Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

If you want to teach Jesus, who's to stop someone else from teaching Buddha or Mohammad or Satan. No one. That's why it isn't done. Church and your home are the only appropriate places for Jesus if you choose to worship that deity.

They can. By your standards. It's okay to go off curriculum; whatever a single teacher finds 'responsible' or 'common sense'. Right?

Realize these topics are covered in health class. This law prevents, say, a MATH or LANGUAGE teacher from going on and on about sexual orientation.
They can. By your standards. It's okay to go off curriculum; whatever a single teacher finds 'responsible' or 'common sense'. Right?

Realize these topics are covered in health class. This law prevents, say, a MATH or LANGUAGE teacher from going on and on about sexual orientation.
Public schools do not teach religion. They would have to mention it as an elective and as a mythology. Go to a private, obviously Christian school. Problem solved. Sex education prepares one for life and is essential, religion is not, in fact it debilitates people.
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Public schools do not teach religion. They would have to mention it as an elective and as a mythology. Go to a private, obviously Christian school. Problem solved. Sex education prepares one for life and is essential, religion is not, in fact it debilitates people.

You are just stating things as if they are "just so", because you say so. You realize that health class, the ONLY class where it is appropriate to teach gender/sexuality issues, is opt-out. So kids can opt out if parents want.

That's first.

Second, what is your big problem with DeSantis limiting, say, MATH and ART teachers from teaching kids about sexual orientation and gender??? Seriously. Hello?
You are just stating things as if they are "just so", because you say so. You realize that health class, the ONLY class where it is appropriate to teach gender/sexuality issues, is opt-out. So kids can opt out if parents want.

That's first.

Second, what is your big problem with DeSantis limiting, say, MATH and ART teachers from teaching kids about sexual orientation and gender??? Seriously. Hello?
No matter how you want to twist things there is no way the DeSantis law is a good one. It attempts to strangle the teachers ability to speak openly and freely about issues that affect the students. That in itself is unreasonable, counterproductive and unnecessary. He overstepped his authority, just like most republicans are doing these days; sticking their noses where they don't belong. The courts have also been corrupted by this insanity. We are not a third world nation, this type of politics are insane for a free nation.
No matter how you want to twist things there is no way the DeSantis law is a good one. It attempts to strangle the teachers ability to speak openly and freely about issues that affect the students. That in itself is unreasonable and unnecessary. He overstepped his authority, just like most republicans are doing these days; sticking their noses where they don't belong. The courts have also been corrupted by this insanity. We are not a third world nation, this type of politics are insane for a free nation.

Okay. So you want math and art teachers to be able to go rogue from their curriculum and teach sexual orientation and gender.

Great, good.

I can teach about my faith on Monday, right? Not part of my curriculum but hey, you already said that's not important. Who cares about what you're SUPPOSED to be teaching if the TEACHER thinks it's important for kids to learn?


Now that I think on it: I also might teach students on how never to vote Democrat, ever. You should be cool with that; that's not even religious! I feel that's important and also common sense and kids need to know it. Who needs curriculum right?

Better get going on those lesson plans for Monday....
Okay. So you want math and art teachers to be able to go rogue from their curriculum and teach sexual orientation and gender.

Great, good.

I can teach about my faith on Monday, right? Not part of my curriculum but hey, you already said that's not important. Who cares about what you're SUPPOSED to be teaching if the TEACHER thinks it's important for kids to learn?

You are purposely misleading the argument. The bottom line is deceptive laws. You want to push religion in public schools, that isn't helping anyone. These laws are against people trying to tell them what to do or what they can or cannot do, it's affecting teachers, women, gays and transgendered. Who else do you have a grudge against. Why stop just there let's keep going down this path til no one has any rights and people can't even speak the truth anymore. Who does that serve. NO ONE !
You are purposely misleading the argument. The bottom line is deceptive laws. You want to push religion in public schools, that isn't helping anyone. These laws are against people trying to tell them what to do or what they can or cannot do, it's affecting teachers, women, gays and transgendered. Who else do you have a grudge against. Why stop just there let's keep going down this path til no one has any rights and people can't even speak the truth anymore. Who does that serve. NO ONE !

No, I do not want to teach religion in schools. I love teaching MY CURRICULUM. Have you not gotten the point this entire time? The only thing the DeSantis bill does is limit sexual orientation/gender teaching to its rightful place in schools: Health Class. WHY does it need to be taught anywhere else?

If you think these subjects CAN or SHOULD be taught in other classes, then you open the door for me to teach whatever I want also outside of my curriculum. I can teach faith. I can teach never to vote Democrat.

