Florida Dems in uproar after Sanders’ Cuba comments. “Donald Trump wins Florida if Bernie is nominee

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
MIAMI — Bernie Sanders says he’s the Democrat best-equipped to defeat Donald Trump in November.

But Florida Democrats insist he‘s the worst-equipped after Sanders’s refusal Sunday night to thoroughly condemn the Cuban Revolution. His comments on 60 Minutes sent shockwaves through the nation’s biggest battleground state, where Democratic members of Congress, state legislators and party leaders warned that his nomination — and Sanders’s self-described “Democratic socialism” — will cost them the biggest battleground state of them all.

“Donald Trump wins Florida if Bernie is our nominee,” said state Rep. Javier Fernandez, a Democratic candidate in a majority-Hispanic state Senate district.

“If Bernie Sanders is atop the ticket, it’s going to make it tougher for all of us to win in Florida,” said Fernandez, who has endorsed Sanders’s rival, Joe Biden. “No one really sees Sanders winning Florida and I don’t think his campaign does either.”

As a state with an influential cross-section of Latinos whose families fled leftist Latin American regimes and violence, Sanders embrace of far-left leaders and his past refusals to wholeheartedly condemn Latin American strongmen and the Soviet Union have long been seen as fatal flaws.

Sanders on Sunday did nothing to allay those concerns in a 60 Minutes interview where he was asked about his 1985 comments stating that the Cuban people didn’t “rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro” because “he educated their kids, gave their kids health care, totally transformed society.”

There was no mention of the firing squads, political purges and mass arrests that accompanied the 1959 revolution.

"We're very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but you know, it's unfair to simply say everything is bad. You know?" Sanders said Sunday when asked about the remarks. "When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did?

(Excerpt) Read more at politico.com ...


The commercials practically write themselves in Florida...

Just keep showing Bernie praising Castro and Hugo Chavez over and over again in South Florida.

Then keep repeating to every retiree in Florida who is on Medicare and a private Medicare supplemental insurance plan how Bernie’s Medicare for All plan eliminates all private healthcare, so everything DemonRATS have accused Republicans of trying to do, their nominee is actually going to do....

It will be over in Florida by 9pm on election night
I'm no democrat, communist, liberal, conservative or anything....just as spectator. Castro was a man of principal, was a dictator? probably some of his people like him some don't....same with US presidents...in many cases most Americans have to put up with a president they don't like, who work against their interest and beliefs....in other words mind your damn business when it comes to other countries and their choices.

NYT: "In Nevada, Mr. Sanders won nonwhite voters by a 19-point margin, according to an entrance poll, far greater than his 10-point margin among white voters."
Probably Bernie will be the nominee....that is ....if he isn't Arkancide or something before...

With the criminal DemonRats you never know, they eat their own with no problems.....so
my friends, we will not let Crazy Bernie burn the Democrat Party, or America for that matter....to the ground!
Who can blame the people in Florida who does not like Sanders??

Not me. Yuck

Who can blame the people in Florida who does not like Sanders??

Not me. Yuck

Media End Castro Love Affair Just in Time to Hit Bernie.

Fake News Media uncritically parroted Cuban propaganda about Castro's literacy programs for years.


After Sanders called criticism of the Communist regime "unfair" and hyped Castro's "literacy program" in a 60 Minutes interview, the Fake News Washington Post wrote sarcastically that "finding something positive to say about an authoritarian leader" was one of Sanders's "greatest hits," giving a rundown of all the times the socialist Vermont senator has praised dictatorial Communist governments.

But the Fake News Post‘s obituary for Castro claimed that

"among Mr. Castro’s more successful efforts were universal health care and the near-eradication of illiteracy throughout Cuba. Thousands of classrooms were built in rural areas, and the country’s literacy rate grew to more than 95 percent. There were more physicians and hospital beds per capita in Cuba than in the United States."​

Despite parroting the Castro regime's propaganda about its literacy programs, a week later the Fake News Post gave Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau "Three Pinocchios" for claiming Castro made "significant improvements to the education and health care" of Cuba. "Fact-checker" Glenn Kessler said that Trudeau had "accepted Cuban government spin as current fact."

The Fake News New York Times obituary credited Castro with "improving education and health care for many Cubans" and noted that "admirers from around the world, including some Americans, were impressed with the way that health care and literacy in Cuba had improved."

The Fake News Los Angeles Times heralded Castro's "impressive progress in literacy, higher education and health care" and wrote that "university enrollment was higher than in many more prosperous countries," adding that "Castro's ‘literacy brigades' helped literally lift the quality of life in the countryside."

Among the few media outlets to place Cuba's literacy rates in context was the Miami Herald, whose readership is largely Cuban-American. The Herald noted that "under the Castro government, many books are banned, history textbooks carry only the government's version and many recent university graduates say they see no future at home."

I'm no democrat, communist, liberal, conservative or anything....just as spectator. Castro was a man of principal, was a dictator? probably some of his people like him some don't....same with US presidents...in many cases most Americans have to put up with a president they don't like, who work against their interest and beliefs....in other words mind your damn business when it comes to other countries and their choices.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke.
Bernie Sanders Hates America — But he still has a soft spot for Fidel Castro.

Senator Sanders is not an intellectual. He is not a scholar of law or economics or intersectionality studies, and he is not a member of the new administrative class that the American Left has been building since Woodrow Wilson.​

Senator Sanders’s parroting Castroite propaganda about Communist Cuba’s supposed successes in literacy and health care are hardly without precedent. The New York Times’s infamous Walter Duranty reportage was straight-up Soviet propaganda. Lincoln Steffens’s celebration of Soviet life — “I have seen the future, and it works!” — required a measure of willful blindness. The New Republic at times functioned as a gentle apologist for Stalin and Stalinism. Noam Chomsky and Pol Pot, the American Left and Ho Chi Minh, the American Left and Chairman Mao, the American Left and Castro, the American Left and Hugo Chávez, the European Left and the Ayatollah Khomeini, knucklehead campus dopes and Che Guevara, etc. — the pattern repeats itself. There is a streak of Leninism that runs from the Soviet enterprise through Mao’s China and into the ayatollahs’ Iran. But what Lenin’s revolution really has in common with Mao’s and with Khomeini’s is that each of those ultimately was directed at the same enemy: us.​

Castro was fortunate in one sense: “A decade ago, Forbes estimated Fidel Castro’s personal net worth at $900 million,” a Forbes columnist wrote after Castro’s death in 2016. Just under the wire to avoid the wrath that the millionaire Vermont Marxist has for billionaires.
After more than 59 yrs., why is it that I still can't buy a Cuban cigar. That's the real crime here.
Who can blame the people in Florida who does not like Sanders??

Not me. Yuck

the main reason why Trump should easily take Florida is because about 8 million people here are between 60 and 120 years old,
After more than 59 yrs., why is it that I still can't buy a Cuban cigar. That's the real crime here.
Rich folks can get Cuban cigars any time they like. We all have a right to Cuban cigars. If Bernie is elected, the government should provide free Cuban cigars to everyone.

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