Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

Just like Back again, maybe you're one in the same, constantly asking the same stupid questions and / or making ignorant personal attacks. Bottom line, neither of you are worth my time. I,' ll.wait until you two attack your next victim to jump into the conversation again. You can only say so much about a subject before all the interesting people who actually contribute to a conversation leave.
Boils down, in Gods eyes, to a vagina or a penis.

Do you wish to argue that?
Boils down, in Gods eyes, to a vagina or a penis.

Do you wish to argue that?
Not a problem. You assume you know the intention of god. How nice for you. I do know it is very easy for a man to love a woman and vice versa. I also know that it is easy for a man to love another man or a woman to.love another woman. Sex is important but it shouldn't be the most important facet of a couple living their lives together, that would simply be lust. You can have all the lust you want, I'll stick with the love.
The bill does not allow coverage or discussion by gay or transgendered students. Not being allowed to participate is a breach of their right to equal treatment under the law. I don't know how much clearer I can make that. You cannot be that dense. You are able to type, there should be some brains behind that.
Nothing should support, promote or allow explicit sex talk in the school's period...... School's should not be social experiments for government or other, the same goes for our military and etc.
Then the only solution is to allow American's to freely separate from each other in group's, but (ohhhhhhh noooooo we can't have that now can weeeee(?), otherwise we should have the freedom's of school choice, and all that other sort of stuff that will be in tune with individual group's value's, standard's, ideologies, religion's, and other unifying stuff that is usually promoted amongst the group's by it's members. Why not ??? It helps individual group's to become better empowered and educated in their own right, and it's for the best purposes to suit them.... It of course stops the distractions, and creates a better managed solution for all I think. Then let everyone come together voluntarily in the public spaces with of course unanimous consensus on the rule's to then follow.

The forcing of people to put up with so much bull crap against their will these days, uuuuh I think has come to most thinking that it needs to end. It's truly gone way to far now it seems (I could be wrong).

If you aren't careful, then you become an enabler due to your weak stance on the many trying issue's of today... It can place those in your care (be they up and coming), to become easily subjected to indoctrination and God only knows what else if certain things are allowed around them....It's even worse without your contesting of such things when needed. It's not ever good if you think that certain things are wrong, and yet you say nothing in defence of what you think is right.... Not sure what that does in the long run.

Best not to be ashamed to stand up for what you think is right.

This cover's a lot of issue's today.

Spare me the lecture.

Let's be clear on the DeSantis stance. He has outlawed ALL instruction in sexual orientation and gender studies in K-12 OTHER THAN in health class, to which parents can opt out.

What you really want is to make up the mind of other parents. You want the parents to all make the decision THAT YOU WOULD MAKE.

I'm not going to impose my will on other parents even if I believe they are wrong. You would. You will decide for other parents what's best for their children. I won't.

Frankly--by your OWN guidelines--I am the better qualified to be in public schools, since I actually believe in "parents' rights".
So you consider millions of your fellow Americans as vermin. That would make you vermin. Don't worry, if you believe DeDantis and his hatred of gay people is acceptable you are in the same bad company.
So you consider millions of your fellow Americans as vermin. That would make you vermin. Don't worry, if you believe DeDantis and his hatred of gay people is acceptable you are in the same bad company.
The difference being Governor DeSantis has never expressed hatred toward anyone. While the same cannot be said about the core far-left.


Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.
So you go against the statistics that show third graders are among the children who are kidnapped, raped and murdered. What they teach 3rd. Graders is designed to protect them from these situations. I guess they're just fair game in your book. On their own to deal with all the weirdos out there. Good for you !
Boils down, in Gods eyes, to a vagina or a penis.

Do you wish to argue that?
Two genders, though anomalies can arise via genetics. There is no god, so Nature is the "god" one should refer to, just like the Founding Fathers did. Like the absurd joke now in the WH taking CIA orders, if there were an entity hovering in the ethers that cared about you or anyone else, this entity would already know what's going to happen.

How could this (dipshit) entity have looked upon the Nashville killer-tranny with non-chalance, lack of concern? Evelyn Dieckhaus was christian and by default, a potential atheist.
Two genders, though anomalies can arise via genetics. There is no god, so Nature is the "god" one should refer to, just like the Founding Fathers did. Like the absurd joke now in the WH taking CIA orders, if there were an entity hovering in the ethers that cared about you or anyone else, this entity would already know what's going to happen.

How could this (dipshit) entity have looked upon the Nashville killer-tranny with non-chalance, lack of concern? Evelyn Dieckhaus was christian and by default, a potential atheist.
In your eyes this God is supposed to reach down out of the clouds and prevent mankind from performing all kinds of vicious acts upon themselves?
In your eyes this God is supposed to reach down out of the clouds and prevent mankind from performing all kinds of vicious acts upon themselves?
The point is that this illusory god already knows what's going to happen, and is the same psycho that commanded Adam to name the animals, which already had a name in god's illusory brain.
You have the right to determine your future, however limited that may be. But you don't have the right to dictate the future of others, especially those you despise or hate. These are not Christian or American values.
No one hates any human being (God's creation), but as for those things that are known to destroy the human being, and this whether it be mind, body or soul is definitely something to be hated.

