Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

I am an elderly gay man if I was going to groom anyone it would be a handsome middle-aged man you fool. Young men are too full of themselves and only creeps like child molesters have crazy thoughts about school children.
Says the faggot who supports all the creepy shit they are trying to force on our kids from kindergarten on. Tranny shit, homosexual shit, dragqueen shit and on and on.

Your a groomer by way of ignoring the damage being done to our society with the promotion of your filthy fucking lifestyle.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a pervert. Good luck with that attitude, you're going to need all the help you can get.
I'll take that as an admission of the points I made since you ignored them.

The good news about all the faggots is the can't reproduce without help.
Says the faggot who supports all the creepy shit they are trying to force on our kids from kindergarten on. Tranny shit, homosexual shit, dragqueen shit and on and on.

Your a groomer by way of ignoring the damage being done to our society with the promotion of your filthy fucking lifestyle.
My am sorry for you that your mind and vision in this world is so very, very small. That's ok, this new generation already knows better.
I'll take that as an admission of the points I made since you ignored them.

The good news about all the faggots is the can't reproduce without help.
I never had any children of my own. But I have to the sperm bank all through college so by my estimates there are thousands of Stanleys out there.
I have kids and grandkids and they all think you people are disgusting
Unless you've managed to disseminate your hatreds and prejudices to them. I'm sure that's what they say to your face. But behind your back, they're most likely saying what a loser you are. Also spreading hatred and prejudice is nothing to be proud of. You've hurt your children if you were successful.

So much of a coward. Truly PATHETIC

Just end your bloodline already groomer
You have the right to determine your future, however limited that may be. But you don't have the right to dictate the future of others, especially those you despise or hate. These are not Christian or American values.
You have the right to determine your future, however limited that may be. But you don't have the right to dictate the future of others, especially those you despise or hate. These are not Christian or American values.
I am not a Christian so shove that BULLSHIT where the sun doesn't shine.

These are MY VALUES. The odds of you shoving YOUR SICK VALUES on me or mine is exactly 0.

Dylan is a sick individual and people like him belong in a MENTAL INSTITUTION not on a beverage can and certainly no in schools doing drag queen story hour & lap dances on minors.

You people are POISON to our youth
No, Stain. You’re babbling. “Defenseless” against what?

My God; you’re a pathetic and dishonest loser. :cuckoo:
Sexual predators, STDs or STIs ( whatever they're calling them today ), traps gay and transgendered youth can get into. If you can't even discuss it, there's a really big problem.
Democrats don't push ignorance and hatred and do not make it into law.

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