FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

In Finland, the paper Kauppalehti made no bones about who had triumped at the summit: Trump 0 – Putin 1, was its front page headline.
LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
He's still president.

How awesome is that?
The biggest selling Swedish-language newspaper in Finland, Hufvudstadsbladet, carried a picture of a smiling Putin next to Trump with the headline: “Trump was my favourite”.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Yeah....he still is.

In the UK, the Guardian splashed on a picture of Trump and Putin’s Helsinki handshake with the headline “Nothing short of treasonous: Trump accused over Putin talks”.
The name Putin’s Poodle has to be a thorn in this prez side because it makes him sound so weak which of course he is.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Insanity has taken hold of the pathetic leftists. Please remember shithead, it was Obama that encouraged the hacking. It was Hillary that took millions from Russia, and it was the DNC that purchased info from the Kremlin to destroy the integrity of a national election..

Four lies in three sentences. That ^ took some doing! :wink:
Go back to you basement. You are a piece of shit. Lies are all you have. No morality.

Obama encouraged the hacking by refusing to stop it.
Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Hillary took millions from Russia
Russia routed millions of dollars to influence Hillary Clinton in the Uranium One deal, FBI informant tells Congress

DNC purchased the fake dossier that was used in FISA courts
DNC, Clinton campaign paid for research that resulted in Trump dossier: Report

How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier
How good were these sources? Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure.” Source B was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.”
The entire world is crushing Putin’s Poodle today and all you can talk about is Obama and Hillary.
You DEPLORABLES are one sick but predictable bunch.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake
Trump has hardened my belief that use of a teleprompter isn't all bad. His communication skills are a lot better when he sticks to a script. As with Obama I don't always agree with Trump but I do see our President as leader of the free world and so I wish he'd start acting like it.
He had a script for his opening statement, but you can't really have a script for answering reporters' questions. That's when the shit hit the fan.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Yeah....he still is.
When Prez Raccoon Eyes attacks our allies and makes the world a more dangerous place by appeasing Putin he definitely has ceded the title.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Yeah....he still is.
When Prez Raccoon Eyes attacks our allies and makes the world a more dangerous place by appeasing Putin he definitely has ceded the title.

He didn't attack our allies. More emotion and sophistry coming from the libs .
Wow.................not only is it people in this country who think that Trump is in Putin's pocket, but apparently the rest of the world thinks so as well.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Insanity has taken hold of the pathetic leftists. Please remember shithead, it was Obama that encouraged the hacking. It was Hillary that took millions from Russia, and it was the DNC that purchased info from the Kremlin to destroy the integrity of a national election..

Four lies in three sentences. That ^ took some doing! :wink:
Go back to you basement. You are a piece of shit. Lies are all you have. No morality.

Obama encouraged the hacking by refusing to stop it.
Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Hillary took millions from Russia
Russia routed millions of dollars to influence Hillary Clinton in the Uranium One deal, FBI informant tells Congress

DNC purchased the fake dossier that was used in FISA courts
DNC, Clinton campaign paid for research that resulted in Trump dossier: Report

How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier
How good were these sources? Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure.” Source B was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.”
The entire world is crushing Putin’s Poodle today and all you can talk about is Obama and Hillary.
You DEPLORABLES are one sick but predictable bunch.
I heard a rumor from a coworker that the one word Trump "misspoke" was "I don't see why Russia wouldn't have" instead of what he said, would have (interfered).
If that's the case, if that's all he took back, big whoop.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.

Insanity has taken hold of the pathetic leftists. Please remember shithead, it was Obama that encouraged the hacking. It was Hillary that took millions from Russia, and it was the DNC that purchased info from the Kremlin to destroy the integrity of a national election.

Take your whiny little bitch ass, and go play in the corner.
Hillary took millions from Russia? When did this happen?

But she did meet with a Russian agent during 2016 campaign:

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