any other well thought out questions?

In fact, I have an idea...
I'm going to start a series of Threads dedicated to all Right Wingers attacking you day and night for a year and let's see how you react.
'leader of the US" has become problematic now

He is not "leader of the West" anymore

Yes, bring our soldiers home. All of them.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake
I don't defend Trump when he does something that is indefensible.

He should never have said it. Period.

Slip of the tongue or no.

Lots and lots of misstatements by Democrats to point out.

It is amusing though to watch the left orgasm over this talking point they have been promoting since the phony "Trump colluded with Russia" talking point came out.

Defend? Should never have said “it”? Slip of tongue? Are you mad?!?

It is YOUR official position. As a nation.

It isn't, but only a moron would think so.

Then send fucking OJ Simpson or what ever to the next meeting since your top politician isn’t supposed to represent the official stand point of the USA. (That will make the news regarding it sort under “entertainment” and we don’t have to give a fuck)
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake
“Sort of a double negative”: Trump says he didn’t mean to deny Russian election meddling

Here's the link you should have included, and it's hysterical. Double negative....lol....the man should just shut up. I'm still giggling. When the article said his statement left reporters "mystified," they meant it. How this clears up anything in that long embarrassing car wreck of a statement yesterday in his presser, I don't really understand.
Well, a good laugh is always welcome.
I usually just post my thoughts. Seldom use links. Like to think for myself than look like I'm squawking for a cracker.
Well, being a lib, I get criticized if I don't put a link in an OP. I keep forgetting rules are different for you guys.
The rules are not different. My op is clearly not about anything but my thoughts. Most posts on this board are directly tied to an article or news story and a link is then required.


They are just out to get you?
LOL Nah, they're pretty good to me. I was echoing another poster who was saying that.
I do think, though, Grampa, that a link to Trump's "correction" would have made your OP better. I've been at work all day, and haven't got instant access to news, unless someone tells me what to look for. It would be a courtesy, I think.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake

How many times today do you think you retards will bring up “57 states”?
Point to my post mentioning 57 states.....or......

STFU hack

Well I was referring to “you retards” meaning all of the retards with Trumps dick in their mouth….Now If I had singled you out dicklips, you would have a valid response. Since you don’t, shut the fuck up yourself.
He's so fucking out of his depth. Putin's still laughing.

Trump Says He Accepts Russia Meddled in 2016 Election

Our President is not just a liar, but he is a cowardly liar

He grovels in front of Putin and proclaims he trusts Putin’s claims over his own intelligence

Then when he returns home to justified outrage, he says the opposite
View attachment 205579

View attachment 205580

It’s not just his cowardly reversals but the childish excuse he came up with for saying what he did

I didn’t mean “would” I meant to say “wouldn’t”

He takes us for fools
He knows his supporters will believe him....he could care less if the rest of the world does not.

He's using some sort of black magic over them......??? :dunno:
His staff must have spent the night coming up with that lame excuse

But his supporters flipped over night from defending his support of Putin to believing his explanation that he didn’t
russian national athem - Yahoo Video Search Results

hope yall are happy now...how much clearer does it need to be that trump is a putin pawn?
You're a joke.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake
I don't defend Trump when he does something that is indefensible.

He should never have said it. Period.

Slip of the tongue or no.

Lots and lots of misstatements by Democrats to point out.

It is amusing though to watch the left orgasm over this talking point they have been promoting since the phony "Trump colluded with Russia" talking point came out.

Defend? Should never have said “it”? Slip of tongue? Are you mad?!?

It is YOUR official position. As a nation.

It isn't, but only a moron would think so.

Then send fucking OJ Simpson or what ever to the next meeting since your top politician isn’t supposed to represent the official stand point of the USA. (That will make the news regarding it sort under “entertainment” and we don’t have to give a fuck)
Don't be such a moron. In meetings like these and comments to the foreign press, he speaks of possible policy. The only time the President acts as an absolute leader for the USA is military.

Let Me give you a hint. The Paris Climate Accords and the Iran deal. See how that works.

The President can ONLY speak for the USA when he gets an agreement from Congress.
Saw this on twitter:

"Keep in mind, Trump has seen far more detailed and persuasive evidence on Russian election interference than has been made public. He has likely see evidence of Putin’s direct involvement. His rejection of that can be nothing but calculated and knowing.”

Pretty good thing to keep in mind…

Mitch McConnell…

Pure gold:

"The Russians need to know that there are a lot of us who fully understand what happened in 2016, and it really better not happen again in 2018."

I’m pretty sure he means that he knows Trump colluded with Russia
Trump has only himself to blame: he’s the victim of his own arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity.

Trump is hyper-sensitive to the fact that he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes; he consequently can’t bring himself to admit the fact that Russia interfered in the 2016 General Election – in Trump’s warped, bizarre mind having lost the popular vote in conjunction with Russian election interference serves to undermine the legitimacy of his election victory and legitimacy of his presidency.
LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
He's still president.

How awesome is that?
He's a lame duck president, 18 months into his term. Pretty awesome, thanks for asking.
got his SCOTUS in and getting a second. that isn't lame duck. He's also going to get the Tax Cuts permanent. that isn't lame duck. what is lame is people like you who are anti american. fk off now.
Sorry, but Trump will not choose his SCOTUS judge, the Senate will. Same for the tax cuts, which will not be permanent. You are a delusional, angry little man and you lick the boots of a lame duck president.
I'm sure this lib feels better now having vented. Maybe congress should fund grief counseling for some of these libs.

I think they need some safe spaces and a cry closet.

In the cry closet they can have a CD player that plays all the national anthems in sequence... except for USA. The self haters can't hear that without exploding.
Mitch McConnell…

Pure gold:

"The Russians need to know that there are a lot of us who fully understand what happened in 2016, and it really better not happen again in 2018."

I’m pretty sure he means that he knows Trump colluded with Russia
Huh? It means that he doesn't want Russia hacking our servers. What in hell does that have to do with collusion?

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