The stats have not been in "Sins" favor ever. Ignoring the stats or lying about them in order to fool other's is also engaging in agreedous Sin... It is the equivalent to that of the drug dealer, and not necessarily the equivalent of the user.... Both are wrong, but the groomer dealer is the main culprit in the chain. He or she will suffer the most come judgement day. Teach the little one's to SIN, and it best that one shall take a huge rock and place it around his or her neck, and then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean. And even then they won't be able to hide from his wrath.
You fool, India has had Hijras for thousands of years. The third sex, as they call them, are considered neither male or female, they are considered and honored as special people, invited to weddings and birth parties because they are thought to be closer to the divine than ordinary people and bring good luck. India passed a law protecting these citizens in 2015. It's their version of gay rights bill.
No one gives a crap about India or maybe you want to go live there ?
Spare me the lecture.

Let's be clear on the DeSantis stance. He has outlawed ALL instruction in sexual orientation and gender studies in K-12 OTHER THAN in health class, to which parents can opt out.

What you really want is to make up the mind of other parents. You want the parents to all make the decision THAT YOU WOULD MAKE.

I'm not going to impose my will on other parents even if I believe they are wrong. You would. You will decide for other parents what's best for their children. I won't.

Frankly--by your OWN guidelines--I am the better qualified to be in public schools, since I actually believe in "parents' rights".
Don't put word's in my mouth you closet liberal. If you don't stand up for what's right, and speak with power your convictions, then you are no better than the leftist crazies are, and that makes you a Rhino if political....

And so what is your idea of parent's right's ?

My idea is that they (the parent's), should be able to control the education that their children receive, and if anyone crosses a red line, then the parent's can demand that the line is then immediately abandoned by the perps who ended up around their children, and yep it should be immediate, otherwise no if and or but, but, but about it.
Don't put word's in my mouth you closet liberal. If you don't stand up for what's right, and speak with power your convictions, then you are no better than the leftist crazies are, and that makes you a Rhino if political....

And so what is your idea of parent's right's ?

My idea is that they (the parent's), should be able to control the education that their children receive, and if anyone crosses a red line, then the parent's can demand that the line is then immediately abandoned by the perps who ended up around their children, and yep it should be immediate, otherwise no if and or but, but, but about it.

Since you decided to be nasty, get a handle on your out of control apostrophes if you expect me to read and respond to your posts from now on.

Plural = no need for apostrophes. Like this: I bought apples at the store. Not: I bought apple's at the store. You used apostrophes inappropriately above in the example "Don't put word's in my mouth...". Words is plural--many. No apostrophe.

Contraction = apostrophe. What is = what's. You used this appropriately in the sentence "If you don't stand up for what's right..."

Possessive = You used the apostrophe in appropriately in the example "parent's right's...." but I would not quibble about that because so many people do. It should be "parents' rights" because the subject is plural so the apostrophe goes behind the s in parents.

In short, just get a handle on this: multiples of something does not require an apostrophe.

My son has a lot of baseball cards. -- no apostrophe, just plural.
My closet has a lot of shoes. -- no apostrophe, just plural.
The dogs were crazy tonight. --plural

Again to you point. We agree that the parents should control the education their children receive. The problem is that you want to control the education that ALL THE OTHER children receive. It's not good enough that it be made clear what is taught in health class so your child can opt out. Right? You want to opt ALL THE OTHER children out.

Guess what pal? They ain't your kids. As it turns out, you are the Rino, because YOU want to supersede the decisions of other parents. I do not.
Since you decided to be nasty, get a handle on your out of control apostrophes if you expect me to read and respond to your posts from now on.

Plural = no need for apostrophes. Like this: I bought apples at the store. Not: I bought apple's at the store. You used apostrophes inappropriately above in the example "Don't put word's in my mouth...". Words is plural--many. No apostrophe.

Contraction = apostrophe. What is = what's. You used this appropriately in the sentence "If you don't stand up for what's right..."

Possessive = You used the apostrophe in appropriately in the example "parent's right's...." but I would not quibble about that because so many people do. It should be "parents' rights" because the subject is plural so the apostrophe goes behind the s in parents.

In short, just get a handle on this: multiples of something does not require an apostrophe.

My son has a lot of baseball cards. -- no apostrophe, just plural.
My closet has a lot of shoes. -- no apostrophe, just plural.
The dogs were crazy tonight. --plural

Again to you point. We agree that the parents should control the education their children receive. The problem is that you want to control the education that ALL THE OTHER children receive. It's not good enough that it be made clear what is taught in health class so your child can opt out. Right? You want to opt ALL THE OTHER children out.

Guess what pal? They ain't your kids. As it turns out, you are the Rino, because YOU want to supersede the decisions of other parents. I do not.
Fair enough on the proper grammar usage or application of.

Now you are floating into Rhino/Leftist belief territory, and this is because you basically are saying that you don't care if someone else might be abused undoubtedly, otherwise just as long as you get your little one's out maybe ?? Then it's just que sera sera, what ever will be will be... Why is this ??

So because their parent's are dumb Ace's, is it that you feel just as long as your little Johnny gets out (goes to private school because you have the resources to make that happen), then ta hell with what happens to little left behind Suzy, otherwise whose parent's might be complete jackasses for whom are allowing their little Suzy to be abused mentally, and well because they are dumb aced jackasses right ??? The sad thing is that children can't choose their parent's.

So is it that you don't care about the other children, otherwise when it comes to them being exposed to bad stuff ?? Stuff that for a miriad of reason's had worked it's way into the public system that is exposing the vulnerable children to the bad stuff ?

I know you care, but why the attitude or position taken as if you don't care about other's who might be vulnerable, and it not by any fault of their own ??

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