FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
Oh, no, he didn't get "proof" last night. He didn't confront Putin for the same reason he fired Comey and others the way he did. He's a coward. Trump made it clear in his presser yesterday that Putin had voiced his objections very strongly to the allegations that Russia meddled. Trump mentioned more than once how strongly Putin felt about the issue and that they talked about it a very long time. This to me means Putin went forceful on Trump and cowed him. Trump went all ingratiating in order to pull off this summit as a photo op for how well he gets along with difficult people.

When Trump got home, he had a come-to-Jesus talking to by whatever he's got left of a cabinet, and they scared him enough to act like a reasonable human. How quickly will his supporters here be able to veer around and start towing the new line?

You've gone off the deep end too. WTF? Trump is supposed to confront Putin at a press conference? Did you want him to embarass him on the world stage? THAT'S your idea of fucking diplomacy?

Holy toledo! Ask your therapist to up the voltage at your next session. You've gone over the edge.
Uhh. Yes. He has the proof they are attacking us. What did you want him to do? Pretend it was all good?

Be a diplomat in public. It's a no brainer. And there is still no proof that the Kremlin has been involved in any of the attempts of influencing the election. Hell's bells no intelligence agency has even examined the server.

I keep hearing about all this evidence. None has been seen. Last time I believed Intelligence agencies, I ended up backing a disastrous war in Iraq. Not falling for jack shit again. Show us the evidence.

There are many more issues than the 2016 election that need to be dealt with that involve Russia. You have to engage Russia whether you like it or not.
Our President is not just a liar, but he is a cowardly liar

He grovels in front of Putin and proclaims he trusts Putin’s claims over his own intelligence

Then when he returns home to justified outrage, he says the opposite
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It’s not just his cowardly reversals but the childish excuse he came up with for saying what he did

I didn’t mean “would” I meant to say “wouldn’t”

He takes us for fools
He knows his supporters will believe him....he could care less if the rest of the world does not.

He's using some sort of black magic over them......??? :dunno:
His staff must have spent the night coming up with that lame excuse

But his supporters flipped over night from defending his support of Putin to believing his explanation that he didn’t
the change of that one word, Matters naught, if you saw the whole press conference...what's his excuse for the rest of his Putin bromance/USA bashing SPECTACLE??

Did you want him to punch out Putin? What would have made you fucking happy?

Trump saying "I didn't win the election fair and square because Russia stole it for me,so I'm giving the Presidency to Hillary to shut up the American left wing whackos who will never shut up".

Unhinged doesn't even begin to touch how whacked out all of you on the left are. And by the way, lousy fucking losers. Sheesh.
Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission

Your dishonesty regarding the economyakes your comments above meaningless.

Ah yup ok ah-huh.

You think I was talking to you?

Actually, not sure.

Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.
/——-/ Dems stocking up on KY Jelly for their azz kicking in November

Are u also sleeping with Putin?
We see you have already bought your supply.

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission

Your dishonesty regarding the economyakes your comments above meaningless.

Ah yup ok ah-huh.

You think I was talking to you?

Actually, not sure.


My bad sir.
Trump got manhandled by Putin. He's walking around with a mushroom stamp on his forehead.

He even tried to clean up the mess. Of course, he failed at that too. Lol.

And I love all the Trump fans in here screeching about it. Even they know he dun goofed.
Backfire of all backfires on the Russia hating media and the libtards......coming up.....LMAO

I'm looking forward to the swearing-out ceremony. :thup:

Until DJT's second inauguration...

--- Which is already the bigliest inauguration in history, where it absolutely won't be raining.

Who cares that it didn't happen yet, just write the future history books now. He don't even wait. He just starts inaugurating. He can do anything. Grab 'em by the Putin. But he will need a Tic Tac.
Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

A). You are NOT waiting for 2020! You are going to be sorely disappointed in a way that you'll look back at Hillary as "the good ol' days."
B). Trump is historically NOT a good, practiced public speaker, so I'm not too surprised he's had to clarify a few things. I think the guy has a talking impediment.
C). The GOP have NOT turned against him. McCain, Flake and Graham (and Obama of course), three historically RINO anti-never-trumpers were already against him. Notably, Rand Paul BACKED the summit. Kudos to Paul.
Trump is historically NOT a good, practiced public speaker

oh man, watching you trumpkins twist yourself into pasty little white pretzels is truly hilarious...surely you have SOME inkling of how fucking ridiculous this sounds ^^ .
Trump got manhandled by Putin. He's walking around with a mushroom stamp on his forehead.

He even tried to clean up the mess. Of course, he failed at that too. Lol.

And I love all the Trump fans in here screeching about it. Even they know he dun goofed.

You are truly duped by the Lame Street Media, aren't you? The president stated the truth and the obvious and you butthurt Snowflakes simply can't deal with it.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Yeah....he still is.

No....he is Putin's Whore......
That would imply taking money. Only Hillary did that with Putin.

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