That is my point.
Okay. So you want math and art teachers to be able to go rogue from their curriculum and teach sexual orientation and gender.

I would not want them teaching sexual orientation and gender, but I also do not want it to be illegal for them to mention their spouse or have a picture of them on their desk if they happen to be in a same sex marriage.
I would not want them teaching sexual orientation and gender, but I also do not want it to be illegal for them to mention their spouse or have a picture of them on their desk if they happen to be in a same sex marriage.

The bill doesn't even say "Don't say gay", as you must know. The original bill for up to grade 3 says this:

prohibiting classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards; and

It doesn't say "Can't mention spouse" or "can't have a picture". But I do think anything beyond "This is my spouse" and then describing vacations or pets is a no-go. Like "Some people love different genders"....nope, that's instruction. On the rare occasion I mention my spouse in class, I certainly do not explain sexual attraction and romantic love to my young students.

No, I do not want to teach religion in schools. I love teaching MY CURRICULUM. Have you not gotten the point this entire time? The only thing the DeSantis bill does is limit sexual orientation/gender teaching to its rightful place in schools: Health Class. WHY does it need to be taught anywhere else?

If you think these subjects CAN or SHOULD be taught in other classes, then you open the door for me to teach whatever I want also outside of my curriculum. I can teach faith. I can teach never to vote Democrat.

That is my point.
It does far more than that, it doesn't allow gender or sexual orientation to be taught at all. And especially in today's world with the transgender youth community doubling in size in the past 5 years alone that is detrimental to society as a whole to be uninformed about every issue in sex education. I'm sure religion comes up at times and teachers briefly discuss it before getting back to what their suppose to be teaching in other classes. Sex issues probably come up much more often. Or maybe the teacher just shuts down the discussion I don't know but they have to address things as they come up as they should. This law stifles the free and open nature of public education. They are up against the wall already with cutbacks and goals to achieve. It's not fair to dump unfair opinions on them in the form of unwanted and unjust laws. Did you see any teachers or students supporting this ? I didn't.The only reason I'm up is because I had to pee. Going back to bed now. Good luck ( not really ) with your agenda.
The bill doesn't even say "Don't say gay", as you must know. The original bill for up to grade 3 says this:

prohibiting classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards; and

It doesn't say "Can't mention spouse" or "can't have a picture". But I do think anything beyond "This is my spouse" and then describing vacations or pets is a no-go. Like "Some people love different genders"....nope, that's instruction. On the rare occasion I mention my spouse in class, I certainly do not explain sexual attraction and romantic love to my young students.

When do you believe most people realize their sexual orientation ? I knew when I was 7. I did not know what sex was yet but I knew who I loved. Love is what is important in this world. This law has nothing to do with love.
It does far more than that, it doesn't allow gender or sexual orientation to be taught at all. And especially in today's world with the transgender youth community doubling in size in the past 5 years alone that is detrimental to society as a whole to be uninformed about every issue in sex education. I'm sure religion comes up at times and teachers briefly discuss it before getting back to what their suppose to be teaching in other classes. Sex issues probably come up much more often. Or maybe the teacher just shuts down the discussion I don't know but they have to address things as they come up as they should. This law stifles the free and open nature of public education. They are up against the wall already with cutbacks and goals to achieve. It's not fair to dump unfair opinions on them in the form of unwanted and unjust laws. Did you see any teachers or students supporting this ? I didn't.The only reason I'm up is because I had to pee. Going back to bed now. Good luck ( not really ) with your agenda.

I never discuss religion in an inappropriate way. Never. Make that never. That's first.

Again: if you are making a TRUE case for "free and open" public education--with basically a Curriculum In Name Only--then grand! Again, I will teach why Leftists and modern Democrats are evil, Joe Biden is riddled with Dementia and the Constitution is brilliant. Nevermind this has nothing to do with what I was hired, and am paid by taxpayers, to teach.

Just admit that since you're gay, you want a special carve out for teachers to teach on this subject ALONE but not, say, on why Democrats are terrible or a myriad of other non-curricular topics.

That's what you're saying. Right?
When do you believe most people realize their sexual orientation ? I knew when I was 7. I did not know what sex was yet but I knew who I loved. Love is what is important in this world. This law has nothing to do with love.

You were seven.

You were learning to read, write, do math, you were being exposed to other disciplines. School was NOT and IS NOT the appropriate place for young children to find out "who they love". School is an academic institution.

That is for home. Period, end of story.
I never discuss religion in an inappropriate way. Never. Make that never. That's first.

