Florida compared to New York....red states are better


You can’t be serious.

Republican rule has rendered Florida a rightwing neo-fascist authoritarian dictatorship – with DeSantis the dictator.

And Republican lawmakers have enacted all manner of illiberal laws and measures, some of which have been struck down as un-Constitutional.

Such is the Fascist State of Florida.

You leftists sure like to throw dictatorship and fascism around a lot. Strikes me as projection since it's your kind who censors, and attempts to ruin everyone personally and economically who speak out against your instances that up is really down.

And let's not forget your kind uses govt. agencies including justice departments to spread your politicized wicked ways. Sounds like fascism to me, what say you?
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If you want to know what living in Nazi Germany was like then Florida is the place to go. Your free speech rights can be taken away. Your voting rights are useless. A woman can be told what to do with her body. The courts are in the state's back pocket.
Because Texas and Florida have more service industry jobs and fewer high paying jobs. As a result, the per capita income is lower. New York's per capita income is above the national average. Florida and Texas have per capita incomes that is below the national average.
You are good at moving the goal posts when your bullshit is exposed, Simp.
Yet people are fleeing New York for Florida. Why is that? Why has a neo-fascist right wing dictatorship (DeSantis) and state (Florida) replete with unconstitutional laws getting flooded with transplants from New York and other Blue Cities?
Cheaper costs of living...it comes from zero regulations and zero state services in Florida.
Cheaper costs of living...it comes from zero regulations and zero state services in Florida.
Regulations add to costs and services cost money. No one is arguing that there should be NO or ZERO regulations and service; not even Florida. Many of the Blue Cities’ problems stem from the mind set that Regulations and Services could be vehicles to get money above and beyond the level necessary for their intent so that those in charge could reward friends. In the process, this not only chased away residents but businesses as well. Now you have cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and NYC trying to squeeze more taxes out of people yet the tax base is drying up.
Regulations add to costs and services cost money.
You don't say.
No one is arguing that there should be NO or ZERO regulations and service; not even Florida.
Except when you try to add regulations to prevent a egomaniac governor from shipping humans to other states simply out of spite...they scream "states rights"...the same thing they screamed when they were having other humans pick their cotton while being shackled to their beds at night.
You don't say.

Except when you try to add regulations to prevent a egomaniac governor from shipping humans to other states simply out of spite...they scream "states rights"...the same thing they screamed when they were having other humans pick their cotton while being shackled to their beds at night.
Why should a locale be forced to accommodate illegals and why should that state and it’s head be admonished for sending those illegals to a state or locale that says it will take them?? That’s not spite…it’s humane and common sense.
Why should a locale be forced to accommodate illegals and why should that state and it’s head be admonished for sending those illegals to a state or locale that says it will take them?? That’s not spite…it’s humane and common sense.
Logic fallacies and lies galore.

Shipping human beings thousands of miles away from their families and support structures to make some bizarre political point is sick. Only those with massive character flaws would ever consider doing such things....only those with massive character flaws and deep, depraved mental illness applaud it. Those who have to lie about it and try to legitimize these most disgusting acts are sheer scum.
Logic fallacies and lies galore.

Shipping human beings thousands of miles away from their families and support structures to make some bizarre political point is sick. Only those with massive character flaws would ever consider doing such things....only those with massive character flaws and deep, depraved mental illness applaud it. Those who have to lie about it and try to legitimize these most disgusting acts are sheer scum.
They had families in Florida?

Logic fallacies and lies galore.

Shipping human beings thousands of miles away from their families and support structures to make some bizarre political point is sick. Only those with massive character flaws would ever consider doing such things....only those with massive character flaws and deep, depraved mental illness applaud it. Those who have to lie about it and try to legitimize these most disgusting acts are sheer scum.
Who was “shipped” from their families? One locale is overwhelmed with illegals and offers them the chance to go to another locale that has the capacity and has stated they are welcomed.

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