Florida effectively bans AP Psychology course over LGBTQ content, College Board says


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Florida bans senior level ELECTIVE AP Psychology course. Psychology is literally the study of the human mind. Banning it to hide that LGBT exist is mind numbingly stupid. It harms students when they go to university because its expensive credits they place out of, and puts them at a disadvantage against other students to get into universities.

Florida effectively bans AP Psychology course over LGBTQ content, College Board says
Florida "effectively banned" Advanced Placement Psychology classes in the state due to the course's content on sexual orientation and gender identity, the College Board said Thursday.

The state's Department of Education informed the College Board that its AP Psychology class is in violation of state law, the higher education nonprofit said in a statement. Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act, or what critics have dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" law, restricts the instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity in the state's classrooms.

“The state’s ban of this content removes choice from parents and students,” the College Board said in a statement. “Coming just days from the start of school, it derails the college readiness and affordability plans of tens of thousands of Florida students currently registered for AP Psychology, one of the most popular AP classes in the state.“

The state's move to restrict the AP Psychology course comes several months after its decision to block AP African American Studies courses was widely condemned by academics and civil rights activists. The College Board added that Florida will allow superintendents to offer the college-level psychology class for high schoolers if they exclude LGBTQ topics.
Florida bans senior level ELECTIVE AP Psychology course. Psychology is literally the study of the human mind. Banning it to hide that LGBT exist is mind numbingly stupid. It harms students when they go to university because its expensive credits they place out of, and puts them at a disadvantage against other students to get into universities.

Florida effectively bans AP Psychology course over LGBTQ content, College Board says
Such is the ignorance, bigotry, and hate of conservatives.

The right-wing war on facts, education, and the truth continues.
Psychologists are mostly not right in the head themselves.....Most Social Psychologists won't even admit the "left" even exists because they are so tied to it.
Nonsense OP . Psychology studies behaviour NOT the mind. Allegedly Psychiatry studies the mind , but I suggest that most of its tenets are 100% unproven and merely a form of techno waffle .
Florida bans senior level ELECTIVE AP Psychology course. Psychology is literally the study of the human mind.
Florida bans senior level ELECTIVE AP Psychology course. Psychology is literally the study of the human mind. Banning it to hide that LGBT exist is mind numbingly stupid. It harms students when they go to university because its expensive credits they place out of, and puts them at a disadvantage against other students to get into universities.

Florida effectively bans AP Psychology course over LGBTQ content, College Board says
Bull-shit! Ohh! In high school. Well, that's different!
In an ideal world all man-made home O, trans & Lezbo should be openly permitted (strongly suggested) to move to NorCal SF Silicon Valley etc.

No more court protections or Affirmative Action elsewhere. Don't show, don't tell. A dream world, isolate the filth. Keep them out of normal Childrens view, schools and off MSM. Heavy fines.

Probably too late for that now, just a faint Dream at thus point.

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