FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
Who gives a shit. You marxists lost the white house. And you'll keep losing.
Ahhhhhh... the Arrogance of the Incumbents... same old $hit... different Party... the Dems made that mistake, too... and look what that got them.

Given the routine betrayals of American Interests and the routine cozying-up to Dictators and the routine insulting behaviors directed at precious Allies...

You won't have the upper hand for much longer...

Pity... we needed more time to compensate for the worst of the Leftist Agenda of the previous Administration... but yesterday's betrayal may have tipped those scales...

Only foolhardy, short-sighted, unimaginative dullards believe they're "untouchable" in the political arena.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake
I don't defend Trump when he does something that is indefensible.

He should never have said it. Period.

Slip of the tongue or no.

Lots and lots of misstatements by Democrats to point out.

It is amusing though to watch the left orgasm over this talking point they have been promoting since the phony "Trump colluded with Russia" talking point came out.

Defend? Should never have said “it”? Slip of tongue? Are you mad?!?

It is YOUR official position. As a nation.

It isn't, but only a moron would think so.

Then send fucking OJ Simpson or what ever to the next meeting since your top politician isn’t supposed to represent the official stand point of the USA. (That will make the news regarding it sort under “entertainment” and we don’t have to give a fuck)
Don't be such a moron. In meetings like these and comments to the foreign press, he speaks of possible policy. The only time the President acts as an absolute leader for the USA is military.

Let Me give you a hint. The Paris Climate Accords and the Iran deal. See how that works.

The President can ONLY speak for the USA when he gets an agreement from Congress.

Yeah, see how that works? Really? Aren’t those two examples of where US just shifted stand point?

First of all, your Congress doesn’t run around the world making statements. YOUR legislation means nothing - you front with one person. It really doesn’t matter if he is elected or a dictator. He speaks for you. Your president isn’t detached from the US - the president is your voice. It’s for real. It has nothing to do with control or leadership. It’s your public, official stand point as a nation. No other country is going to wait for how this messageboard,
News outlets or the Congress will interpret your president. If he says EU is a foe then the official US stand point is that EU is a foe. Not much to it.
No amount of damage control can change what the entire world saw and heard in Helsinki. Just imagine what went on behind closed doors. What do you think?

Trump Tries To Clean Up After Disastrous Putin Summit

From your link:

Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 6.31.15 PM.png

The National Security Council…. not good.
Mitch McConnell…

Pure gold:

"The Russians need to know that there are a lot of us who fully understand what happened in 2016, and it really better not happen again in 2018."

I’m pretty sure he means that he knows Trump colluded with Russia
Huh? It means that he doesn't want Russia hacking our servers. What in hell does that have to do with collusion?

Fully understand what happened in 2016.” That ol Mitch didn’t qualify the statement with a token defense of the blob is pretty telling.
He's so fucking out of his depth. Putin's still laughing.

Trump Says He Accepts Russia Meddled in 2016 Election

Our President is not just a liar, but he is a cowardly liar

He grovels in front of Putin and proclaims he trusts Putin’s claims over his own intelligence

Then when he returns home to justified outrage, he says the opposite
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Our colleague was correct on this one... The Creature ended-up as Putin's Bitch yesterday.
Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission

Your dishonesty regarding the economyakes your comments above meaningless.

Ah yup ok ah-huh.
There is no other way to look at yesterday as other than sad. No way to spin it any oter way. Discouraging at best.
"I came back and said 'What is going on, what’s the big deal?'” Trump said, adding that he reviewed the transcript and "realized that there is a need for some clarification."

The president told reporters that he meant to say he doesn't see why Russia "wouldn't" be responsible.

Hahahahaha the dumbest official of any kind in humans history. Lol
You democrats should be out raising some money or something!

We are!

You sure are, hitting all the message boards like the good Democratic trolls you are.

It's called a victory lap.
We tried to tell you bone-headed cocksockets what was to come of a Trump presidency.
And you didn't listen.

More BS! Thanks for proving you are a classless pimp for the Dems.
And the truth is not trolling...poor babies
I am desperately trying to figure out WTF Trump did that has everybody blubbering and howling while in a fetal position.

Why, he re-wrote George Orwell, that's all.

So it's now:
  • "War is Peace"
  • "Freedom is Slavery"
  • "Ignorance is Strength"
  • "Would is Wouldn't"
Double your pleasure, double your fun, chew Doublethink Doublethink Doublethink gum.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake

Trump is a liar and a coward who won’t stand by his convictions

He came out of the two hour meeting with Putin sporting a serious man-crush

He reversed once he got scolded at home
Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission

Your dishonesty regarding the economyakes your comments above meaningless.

Ah yup ok ah-huh.

You think I was talking to you?
No clarification can spin it.

I meant to say “wouldn’t”


"Wait --- 'wouldn't', that's what I really meant to say. I don't know what I was talking about with that "would" sentence. I was just grabbing at* anything"....


(* when you're POTUS they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the Putin...)
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