Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

I never saw any school children or parents supporting this bill. It's a travesty of the law. Non-educated people imposing their will on the schools. Not in the best interest of education.
You sure seem to have an interest in pushing the gay agenda and other sexual issues on school children. Why is that
You sure seem to have an interest in pushing the gay agenda and other sexual issues on school children. Why is that
LOL, no I do not want children used as pawns in the ignorant adult war that is going on in this country. Ignorance does not make for a good education.
No, it's not. It's in its appropriate place: HEALTH CLASS.

DeSantis has banned, say, the math and language teachers from teaching this. Why would anyone be opposed to that? Hello?
Health class should absolutely not be teaching sexual content or sexual opinions to children... Period.... It should be discussing nutrition and other such qualities that feed the human body and nurture it for health reasoning.

Biology class can go over the differences found in the female and male biological structure or make up, and talk about where babies come from and why, and even speak on what differences are in the make up of the two opposite physical beings with x and y chromosomes, otherwise be it male and female. It can do so just as it once was being done in the past for hundreds of years, and yet without any sort of deviation being included or involved.

Biology can be taught in an appropriate manor or way, as to not breach or preach about the sexual part of the human beings wants, activities, deviating sexual behaviour's, sexual experiences or it's perceived opinion's on sexual diviation outside of biology.

Deviation is something that is being found within the subject of sex or sexual activities more and more it seems, but it should never enter into the children's text book's.... It should absolutely not be in any part of the school's curriculums, and this means as in any case or in any way.

This might be happening these days, but who knows anymore upon what way all this stuff has creeped over the year's, otherwise in the concerning of sexual behaviour's, and/or sexual deviation in some sort of way in which attaches itself to the subjects being taught without the parent's consent within these school's today.

These deviations are being found in personal choices or mentally formed opinion's and/or actions being pushed by a minority in all account's, and they are not found in most people that are in a majority. They are not found in people who are usually more in the main stream of thinking on the school curriculum issue's, and what they want for their children when dropping them off at the public or private schools, so it is that the push back by the majority continues, and rightfully so.
I want them to be free from this woke nonsense. Free to be kids without a bunch of sick, sexual deviants preying on them when their parents aren't watching.

If I train my kids from a young age ... they will know what their gender is, and they'll know what their role in life will be.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
He thinks that you want your kids to be ignorant and hateful towards other's that might be different, but that's not it at all. You just don't want anyone to attempt to influence or to try and retrain your kid's into some sort of thinking that you as their parent didn't want them to think like....He undoubtedly doesn't want you to give them what was best according to your world view, over his world view instead.

You aren't telling your kid's to hate or attack people because they are different, otherwise all you are doing is raising your kid's as a parent in the very same way that worked out great for you and your ancestor's for hundred's of year's prior.

That's outstanding, and the problem with his world view is that he doesn't want your way of thinking to persist any longer.

As long as we as human beings respect each other and respect each other's spaces, then all works out perfectly for everyone. That's no longer the case it seems with these group's, so the culture war continues on and on.

I liked your last phrase from the Bible.. Good stuff.

It's the same thing concerning the narrative with the black's (those who are guilty of it), along with the liberals who claim or suggest that "the majority of cops are predator's who are just lying in wait to kill a black man"... It's a lie straight out of hell, and I think that the black's are figuring the lie out more and more and more. Soon they will turn on the left, and the left will be lying in their own vomit in which they have spewed outwardly for year's and year's.
Finally after years and years of countless trannies being murdered by Christians one sought revenge for the wrongs done to her. Equally bad and wrong but hardly evens out any score believed to exist in sick minds. All of those involved in murder are equally sick and immoral.
Hmmm, sounded like an excuse there for a minute, but then you turned to cover it up.
Got a link to ONE????
Have you been living under a rock. Why do you think they reluctantly use women's bathrooms when forced to do so in public. These women pee before they go out and search for reasonably safe places to go if need be. All this to avoid being beaten or murdered by creeps. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia>wiki-list-of-people-killed-for-being-transgender
It was. He/she/it has chosen sides, and it's not with protecting children
If you think you're on the side of protecting children, you're sadly mistaken. This law harms children. They need proper information to function in the world, not more lies.
Have you been living under a rock. Why do you think they reluctantly use women's bathrooms when forced to do so in public. These women pee before they go out and search for reasonably safe places to go if need be. All this to avoid being beaten or murdered by creeps. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia>wiki-list-of-people-killed-for-being-transgender
Albino animals may be killed in Nature, though the tranny's mutation may not be genetic but mental, which doesn't change its biological gender unless its a hermaphrodite.
He thinks that you want your kids to be ignorant and hateful towards other's that might be different, but that's not it at all. You just don't want anyone to attempt to influence or to try and retrain your kid's into some sort of thinking that you as their parent didn't want them to think like....He undoubtedly doesn't want you to give them what was best according to your world view, over his world view instead.

You aren't telling your kid's to hate or attack people because they are different, otherwise all you are doing is raising your kid's as a parent in the very same way that worked out great for you and your ancestor's for hundred's of year's prior.

That's outstanding, and the problem with his world view is that he doesn't want your way of thinking to persist any longer.

