FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

This is the president who made a big stink about football players taking a knee before the anthem. Oh how that was disrespecting the service of those who fought for freedom. But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey
Maybe the president is exactly as compromised as he looks.

By Michelle Goldberg

No matter how low your expectations for the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Monday, it was hard not to be staggered by the American president’s slavish and toadying performance.

On Friday, the Justice Department indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence service for a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The same day, Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, gave a speech about America’s vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly from Russia. “I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again,” he said, comparing the threat to the one that preceded Sept. 11.

But standing beside Putin in Helsinki on Monday, Trump sided with the Russian president against American intelligence agencies while spewing lies and conspiracy theories. “He just said it’s not Russia,” he said of Putin’s denials. “I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Continuing in a free-associative fugue, he asked, “What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the D.N.C.?” referring to a debunked right-wing claim about a former Democratic I.T. staffer. “What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone, just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily.”

Perhaps the most sinister part of the news conference was Trump’s seeming openness to a deal in which F.B.I. investigators could question people in Russia in exchange for letting Russians question Putin critics in America. Putin referred specifically to associates of his arch-nemesis Bill Browder, a businessman (and British citizen) who has succeeded in getting seven countries, including the United States, to pass laws punishing Russian oligarchs suspected of corruption. (The Russians who met with members of the Trump campaign at Trump Tower in June 2016 wanted to discuss this law, the Magnitsky Act.)

Opinion | Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey
View attachment 205562 The world is responding today to the embarrassing Helsinki disaster of Trump’s.

Newspapers around the world have reacted to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performances at the Helsinki summit, and are united in their assessment of which world leader came out on top.

In the US, several papers went in hard on Trump. The New York Daily News accused the president of treason. Its front page featured an illustration of Trump holding hands with a bare-chested Putin and shooting Uncle Sam in the head with a gun in the other hand.

The Washington Post’s headline is: “Trump touts Putin’s ‘powerful’ denial”. The paper says Trump handed the Russian president“an unalloyed diplomatic triumph” during their summit as he refused to support the “collective conclusion” of the US intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

The New York Post ran with the headline: “See no evil”.

'Putin's poodle': newspapers declare Trump a traitor after Helsinki summit

What a surprise, every leftwing rag had their “Putin wins” headlines ready for print before the meeting even happened.
Yeah blame Trump throwing America under the bus on “ lefty rags.”
You have no idea how stupid you look do you.

Not one regressive has come up with a quote of President Trump “throwing America under the bus” or anything else equating to “treason”. All you can do is parrot what your globalist masters instruct you to say in their propaganda.
I guess you didn’t see Putin’s poodle favor Russia over America. Didn’t Fox cover it?
Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission

So you are even ok if he is a Russian asset as long as your 401k is good. Not even saying he is but if he was, all good.
That's the dumbest thing I've read all week. There is not enough tinfoil in the US for me to think that.
I find it interesting that Trump first said he had no reason to believe that Putin would interfere with the election, then he changed it (after a lot of people screamed about it), to say that he had no reason to believe that Putin WOULDN'T mess with our elections.

Which is it Donald, do you believe he did or didn't?

24 hours later, Trump claims he misspoke in Helsinki, meant to say Russia did have reason to meddle in election
Vlad must be getting a good laugh out of this shit show.
Wow.................not only is it people in this country who think that Trump is in Putin's pocket, but apparently the rest of the world thinks so as well.

Sure Bub. A circle jerk of leftwingers parroting the same old story that they hate President Trump.
Yeah, like newt gingrich.

The only thing Newt said was President Trump should clarify his statements. Hardly calling him a “traitor”.
Liar. He said “ it was the low point of the Trump’s presidency.”
Didn’t Fox cover it?
View attachment 205562 The world is responding today to the embarrassing Helsinki disaster of Trump’s.

Newspapers around the world have reacted to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performances at the Helsinki summit, and are united in their assessment of which world leader came out on top.

In the US, several papers went in hard on Trump. The New York Daily News accused the president of treason. Its front page featured an illustration of Trump holding hands with a bare-chested Putin and shooting Uncle Sam in the head with a gun in the other hand.

