Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

People who as you say " focus on what their sexual preferences are will only serve as an unfruitful distraction " would not be " focusing " on that issue IF they weren't always being demonized and looked upon as being something les than human by people such as you. It's a defense mechanism that comes into play in all living organisms when they are threatened. By the way did you choose your sexual preference ? I did not choose mine, it's god-given just like yours was. And preference is the wrong word orientation is the correct word.No one chooses to be hated for who they are.
They wouldn't be "demonized" if they weren't so busy announcing their personal lifestyle to the world (most likely for attention or to gain brownie points with their woke friends, social networks, etc.).

I don't go around announcing to the world: "Hey everyone ... I'm a straight heterosexual. Look at me." It's nobody's business but mine and my wife's.
So you consider millions of your fellow Americans as vermin. That would make you vermin. Don't worry, if you believe DeDantis and his hatred of gay people is acceptable you are in the same bad company.
We have lots of vermin in this country. Get used to it
They wouldn't be "demonized" if they weren't so busy announcing their personal lifestyle to the world (most likely for attention or to gain brownie points with their woke friends, social networks, etc.).

I don't go around announcing to the world: "Hey everyone ... I'm a straight heterosexual. Look at me." It's nobody's business but mine and my wife's.
No, but you seem to go out of your way to condemn them. And I had to.laugh when you said Father Flanagan was wrong. You're the only person I've ever heard say that. It's like you're saying I have the right to condemn anyone I want. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
Can we please have this for all of the other forty-nine states as well?

Wow! This is AP NEWS!

Aren't they SUPPOSED to be an unbiased news source?

Where does Florida have a bill called, "DONT SAY GAY"????

No bias there!
No, but you seem to go out of your way to condemn them. And I had to.laugh when you said Father Flanagan was wrong. You're the only person I've ever heard say that. It's like you're saying I have the right to condemn anyone I want. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
As a Christian ... I simply believe what the Bible says about them. There's only one Judge, and He ain't me. In the meantime, I have no reason to rub elbows with people who are obsessed with their sexual organs. I have more important things to do. If a man wants to put his "thing" in another man's behind ... he gets to face the consequences for his actions (possible disease as well as spiritual ramifications).
I realize that. But you' d be very surprized how many of them appear to be nice guys on the surface. It's their inner thoughts that harm us all, especially when they act upon them and subvert the law to manifest this hatred and ignorance.
The mob in Chicago are vermin.
Trans kooks in schools and libraries pushing their agenda on children are vermin.
Wow! This is AP NEWS!

Aren't they SUPPOSED to be an unbiased news source?

Where does Florida have a bill called, "DONT SAY GAY"????

No bias there!
It's the same thing, not being allowed to teach sexual orientation or gender identity. It's not good news. And they didn't say it was the Don't say gay bill they just used the well-known phrase to define it. Yes, no bias allowed on real news networks.
It's the same thing, not being allowed to teach sexual orientation or gender identity. It's not good news. And they didn't say it was the Don't say gay bill they just used the well-known phrase to define it. Yes, no bias allowed on real news networks.
No, adopting the loaded language of the left shows their bias. I know you don't care, and are in fact happy with your biased news, but the bill is

The Parental Rights in Education Act (HB 1557
Like the tranny who murdered 6 Christians recently?
Finally after years and years of countless trannies being murdered by Christians one sought revenge for the wrongs done to her. Equally bad and wrong but hardly evens out any score believed to exist in sick minds. All of those involved in murder are equally sick and immoral.
No, adopting the loaded language of the left shows their bias. I know you don't care, and are in fact happy with your biased news, but the bill is

The Parental Rights in Education Act (HB 1557
It has nothing to do with right and everything to do with wrong. America is better than this. Hatred and ignorance should never become law.
No, adopting the loaded language of the left shows their bias. I know you don't care, and are in fact happy with your biased news, but the bill is

The Parental Rights in Education Act (HB 1557
Bias or common sense.
It has nothing to do with right and everything to do with wrong. America is better than this. Hatred and ignorance should never become law.

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