As long as we as human beings respect each other and respect each other's spaces, then all works out perfectly for everyone. That's no longer the case it seems with these group's, so the culture war continues on and on.

I liked your last phrase from the Bible.. Good stuff.

It's the same thing concerning the narrative with the black's (those who are guilty of it), along with the liberals who claim or suggest that "the majority of cops are predator's who are just lying in wait to kill a black man"... It's a lie straight out of hell, and I think that the black's are figuring the lie out more and more and more. Soon they will turn on the left, and the left will be lying in their own vomit in which they have spewed outwardly for year's and year's.
The bible verse above is a fairy tale in many instances. Most especially when xianity secretes an atheist.
Health class should absolutely not be teaching sexual content or sexual opinions to children... Period.... It should be discussing nutrition and other such qualities that feed the human body and nurture it for health reasoning.

Biology class can go over the differences found in the female and male biological structure or make up, and talk about where babies come from and why, and even speak on what differences are in the make up of the two opposite physical beings with x and y chromosomes, otherwise be it male and female. It can do so just as it once was being done in the past for hundreds of years, and yet without any sort of deviation being included or involved.

Biology can be taught in an appropriate manor or way, as to not breach or preach about the sexual part of the human beings wants, activities, deviating sexual behaviour's, sexual experiences or it's perceived opinion's on sexual diviation outside of biology.

Deviation is something that is being found within the subject of sex or sexual activities more and more it seems, but it should never enter into the children's text book's.... It should absolutely not be in any part of the school's curriculums, and this means as in any case or in any way.

This might be happening these days, but who knows anymore upon what way all this stuff has creeped over the year's, otherwise in the concerning of sexual behaviour's, and/or sexual deviation in some sort of way in which attaches itself to the subjects being taught without the parent's consent within these school's today.

These deviations are being found in personal choices or mentally formed opinion's and/or actions being pushed by a minority in all account's, and they are not found in most people that are in a majority. They are not found in people who are usually more in the main stream of thinking on the school curriculum issue's, and what they want for their children when dropping them off at the public or private schools, so it is that the push back by the majority continues, and rightfully so.

If parents are okay with their kids learning about sexuality in the older grades, that's fine. Parents should have the right to opt out of that for their children. Neither I nor you have the right to tell other parents they cannot access this education for their children IF they want it.

It's astounding to me that some here do not even agree that DeSantis is correct to at least limit this teaching to Health Class...as if it belongs in other subjects!

Albino animals may be killed in Nature, though the tranny's mutation may not be genetic but mental, which doesn't change its biological gender unless its a hermaphrodite.
If you really knew your science you'd know that transvestism and transexuality has been part of history for centuries. It's not a fad, it's not a fluke and definitely not a mistake
It is here today and their voices will only get louder and louder as their numbers grow until they are accepted as the wonderful unique part of society they are. In the past 5 years their numbers have doubled. That beats all other groups, no one is close to those numbers. Poor whities can't even increase their numbers in America as well as most of Europe. That's why so many immigrants are needed The majority of the white population is over 44 and not reproducing in numbers that would replace themselves. This has occurred sooner than expected. America has only another decade or two as a white-majority nation. Just wanted to give you something else to look forward to. It doesn't matter to me, I believe it will be for the best. Maybe then America will finally live up to it's promise.
Only the Stalinists call the bill "Don't say gay" as they are the ones who coined the term in order to deceive.

There is nothing in the original bill or this one that prevents a person from saying gay.
The bill has been extended to and including 12th. graders. In the state of Florida sex education classes are prohibited from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity. Two of the most important aspects of a human beings life. How can you have an informative lesson on sex education without discussing these issues ( rhetorical question ). You can't.
If parents are okay with their kids learning about sexuality in the older grades, that's fine. Parents should have the right to opt out of that for their children. Neither I nor you have the right to tell other parents they cannot access this education for their children IF they want it.

It's astounding to me that some here do not even agree that DeSantis is correct to at least limit this teaching to Health Class...as if it belongs in other subjects!
Uh I think you misinterpreted my post or went over board with your response. Do you think that woke parent's should be ok with the woke ideology or thinking that's going on(?), and not be confronted or challenged when they are deciding to allow drag story time hour in your public libraries etc ?? So it is that you think maybe that the parent's should just sit back with their mouths shut, and have no right to challenge what is allowed or goes on in the public space when children are involved ? Are you not paying attention as the what has been going on in America lately ?

What exactly do you want in health class ?? Explain.
I never said that and you are attempting to hide the truth about the DeSantis bill. It's been extended to grade 12 and does not allow discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in sex education classes. I don't know why the Florida Board of Education would approve this at all. I know DeSantis has picked out 14 education board members from across the state that he wants to be defeated in 2024. Such public openness about such subterfuge is remarkable and audacious. I guess he doesn't think it's a crime either.
Bubba when I was in school teachers could not mention anything about sexual orientation without getting fired on the spot.
You aren't listening. As of 2 days ago no public school in Florida can discuss sexual orientation or gender identity period Even in the 12th. grade. That's insanity.
No it's not. Sexual orientation is not part of the curriculum.

We had some obviously queer teachers we'd try to get to say something about it so they'd get fired.

They were made of pretty sturdy stuff; Never bit on the bait.

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