Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

I already quoted it several times directly from the bill. But I will do it once more for your sake but no more. " Classroom discussion by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur. " In other words, it's a gag order for teachers and students. They aren't allowed to discuss these issues. If you can't comprehend that, I don't know what else I can say.
No, you partially quoted it several times.

What the original bill actually said was

"Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards"

Weird that you omitted the rest of it. Lol
You asked me to repeat the exact wording of the bill and I did for the nth time. You are pathetic. There is no countering this.
No, you gave partial quotes and snipped out what didn't suit you, as you are a disingenuous POS.
No, you partially quoted it several times.

What the original bill actually said was

"Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards"

Weird that you omitted the rest of it. Lol
And now that insane bill was expanded to include the 12 th. grade. That's ridiculous. And the schools have always done what is deemed age appropriate. You really think teachers are the eny now !
No, you gave partial quotes and snipped out what didn't suit you, as you are a disingenuous POS.
I told the important part that they gagged the students and teachers from talking about sexual orientation or gender identity and that would be just fine IF the world was made up of only heterosexuals who were totally secure about their gender BUT that is not the case and NEVER was.
That's just another area you're confused about. Sexual orientation occurs before puberty. These " children " know who they are better than you seem to know yourself.
No. You’re either confused or dishonest. But regardless, sexual orientation has fuck all to do with learning to spell, learning basic math skills, learning social studies and so forth.

You’re uite fully dishonest.

And I know you’re gay. You morons assume I give a rat’s ass about your sexuality. I don’t. I have several friends and acquaintances who are gay and married. The impact of their sexuality on my life? Absolutely none.

But as to young kids having developed any actual concept of their (possible future) sexual orientation, let’s be plain: You’re dishonest.
And now that insane bill was expanded to include the 12 th. grade. That's ridiculous. And the schools have always done what is deemed age appropriate. You really think teachers are the eny now !
Yes, and the expanded one includes verbage about 'except in sex ed' or some such thing.

Boo hoo. Schools can't groom small children and this will only be addressed in sex ed, where it belongs! Oh no!
I told the important part that they gagged the students and teachers from talking about sexual orientation or gender identity and that would be just fine IF the world was made up of only heterosexuals who were totally secure about their gender BUT that is not the case and NEVER was.
No, you included what skewed the argument for you.

Dishonesty coupled with the vapors sums up the left's response to this whole nothing-burger.
No. You’re either confused or dishonest. But regardless, sexual orientation has fuck all to do with learning to spell, learning basic math skills, learning social studies and so forth.

You’re uite fully dishonest.

And I know you’re gay. You morons assume I give a rat’s ass about your sexuality. I don’t. I have several friends and acquaintances who are gay and married. The impact of their sexuality on my life? Absolutely none.

But as to young kids having developed any actual concept of their (possible future) sexual orientation, let’s be plain: You’re dishonest.
Why the need for this dishonest law them. These new republicans are following trump's lead and becoming more and more devious. Insinuating unjust laws wherever they can to try to control people. It's going to backfire bog time. Lies will only get you in the door, they won't allow you to stay in the house.
No, you included what skewed the argument for you.

Dishonesty coupled with the vapors sums up the left's response to this whole nothing-burger.
A gag order is a gag order no matter how you look at it.
Yes, and the expanded one includes verbage about 'except in sex ed' or some such thing.

Boo hoo. Schools can't groom small children and this will only be addressed in sex ed, where it belongs! Oh no!
So you are one of the extremists who believe the schools are somehow exploiting children. I try not to deal with crazy people ; try to have a nice day, I plan on it.
So you are one of the extremists who believe the schools are somehow exploiting children. I try not to deal with crazy people ; try to have a nice day, I plan on it.
Sure, when faced with the fact that you're misrepresenting by omitting the entire set of facts of course you resort to ad hominems and have nothing more to say.

A gag order is a gag order no matter how you look at it.
No it is not a gag order ffs, which the full text clearly shows, which, of course, is why you omitted it.

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Sure, when faced with the fact that you're misrepresenting by omitting the entire set of facts of course you resort to ad hominems and have nothing more to say.

No, I'm sick of wasting my time with losers trying to defend this repulsive law.
He says the third sex is honored... 😆

Motherfucker is as delusional as the rest of the freaks
And you are very prejudiced. Calling an entire group of people you don't know or seem to care about at all freaks says it all. You are a very hateful person.
These are two separate issues:

--What I think is morally right, wrong and abhorrent AND
--What I am able to compel other people to do, as an American

I have the right to speak about my moral convictions that should not be taken away. But that they are my moral convictions does not mean that they are everyone else's OR that everyone else should live by them.

That's America.

As to your last question: it's immaterial what I think should be in health class. Parents are informed of the content. If other parents want THEIR children to be so educated, that's their business.
Then the only solution is to allow American's to freely separate from each other in group's, but (ohhhhhhh noooooo we can't have that now can weeeee(?), otherwise we should have the freedom's of school choice, and all that other sort of stuff that will be in tune with individual group's value's, standard's, ideologies, religion's, and other unifying stuff that is usually promoted amongst the group's by it's members. Why not ??? It helps individual group's to become better empowered and educated in their own right, and it's for the best purposes to suit them.... It of course stops the distractions, and creates a better managed solution for all I think. Then let everyone come together voluntarily in the public spaces with of course unanimous consensus on the rule's to then follow.

The forcing of people to put up with so much bull crap against their will these days, uuuuh I think has come to most thinking that it needs to end. It's truly gone way to far now it seems (I could be wrong).

If you aren't careful, then you become an enabler due to your weak stance on the many trying issue's of today... It can place those in your care (be they up and coming), to become easily subjected to indoctrination and God only knows what else if certain things are allowed around them....It's even worse without your contesting of such things when needed. It's not ever good if you think that certain things are wrong, and yet you say nothing in defence of what you think is right.... Not sure what that does in the long run.

Best not to be ashamed to stand up for what you think is right.

This cover's a lot of issue's today.
Right, tough shit for you ; you willingly did this to.yourself. How's life going, bigot !
Life is fucking great lol. House is nearly paid off. Truck & bike are paid off.
Everything in my house is paid off.
Zero debt outside the last house payments.
New garden going in.
New fence built.
Money in the bank.
Youngest granddaughter is now walking.
On and on.

No fucking mental midgets (lgbtqrstuvwxyz) in my life=100% awesome

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