FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

ad infinitum
Trump says he now believes the Russians meddled.

Yes, he's been so consistent!

They didn't meddle
They did meddle but it could have been a lot of other people meddling too
I don't see how it would be Russia
I don't see how it wouldn't be Russia

Ad nauseam :rolleyes-41:

We have no evidence so who the fck cares.

Bring in the evidence or shut up.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Insanity has taken hold of the pathetic leftists. Please remember shithead, it was Obama that encouraged the hacking. It was Hillary that took millions from Russia, and it was the DNC that purchased info from the Kremlin to destroy the integrity of a national election.

Take your whiny little bitch ass, and go play in the corner.
My God you lie even more than Putin’s bitch.
Oh surprise, surprise, another lying sack of shit rears her ugly head.

You asswipes are just dumb. No way around it anymore. Just plain old stupid.

I have located for you a new avatar. Then you can just lie instead of calling people stupid for calling you out on those lies :)

Fat boi didn’t care that he threw America under the bus.
But when he found out his allies back in America were appalled over his disgusting performance yesterday he was shocked.
Yes he is that clueless.
So he concocted this absurd “ I misspoke “ laugher that only his hard core gullible cult members could buy.
This guy has to be senile after watching him try to destroy NATO, attack our allies and then choose Putin over our intelligence agencies.

Everyone’s worst fears about this buffoon continue to manefest itself.
No amount of damage control can change what the entire world saw and heard in Helsinki. Just imagine what went on behind closed doors. What do you think?

Trump Tries To Clean Up After Disastrous Putin Summit
It may have some effect in congressional / senate races where a gop challenger is running as his lapdog. Beyond that, not much imo. Trump's poll numbers have been pretty consistent. People's minds are made up.

It remains to be seen whether the dems can find a unifying candidate in 20.
Breaking News:
Trump’s top National Security Advisers convened an unscheduled meeting at the White House today.
I hope they gave Putin’s bitch hell.
We'll look at that. Looks like they just made the trumpkin list of those not to be trusted.
The only ones prez Raccoon Eyes trusts are those that profusely compliment him.
Which our adversaries explicitly understand how to control him.
This guy’s narcissistic psychological problems are an open book for everyone to see.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Insanity has taken hold of the pathetic leftists. Please remember shithead, it was Obama that encouraged the hacking. It was Hillary that took millions from Russia, and it was the DNC that purchased info from the Kremlin to destroy the integrity of a national election.

Take your whiny little bitch ass, and go play in the corner.
My God you lie even more than Putin’s bitch.
Oh surprise, surprise, another lying sack of shit rears her ugly head.

You asswipes are just dumb. No way around it anymore. Just plain old stupid.

I have located for you a new avatar. Then you can just lie instead of calling people stupid for calling you out on those lies :)

Sure thing DrLie.

I supported my position with links and facts. Something lying fucking libs refuse to do. Go back and read the links or keep circle jerking each other. I don't really give a fuck. But I will continue to call out liberal liars.
Trump says he now believes the Russians meddled.

Yes, he's been so consistent!

They didn't meddle
They did meddle but it could have been a lot of other people meddling too
I don't see how it would be Russia
I don't see how it wouldn't be Russia

Ad nauseam :rolleyes-41:

We have no evidence so who the fck cares.

Bring in the evidence or shut up.

Bob is bringing it slow but sure. You should read the new 26 page indictment.
Roger Stone's time in the barrel - Manafort and Cohen about to sing.
Good times - and Tick Tock! :D

all the RW Trumpbots claimed how well Trump handled Putin - now Goldilocks swears he misspoke ..

what say ye morons .. did he or didnt he take Putin to task?

he damn sure F'd you in less than 24 hours - :lmao:
Trump inadvertently kicked the door open and the FBI is piling through.

Can't unring the bell!
Breaking News:
Trump’s top National Security Advisers convened an unscheduled meeting at the White House today.
I hope they gave Putin’s bitch hell.
We'll look at that. Looks like they just made the trumpkin list of those not to be trusted.
The only ones prez Raccoon Eyes trusts are those that profusely compliment him.
Which our adversaries explicitly understand how to control him.
This guy’s narcissistic psychological problems are an open book for everyone to see.
To quote the Penguin, "I played them like a fiddle from hell."
Breaking News:
Trump’s top National Security Advisers convened an unscheduled meeting at the White House today.
I hope they gave Putin’s bitch hell.
We'll look at that. Looks like they just made the trumpkin list of those not to be trusted.
The only ones prez Raccoon Eyes trusts are those that profusely compliment him.
Which our adversaries explicitly understand how to control him.
This guy’s narcissistic psychological problems are an open book for everyone to see.
The world is responding today to the embarrassing Helsinki disaster of Trump’s.

Newspapers around the world have reacted to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performances at the Helsinki summit, and are united in their assessment of which world leader came out on top.

In the US, several papers went in hard on Trump. The New York Daily News accused the president of treason. Its front page featured an illustration of Trump holding hands with a bare-chested Putin and shooting Uncle Sam in the head with a gun in the other hand.

The Washington Post’s headline is: “Trump touts Putin’s ‘powerful’ denial”. The paper says Trump handed the Russian president“an unalloyed diplomatic triumph” during their summit as he refused to support the “collective conclusion” of the US intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

The New York Post ran with the headline: “See no evil”.

'Putin's poodle': newspapers declare Trump a traitor after Helsinki summit
Carl Bernstein, a true American hero, said today we need to subpoena the interpreter to see what went on in that private meeting.
Did our traitorous prez promise Putin no more sanctions?
Did he give him Alaska?
Nothing is too bizarre to imagine what this buffoon would do.
Also said was get his tax returns and see his connections to russian money

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