Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

Can you quote in the bill where it says this please.
Here we go again. That's already been discussed over and over. The actual wording of the bill states, " Classroom discussion by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur. " That's about as limiting as it gets. In other words only heterosexual youth will be taught sex education in Florida. The objective of public education is to teach all the students. Ignoring, or telling students they don't exist isn't in the best interest of public education or the students.
You fascists love to project.

Stain, there may be some deep psychological reason why you are so perpetually dishonest. But, that’s ok. I don’t care. It suffices to know that you are just a liar & nothing more.
LOL, well at least when we " project " it's usually in response to something insane that you side has done. This law certainly qualifies.
You fascists love to project.

Stain, there may be some deep psychological reason why you are so perpetually dishonest. But, that’s ok. I don’t care. It suffices to know that you are just a liar & nothing more.
The bill is a lie. In the state of Florida there are 114,000 gay and transgendered youth between the ages of 13 and 18 that are now put at risk by the state. That is the truth wether or not you believe it. Fortunately most gay and trans kids are very resourceful. They've survived a lot of persecution already, What's a little more. This bill ends up hurtimg the straight kids more than it does the gay kids. And if I have to explain that you are a bigger idiot than I thought you were.
The bill is a lie.
Your false label for it is the lie. It’s what you fascists do.
In the state of Florida there are 114,000 gay and transgendered youth between the ages of 13 and 18 that are now put at risk by the state.
Nonsense. There’s no “risk” inherent in not authorizing schools to discuss sexuality with young kids.
That is the truth wether or not you believe it.
No. It’s still a lie. It’s what you fascists do.
Fortunately most gay and trans kids are very resourceful.
Zzz. Thanks for further proving that there is no “risk” inherent in the law.
They've survived a lot of persecution already,
What's a little more.
Any “persecution” would be bad. Thankfully, there isn’t any inherent in that law.
This bill ends up hurtimg the straight kids more than it does the gay kids.
Sure. :itsok:
And if I have to explain that you are a bigger idiot than I thought you were.
You can’t “explain” anything rational about your lies, you fascist lying moron.
Your false label for it is the lie. It’s what you fascists do.

Nonsense. There’s no “risk” inherent in not authorizing schools to discuss sexuality with young kids.

No. It’s still a lie. It’s what you fascists do.

Zzz. Thanks for further proving that there is no “risk” inherent in the law.


Any “persecution” would be bad. Thankfully, there isn’t any inherent in that law.

Sure. :itsok:

You can’t “explain” anything rational about your lies, you fascist lying moron.
What part of this don't you understand. Directly from the bill itself, " Classroom discussion by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur. " No discrimination there, if gay and transgendered kids don't exist in the eyes of the law, they simply don't exist. Welcome to the unreal world of fake republicans.
What part of this don't you understand. Directly from the bill itself, " Classroom discussion by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur. "
I also quoted it. It’s quite clear. Yet you are clearly unable to understand it.
No discrimination there, if gay and transgendered kids don't exist in the eyes of the law, they simply don't exist.
Not even remotely what the law says or does. Why must you always rely on lying?
Welcome to the unreal world of fake republicans.
The lack of reality is inherent in your posts. All lying all the time. You fascists love you some dishonesty.
Nonexistence is about as discriminating as it gets unless you fascists move on to actual genocide. That is the final solution for all Nazis.
They are grade school kids ffs. We don't teach them about straight love/sex so why the fuck should we teach them faggot shit.

Let them BE KIDS ya fucking grooming pervert
I also quoted it. It’s quite clear. Yet you are clearly unable to understand it.

Not even remotely what the law says or does. Why must you always rely on lying?

The lack of reality is inherent in your posts. All lying all the time. You fascists love you some dishonesty.
The bill does not allow coverage or discussion by gay or transgendered students. Not being allowed to participate is a breach of their right to equal treatment under the law. I don't know how much clearer I can make that. You cannot be that dense. You are able to type, there should be some brains behind that.
They are grade school kids ffs. We don't teach them about straight love/sex so why the fuck should we teach them faggot shit.

Let them BE KIDS ya fucking grooming pervert
Ignorant personal attack comment, how very original of you - Not !
They are grade school kids ffs. We don't teach them about straight love/sex so why the fuck should we teach them faggot shit.

Let them BE KIDS ya fucking grooming pervert
If 13 year old children are becoming pregnant don't you think 13 year old children should be taught the basics in sex education class to help prevent those situations.
The bill does not allow coverage or discussion by gay or transgendered students.
That’s not at all in the law. You lying fascists just live to lie.
Not being allowed to participate is a breach of their right to equal treatment under the law.
You haven’t got the foggiest notion of what you’re presently babbling about.
I don't know how much clearer I can make that. You cannot be that dense.

No. The problem is that you’re dense and dishonest.
You are able to type, there should be some brains behind that.
You apparently can type too, but you do it with no brains.
If 13 year old children are becoming pregnant don't you think 13 year old children should be taught the basics in sex education class to help prevent those situations.
Homosexuality is not a BASIC of pregnancy lol.

Nor is becoming a fruitcake and wearing panties if your a boy or jock straps if you're a girl.

The Alphabet brigade play no role in the promotion or health of our species... literally none

It's all you deserve groomer
I am an elderly gay man if I was going to groom anyone it would be a handsome middle-aged man you fool. Young men are too full of themselves and only creeps like child molesters have crazy thoughts about school children.
Homosexuality is not a BASIC of pregnancy lol.

Nor is becoming a fruitcake and wearing panties if your a boy or jock straps if you're a girl.

The Alphabet brigade play no role in the promotion or health of our species... literally none

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a pervert. Good luck with that attitude, you're going to need all the help you can get.

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