The Washington Post’s headline is: “Trump touts Putin’s ‘powerful’ denial”. The paper says Trump handed the Russian president“an unalloyed diplomatic triumph” during their summit as he refused to support the “collective conclusion” of the US intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

The New York Post ran with the headline: “See no evil”.

'Putin's poodle': newspapers declare Trump a traitor after Helsinki summit

What a surprise, every leftwing rag had their “Putin wins” headlines ready for print before the meeting even happened.
Yeah blame Trump throwing America under the bus on “ lefty rags.”
You have no idea how stupid you look do you.

Not one regressive has come up with a quote of President Trump “throwing America under the bus” or anything else equating to “treason”. All you can do is parrot what your globalist masters instruct you to say in their propaganda.
Yeah, stupid regressive Paul Ryan.

I understand the desire and the need to have good relations. That’s perfectly reasonable. - Paul Ryan.
View attachment 205562 The world is responding today to the embarrassing Helsinki disaster of Trump’s.

Newspapers around the world have reacted to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performances at the Helsinki summit, and are united in their assessment of which world leader came out on top.

In the US, several papers went in hard on Trump. The New York Daily News accused the president of treason. Its front page featured an illustration of Trump holding hands with a bare-chested Putin and shooting Uncle Sam in the head with a gun in the other hand.

The Washington Post’s headline is: “Trump touts Putin’s ‘powerful’ denial”. The paper says Trump handed the Russian president“an unalloyed diplomatic triumph” during their summit as he refused to support the “collective conclusion” of the US intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

The New York Post ran with the headline: “See no evil”.

'Putin's poodle': newspapers declare Trump a traitor after Helsinki summit
I declared the media traitors years ago.
Wow.................not only is it people in this country who think that Trump is in Putin's pocket, but apparently the rest of the world thinks so as well.

Sure Bub. A circle jerk of leftwingers parroting the same old story that they hate President Trump.
Yeah, like newt gingrich.

The only thing Newt said was President Trump should clarify his statements. Hardly calling him a “traitor”.
Liar. He said “ it was the low point of the Trump’s presidency.”
Didn’t Fox cover it?

So, that’s his opinion. If doing one press conference with Putin is the “low point” of his Presidency, sounds like your really stretching.
The best thing about the last 24 hours...is watching all the trumpanzees (ok, not all of them) jump on the "Support Russia" bandwagon.
support russia how?
Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission

So you are even ok if he is a Russian asset as long as your 401k is good. Not even saying he is but if he was, all good.
That's the dumbest thing I've read all week. There is not enough tinfoil in the US for me to think that.

It is what you said "thank the economy or cause irreparable damage internally " so that leaves a ton of ground! So now that's not what you said?
LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
He's still president.

How awesome is that?
He's a lame duck president, 18 months into his term. Pretty awesome, thanks for asking.
got his SCOTUS in and getting a second. that isn't lame duck. He's also going to get the Tax Cuts permanent. that isn't lame duck. what is lame is people like you who are anti american. fk off now.
Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission


What the hell?
”He” doesn’t say anything.

The US foreign policy can’t be more clear. Or unclear. There is no “he”, it’s your f-ing president.

What you are saying is that America sometimes speaks before it thinks, that America is like an average person - sometimes up, sometimes down, witty, funny, grumpy, tired, needs to take a shit or what the hell a person needs to do once in a while.

“Oh, we didn’t manage to get there in time because America felt I was time for a morning wank, sorry for your loss”

Get a grip will you?
So, is 180 Trump now admitting that Russia meddled? If so - that means he's admitting that he's an ILLEGITIMATE president.
A 'Free World' is just a carefully manipulated well-crafted illusion. You're not 'Free.' You do what you're told. And if you don't, you'll be punished. This hysterical lynching of Trump is a prime example. It's mind-control psyops.

People are just cattle being herded into state of hysterical faux outrage. Trump is bucking their 'Order.' So they're attempting to punish him. Seeking peace is now 'Treason.' What a sad farce. But oh well, such is life in the Matrix.

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