Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

On Going International

You fool, India has had Hijras for thousands of years. The third sex, as they call them, are considered neither male or female, they are considered and honored as special people, invited to weddings and birth parties because they are thought to be closer to the divine than ordinary people and bring good luck. India passed a law protecting these citizens in 2015. It's their version of gay rights bill.
No. It doesn’t.

No. It shouldn’t have. It’s a perfectly reasonable law. Your insane reaction to it is fascinating but utterly without valid basis.
My concerns are very valid even if it represents a minority viewpoint which I believe it doesn't. Explain to me how a teacher does a good job educating the gay and transgendered students in her classroom without being able to discuss sexual orientation or gender orientation topics at all. The teacher's duty is to educate ALL of her / his students not just the majority.
This law affects the ability of teachers to provide a comprehensive sex education program. It should have been outlawed on numerous grounds.
What ever happened to the argument that you folks "just want to live your lives without bothering anyone else's

You lied. It was a Trojan Horse. Most of us understood where this was heading.
My concerns are very valid even if it represents a minority viewpoint which I believe it doesn't. Explain to me how a teacher does a good job educating the gay and transgendered students in her classroom without being able to discuss sexual orientation or gender orientation topics at all. The teacher's duty is to educate ALL of her / his students not just the majority.
No. If there is sex education it should only discuss BIOLOGY -- not your propaganda
You write the above then call them "special, honored people"
So why do these freaks need "special protection" 🤔
Just like here in America there are a lot of ignorant and violent people. They gang rape women all the time. And unfortunately again, some of these extremist nut cases attack Hijras too. Up until lately these gang rapes of women went largely unreported ( for fear of death ) and the criminals got away with it. Hopefully both situations are improving. There's far too much hatred and bigotry in this world. * I attempted to.look up the crime rates in India, mixed reports, one saying crime rates down, the other up. Inconclusive results.
My concerns are very valid even if it represents a minority viewpoint which I believe it doesn't. Explain to me how a teacher does a good job educating the gay and transgendered students in her classroom without being able to discuss sexual orientation or gender orientation topics at all. The teacher's duty is to educate ALL of her / his students not just the majority.
Teachers SHOULD NOT BE TEACHING ANY SEX SHIT regardless of sexuality.

Our children can't even read and write ffs and you want to shove gender & sex shit in the mix.

Teaching about sex is the PARENTS JOB groomer. The only reason you want it taught in school is to push your sexual preferences onto youth who would otherwise never hear about it.

You write the above then call them "special, honored people"
So why do these freaks need "special protection" 🤔
Because of people like you who call them freaks and then take that hatred and prejudice a step further to dehumanize them and harm or kill them. Making things like this appear justified is very important to these creeps. How else could they justify it ( redundant question ), please do not answer.There is a special place for people like this in Hell if you believe in that sorta junk.
How can that be? It's not a Christian country. Good thing gays don't rape or assault people
I'm sure some of the sick ones do. Remember, subcultures mimic the main culture in most ways. Only the differences make them a subculture.
That sounds reasonable. They have a choice allowing their children to be properly prepared for the world or not. Do the children get a say in this ? Or is it all about the parents ? Who's going to school here ?

You were almost certainly never a parent and never lived in a home with, say, a 15 year old. Who often times has to be reminded to apply deodorant and brush teeth. And other basic functions. So right, allowing young teens who we do not allow to:

--sign legal forms

To determine what form of education they should receive is a spurious decision on YOUR part.
You were almost certainly never a parent and never lived in a home with, say, a 15 year old. Who often times has to be reminded to apply deodorant and brush teeth. And other basic functions. So right, allowing young teens who we do not allow to:

--sign legal forms

To determine what form of education they should receive is a spurious decision on YOUR part.
Correct, we can only hope that most parents really have their children's well-being in mind. It would be unfortunate if the parents used their position to promote their own prejudices and hatreds. Instilling that in one's children is surely detrimental to their well- being.
You fool, India has had Hijras for thousands of years. The third sex, as they call them, are considered neither male or female, they are considered and honored as special people, invited to weddings and birth parties because they are thought to be closer to the divine than ordinary people and bring good luck. India passed a law protecting these citizens in 2015. It's their version of gay rights bill.
Lakhota has trans, though apparently don't do surgery, it's mental. What hijra did surgery? Thousands of years ago?
Here we go again. That's already been discussed over and over. The actual wording of the bill states, " Classroom discussion by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur. " That's about as limiting as it gets. In other words only heterosexual youth will be taught sex education in Florida. The objective of public education is to teach all the students. Ignoring, or telling students they don't exist isn't in the best interest of public education or the students.

Yes, here we go again- with claims about this that aren't contained in it.

Nowhere does it say "You cannot talk about the " gay ' point of view"

Quote it correctly or stop feigning frustration when others point out these blatant attempts at hyperbole.

And you are wrong, as the article also states "unless required by existing state standards or as part of reproductive health instruction that students can choose not to take. That’s the time when students are becoming aware of their sexuality."

So your statement
only heterosexual youth will be taught sex education in Florida

is also incorrect.

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