Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

I want them to be free from this woke nonsense. Free to be kids without a bunch of sick, sexual deviants preying on them when their parents aren't watching.
LOL, then you should stay away from them.You're a bad influence.https://www.cbsnews.com> U.S. teaching about sexual and gender identity is now banned from public schools in Florida. ( 2 days ago.) Believe it or not your own children could be gay or transgendered and if you'd talk to them you'd probably find out they know someone who is; hopefully they haven't learned from you to hate them for that fact. At any rate they need to know this stuff.It's part of their world and ignorance helps no one.
I never said that and you are attempting to hide the truth about the DeSantis bill. It's been extended to grade 12 and does not allow discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in sex education classes. I don't know why the Florida Board of Education would approve this at all. I know DeSantis has picked out 14 education board members from across the state that he wants to be defeated in 2024. Such public openness about such subterfuge is remarkable and audacious. I guess he doesn't think it's a crime either.

You are just wrong.

From the AP

The rule change would ban lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity from grades 4-12, unless required by existing state standards or as part of reproductive health instruction that students can choose not to take. That’s the time when students are becoming aware of their sexuality.
Nothing about sex should be part of our education system, and this goes for heterosexual sexual activities as well.

All such topic's are to be taught to the children by their parent's, and then when the children are in the public education system they are to conduct themselves in a non-sexual appropriate manor. Showing affection in a non-sexual way is appropriate.

Separation of Church and State in the public education system, should also include Separation of Sex and State, otherwise the same as it has went for religion in this country period.
Nothing about sex should be part of our education system, and this goes for heterosexual sexual activities as well.

All such topic's are to be taught to the children by their parent's, and then when the children are in the public education system they are to conduct themselves in a non-sexual appropriate manor. Showing affection in a non-sexual way is appropriate.

Separation of Church and State in the public education system, should also include Separation of Sex and State, otherwise the same as it has went for religion in this country period.
So no more biology class, how stupid.
Nothing about sex should be part of our education system, and this goes for heterosexual sexual activities as well.

All such topic's are to be taught to the children by their parent's, and then when the children are in the public education system they are to conduct themselves in a non-sexual appropriate manor. Showing affection in a non-sexual way is appropriate.

Separation of Church and State in the public education system, should also include Separation of Sex and State, otherwise the same as it has went for religion in this country period.
There is no complete separation of state and religion, did you notice how they pray in Congress?
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You are just wrong.

From the AP

The rule change would ban lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity from grades 4-12, unless required by existing state standards or as part of reproductive health instruction that students can choose not to take. That’s the time when students are becoming aware of their sexuality.
2 days ago DeSantis expanded this ridiculous law to grade 12. That's ridiculous. Teenagers and young adults need to know about sexual orientation and gender identity. I pity the children whose parents opted them out of sex education. They've probably not been given a thorough or honest or comprehensive sex education course from their parents. So be it, ignorance is not bliss. It's a trap waiting to ensnarl the obliging.
LOL, then you should stay away from them.You're a bad influence.https://www.cbsnews.com> U.S. teaching about sexual and gender identity is now banned from public schools in Florida. ( 2 days ago.) Believe it or not your own children could be gay or transgendered and if you'd talk to them you'd probably find out they know someone who is; hopefully they haven't learned from you to hate them for that fact. At any rate they need to know this stuff.It's part of their world and ignorance helps no one.

No, it's not. It's in its appropriate place: HEALTH CLASS.

DeSantis has banned, say, the math and language teachers from teaching this. Why would anyone be opposed to that? Hello?
2 days ago DeSantis expanded this ridiculous law to grade 12. That's ridiculous. Teenagers and young adults need to know about sexual orientation and gender identity. I pity the children whose parents opted them out of sex education. They've probably not been given a thorough or honest or comprehensive sex education course from their parents. So be it, ignorance is not bliss. It's a trap waiting to ensnarl the obliging.
Next he will expand it to colleges, that is what fascist do.
Why ? If you have children, do you really want them to be ignorant ?
I want them to be free from this woke nonsense. Free to be kids without a bunch of sick, sexual deviants preying on them when their parents aren't watching.
LOL, then you should stay away from them.You're a bad influence.https://www.cbsnews.com> U.S. teaching about sexual and gender identity is now banned from public schools in Florida. ( 2 days ago.) Believe it or not your own children could be gay or transgendered and if you'd talk to them you'd probably find out they know someone who is; hopefully they haven't learned from you to hate them for that fact. At any rate they need to know this stuff.It's part of their world and ignorance helps no one.
If I train my kids from a young age ... they will know what their gender is, and they'll know what their role in life will be.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
No, it's not. It's in its appropriate place: HEALTH CLASS.

