Florida County Commissioner Asked To Resign Over Ethnic Slur

"Santa Rosa County Commissioner Sam Parker was asked to resign in a public forum after he was shown in a video using the term "Jew down" to talk about haggling. Parker was confronted about his comment, which was heard in a snippet of what appeared to be security camera footage, by gun store owner Chris Smith on Monday. He called the use of the term "absolutely ridiculous in 2023." Parker refused to apologize for his comment, saying that the term he used is a well-known adjective and that he can't be antisemitic because he has an Israeli flag in his office."

I don't think the guy should resign, but I imagine this wouldn't be so bad if the guy simply acknowledged his mistake and moved on...but to double down on it and then issue a weak defense is probably the wrong route to take....It's ok to just take the L and move on sometimes.....

So first question, is "Jewing" something down considered anti-Semitic to you -- or are Jews being too uptight and they need to relax? I mean, you can't even tell jokes about baking cookies in ovens and Jews anymore...with all of this woke BS....

Second question, if you have an Israeli flag, doesn't that shield you from being Anti-Semitic? Like if you wanted to deny the holocaust ever happened, but did it while wearing an Israeli flag lapel pin, would that still be anti-Semitic to say?

Its an alleged RELIGIOUS slur, and not "ethnic" at all. What does the Jewish population of Santa Rosa County think about it? Are they offended?

Maybe the verb "jew" is commonly used and isn't considered in bad taste in western Floridian English?

Breaking News:
Point Blank, Texas Dog Catcher faces multiple charges resulting from recent encounter with a belligerent chihuahua.
After refusing to tase the elderly dog ... The county employee is now facing serious charges stemming from the incident.

Puff Daddy ... A 14-year-old chihuahua roaming the streets of Point Blank, Texas became belligerent when approached ...
Threated to assault the Dog Catcher ... Who was observed by witnesses stomping his foot and yelling ... "Not today Juan".

Now he is facing charges involving Elderly Abuse and Hate Crime Violations.
He has also been asked to resign amid allegations surrounding his ethnic slur towards the elderly pooch.

But he shouldn't double down on it, do you agree?

And the weak "I have an Israeli flag in my office" excuse is absolutely cringe and condescending...he might as well have said "I got a Jew friend"
Never apologize, never explain. That was said by Disraeli, a British prime minister, who was a Jew.

I think it is a crucial life skill. If you ever apologize, that gives your enemies (all the Woke Leftists) carte blanche to totally destroy you. And they will, fast, while they still can.
Never apologize, never explain. That was said by Disraeli, a British prime minister, who was a Jew.

I think it is a crucial life skill. If you ever apologize, that gives your enemies (all the Woke Leftists) carte blanche to totally destroy you. And they will, fast, while they still can.
The fun part is......being wrong doesn't require you apologizing to be it....you are still wrong.....

Not apologizing just means you are wrong and cowardly -- because you are too afraid to own up to your shit
The fun part is......being wrong doesn't require you apologizing to be it....you are still wrong.....

Not apologizing just means you are wrong and cowardly -- because you are too afraid to own up to your shit
Not apologizing may well mean you don't think you were wrong: you said what you said, so everybody can just suck it up. Use colorful language and let the Leftist Losers whine at will --- gyp, Jew down (that one is a little coarse for me, but I've heard it plenty), colored people instead of the stupid "People of Color" nonsense, retarded, homeless, etc., etc. Just say what you mean!

The Left will try to destroy everyone on the right, doesn't matter what anyone says. It's a constant effort to control and defeat us.
Almost every Jewish person I know has joked about Jews being thrifty/cheap/bargain-seeking. Stereotypes exist because they are based in a generalized truth that has been historically noted. It may not be true in every case, but it's a safe bet to assume it's true in many situations.
Queue up the faux-outrage and virtue signaling from the snowflakes.
I always thought jewing people down was a talent :dunno:
Fuckin silly ass shit

I worked for couple of rich Jewish ladies that, when negotiations got real, would instruct me how Jews “jewed down”.

Funny, to them it meant profitability

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