Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

No, I'm sick of wasting my time with losers trying to defend this repulsive law.
Of course anyone that disagrees with you is a 'loser'.

More ad hominems and hyperbole about a nothingburger.

Wah! Wah!

Keep crying, just keep your instability away from kids.
2 wives, 5 children and 5 grandkids.

Sorry, straight as the come.
Sorry that obviously went over your head, you said " no mental midgets in my life " to which I replied, " You forgot to count yourself. " Thanks for all the laughs. Good night.
Of course anyone that disagrees with you is a 'loser'.

More ad hominems and hyperbole about a nothingburger.

Wah! Wah!

Keep crying, just keep your instability away from kids.
No people who purposely ignore the main issue of an argument and falsely participate in a debate on the issue at hand are losers. And I'm not wasting any more of my time than I have to with the likes of you. It's a waste of time.
No people who purposely ignore the main issue of an argument and falsely participate in a debate on the issue at hand are losers. And I'm not wasting any more of my time than I have to with the likes of you. It's a waste of time.

Look in the mirror while reading that out loud.

You're the one intentionally misrepresenting the actual content.
Why the need for this dishonest law them.
Because some assholes insist that school boards, teachers, aides and invited guests should get any say in when to advise innocent youth about various matters of sexuality — rather than parents.
These new republicans are following trump's lead and becoming more and more devious.

You are clearly :cuckoo:
Insinuating unjust laws wherever they can to try to control people.

Put your rambling insanity into the form of a coherent sentence.
It's going to backfire bog time.

Swamp did you say? :cuckoo:
Lies will only get you in the door, they won't allow you to stay in the house.
So stop lying then.
Because some assholes insist that school boards, teachers, aides and invited guests should get any say in when to advise innocent youth about various matters of sexuality — rather than parents.
Sex education was always intended as an additional resource to parental guidance. It was never meant to replace it, and the important thing about education is you can never have enough of it. So you know better than the educators. Please present your platform and what will be discussed and are you sure it's all age-appropriate and will all these things help the students involved no matter what their sexual orientation or gender identity is.
Sex education was always intended as an additional resource to parental guidance. It was never meant to replace it, and the important thing about education is you can never have enough of it. So you know better than the educators. Please present your platform and what will be discussed and are you sure it's all age-appropriate and will all these things help the students involved no matter what their sexual orientation or gender identity is.
Sex education may have its place in some grades. But not at that age. And the autocratic exclusion of parental input is totally unacceptable, you libtard fascist.
Sex education may have its place in some grades. But not at that age. And the autocratic exclusion of parental input is totally unacceptable, you libtard fascist.
So you go against the statistics that show third graders are among the children who are kidnapped, raped and murdered. What they teach 3rd. Graders is designed to protect them from these situations. I guess they're just fair game in your book. On their own to deal with all the weirdos out there. Good for you !
Sex education may have its place in some grades. But not at that age. And the autocratic exclusion of parental input is totally unacceptable, you libtard fascist.
You do realize they've expanded this ban to the 12 th. Grade so now no Florida school children will get the education they need. As much, if not more, than reading, writing and arithmetic.
So you go against the statistics that show third graders are among the children who are kidnapped, raped and murdered.
Not because of learning math instead of gay studies in 2d grade, you conflating kook.
What they teach 3rd. Graders is designed to protect them from these situations.
Oh, bullshit.
I guess they're just fair game in your book.
You’re a liar. The be already disproved that, you scumbag.
On their own to deal with all the weirdos out there. Good for you !
Not a thing to do with the law. You are very stupid and completely illogical and dishonest. Quite the trifecta.
You do realize they've expanded this ban to the 12 th.
I know the original law passed. Last I heard, they seek (maybe) to expand it. In any case, that’s their business. But I doubt many high schoolers would become damaged hearing about penises and vaginas.
so now no Florida school children will get the education they need.
You’re so full of shit, you could rent your services as a manure farm and get rich.

Kids in school can all learn the core curriculum of math, science, English, social studies and government, a foreign language, art, music and physical education without having to be taught by the state about how sex works.
As much, if not more, than reading, writing and arithmetic.
It doesn’t need to include teaching students about the gay life style or about the hetero’s, either.
I know the original law passed. Last I heard, they seek (maybe) to expand it. In any case, that’s their business. But I doubt many high schoolers would become damaged hearing about penises and vaginas.

You’re so full of shit, you could rent your services as a manure farm and get rich.

Kids in school can all learn the core curriculum of math, science, English, social studies and government, a foreign language, art, music and physical education without having to be taught by the state about how sex works.

It doesn’t need to include teaching students about the gay life style or about the hetero’s, either.
I am glad you know it all. Must be nice ! Try to have a good night with that big head it must be hard to get comfortable !
I know the original law passed. Last I heard, they seek (maybe) to expand it. In any case, that’s their business. But I doubt many high schoolers would become damaged hearing about penises and vaginas.

You’re so full of shit, you could rent your services as a manure farm and get rich.

Kids in school can all learn the core curriculum of math, science, English, social studies and government, a foreign language, art, music and physical education without having to be taught by the state about how sex works.

It doesn’t need to include teaching students about the gay life style or about the hetero’s, either.
I don’t agree. Kids need to learn about sex, how to protect themselves, what their rights are, and how to be safe and responsible before they begin experimenting with it. You can’t just expect they will all have parents who will do that.

You have a state has essentially banned abortion, restricted discussion of menstruation, no longer provides free condoms in highschool…what do you think will happen When you add no instruction? Increase in STD’s? (already happening)…unwanted pregnancies?
I don’t agree. Kids need to learn about sex, how to protect themselves, what their rights are, and how to be safe and responsible before they begin experimenting with it. You can’t just expect they will all have parents who will do that.

You have a state has essentially banned abortion, restricted discussion of menstruation, no longer provides free condoms in highschool…what do you think will happen When you add no instruction? Increase in STD’s? (already happening)…unwanted pregnancies?
You're not going to have any impact on this poster, I really think he's a troll and gets his jollies out of attempting to bash the opponents position and the name-calling. It's endless. Have fun but don't waste too much of your time with him. He'll talk nonsense and then say you are talking nonsense. A regular know it all.
I know the original law passed. Last I heard, they seek (maybe) to expand it. In any case, that’s their business. But I doubt many high schoolers would become damaged hearing about penises and vaginas.

You’re so full of shit, you could rent your services as a manure farm and get rich.

Kids in school can all learn the core curriculum of math, science, English, social studies and government, a foreign language, art, music and physical education without having to be taught by the state about how sex works.

It doesn’t need to include teaching students about the gay life style or about the hetero’s, either.
In today's world it is best if it includes all those things. It has to in order to serve ALL the students. And these students are the most diverse group ever. Even in my local school they have a record 11 gender types among the 40 transgender students in the high school. I can't imagine what it would be like for a kid in a much bigger school system, it has to be sensational for them.
I am glad you know it all. Must be nice ! Try to have a good night with that big head it must be hard to get comfortable !
Stain, you pathetic little critter. I don’t have to “know it all” in order to know that you’re a dishonest blowhard.

Go overdose on Midol. 👍

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