DeSantis has banned, say, the math and language teachers from teaching this. Why would anyone be opposed to that? Hello?
You aren't listening. As of 2 days ago no public school in Florida can discuss sexual orientation or gender identity period Even in the 12th. grade. That's insanity.
I want them to be free from this woke nonsense. Free to be kids without a bunch of sick, sexual deviants preying on them when their parents aren't watching.

If I train my kids from a young age ... they will know what their gender is, and they'll know what their role in life will be.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
It's not nonsense. The world you thought you lived in never existed. Do you want your children to exist in the same fantasy world or capable of dealing with the real world.
It's not nonsense. The world you thought you lived in never existed. Do you want your children to exist in the same fantasy world or capable of dealing with the real world.
The world I live in is a depraved shithole. My duty as a parent is to train my children to navigate around the piles of crap and to seek a higher plane of existence. Be the best they can be and avoid being dragged down by the lowlifes, criminals, deviants, and other bottom feeders.
The world I live in is a depraved shithole. My duty as a parent is to train my children to navigate around the piles of crap and to seek a higher plane of existence. Be the best they can be and avoid being dragged down by the lowlifes, criminals, deviants, and other bottom feeders.
I agree, the world is not what it should be or could be, BUT ignorance is part of that problem. It's better to know the possible pitfalls in life then to ignore them and wish them away. That doesn't help anyone. You or the people you just might be misunderstanding. Father Flanagan ( founder of Boystown , Omaha, Nebraska once said. " There are no bad boys, just misunderstood boys. " Well, boys become men and the rules don't change. Demons are a figment of the imagination that should be put to rest. Ever since Anita Bryant started that rumor that gays prey on children people still believe it . What part of homosexual makes you believe a gay man wants to have sex with children. Besides being immoral, My god, the equipment isn't even there yet. Gay men are reasonable. Most pedophiles pretend to be straight men, they even marry ( if they're not priests ) and gain trust by being a coach or leader figure of some type that has close contacts with children. Those are the people you need to watch out for.
I agree, the world is not what it should be or could be, BUT ignorance is part of that problem. It's better to know the possible pitfalls in life then to ignore them and wish them away. That doesn't help anyone. You or the people you just might be misunderstanding. Father Flanagan ( founder of Boystown , Omaha, Nebraska once said. " There are no bad boys, just misunderstood boys. " Well, boys become men and the rules don't change. Demons are a figment of the imagination that should be put to rest. Ever since Anita Bryant started that ror that gays prey on children people still believe it . What part of homosexual makes you believe a gay man wants to have sex with children. Besides being immoral, My god, the equipment isn't even there yet. Gayen are reasonable. Most pedophiles pretend to be straight men, they even marry ( if they're not priests ) and gain trust by being a coach or leader figure if some type that has close contacts with children. Those are the people you need to watch out for.
"Father" Flanagan is incorrect. All people fall short of being righteous. All start out in a state of depravity. The "bad boys" ARE bad. The goal is to help them overcome their shortfalls and to become as good as possible. Determine what they're naturally good at and help them strengthen those talents and help them set goals.

I agree that ignorance is a major problem. But once we see the world for what it is ... we're no longer ignorant. That's a good starting point for anyone seeking to rise above the depravity of "the world" and who seek to strengthen their greatest, inner attributes. Rubbing elbows with people who simply focus on what their sexual preferences are will only serve as an unfruitful distraction.
"Father" Flanagan is incorrect. All people fall short of being righteous. All start out in a state of depravity. The "bad boys" ARE bad. The goal is to help them overcome their shortfalls and to become as good as possible. Determine what they're naturally good at and help them strengthen those talents and help them set goals.

I agree that ignorance is a major problem. But once we see the world for what it is ... we're no longer ignorant. That's a good starting point for anyone seeking to rise above the depravity of "the world" and who seek to strengthen their greatest, inner attributes. Rubbing elbows with people who simply focus on what their sexual preferences are will only serve as an unfruitful distraction.
People who as you say " focus on what their sexual preferences are will only serve as an unfruitful distraction " would not be " focusing " on that issue IF they weren't always being demonized and looked upon as being something les than human by people such as you. It's a defense mechanism that comes into play in all living organisms when they are threatened. By the way did you choose your sexual preference ? I did not choose mine, it's god-given just like yours was. And preference is the wrong word orientation is the correct word.No one chooses to be hated for who they are.

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