Again: if you are making a TRUE case for "free and open" public education--with basically a Curriculum In Name Only--then grand! Again, I will teach why Leftists and modern Democrats are evil, Joe Biden is riddled with Dementia and the Constitution is brilliant. Nevermind this has nothing to do with what I was hired, and am paid by taxpayers, to teach.

Just admit that since you're gay, you want a special carve out for teachers to teach on this subject ALONE but not, say, on why Democrats are terrible or a myriad of other non-curricular topics.

That's what you're saying. Right?
That sounds like you're teaching an agenda. People are not evil just because of their political association. A good course on politics would simply state the facts and positions of both main parties and lesser coverage of the minor parties, but they should be included also. Just facts, not opinions about them.
That sounds like you're teaching an agenda. People are not evil just because of their political association. A good course on politics would simply state the facts and positions of both main parties and lesser coverage of the minor parties, but they should be included also. Just facts, not opinions about them.

Do you not understand that I'm making hypotheticals?

I'm making hypotheticals.

And YES, there is a "good course on" sexuality available to students. It's called Health Class. Outside of that, there is NO REASON to instruct kids on sexuality and gender.

That's as simple as I can make it.
ReNaziKlans want to legislate their version of their morality on everyone. Suddenly they have become the arbiter what is and is not correct moral thinking and what is and is not moral.

This is their version of their "Smaller Government". These assholes think they have the right what medication a person can take.

This is their AmeriKa.
Have you ever considered for once, that what you are seeing is actually people trying their very level best to make their way back towards the light ? Yes, so let me explain - This is what takes place when most realize a period and/or period's of history within their earlier live's or time's when sin's (be it of many kinds), weren't as prevalent in their SOCIETIES, and disease wasn't as prevalent in their SOCIETIES, and riot's weren't as prevalent in their SOCIETIES, and murder and mayhem wasn't as prevalent in their SOCIETIES, and cultural decay/rot wasn't as prevalent in their SOCIETIES .

All one has to do is truthfully look into the time's when group's and people were engaging in less sin, and this in order to see the great results of those engagements or periods (no matter how short they were), in which they were rewarded for with peace and tranquility in the pockets they created for themselves, and usually these societies ended up branching out for many other's who liked what they were seeing in results there of as well, so they joined in too.

Do you understand any of the old wisdom born phrases that are so true in comparisons of life's trials and tribulations for example -

1.Cutting against the grain will dull the blade ?

That's just one, but there are tons more that are being ignored for nefarious reasoning.

A lot of stuff going on today is either new or a doubling down on things that are not so new... As for the not so new, it's just that they are being tried with various different angles, but the resistance being met at those new angle's is a common thing regardless of what angle the saw is being tilted while making the cut. So without changing the point of entry to instead cut with the grain, and not instead to keep cutting against it, then the saw still can't cut through the wood because the cut isn't right, and the attempt fails everytime.

There is right and there is wrong in everything in life, and if attempting to cut against the grain of life, then you are doing something wrong, and therefore you might want to check yourself.
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Do you not understand that I'm making hypotheticals?

I'm making hypotheticals.

And YES, there is a "good course on" sexuality available to students. It's called Health Class. Outside of that, there is NO REASON to instruct kids on sexuality and gender.

That's as simple as I can make it.
If every student was heterosexual there would be no need to talk about sexual orientation or gender identity; but that's NOT the case in the real world. And teachers are attempting to teach all the students. Realizing we are not all the same can only help students become better adults. Good night ! DeSantis just extended this ignorant law to grade 12. That's going to hurt every student. This law is totally irresponsible.
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If every student was heterosexual there would be no need to talk about sexual orientation or gender identity; but that's NOT the case in the real world. And teachers are attempting to teach all the students. Realizing we are not all the same can only help students become better adults. Good night ! DeSantis just extended this ignorant law to grade 12. That's going to hurt every student. This law is totally irresponsible.



Why should this be discussed in MATH class?

Do you think it should?
Okay. So you want math and art teachers to be able to go rogue from their curriculum and teach sexual orientation and gender.

Great, good.

I can teach about my faith on Monday, right? Not part of my curriculum but hey, you already said that's not important. Who cares about what you're SUPPOSED to be teaching if the TEACHER thinks it's important for kids to learn?


Now that I think on it: I also might teach students on how never to vote Democrat, ever. You should be cool with that; that's not even religious! I feel that's important and also common sense and kids need to know it. Who needs curriculum right?

Better get going on those lesson plans for Monday....
I never said that and you are attempting to hide the truth about the DeSantis bill. It's been extended to grade 12 and does not allow discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in sex education classes. I don't know why the Florida Board of Education would approve this at all. I know DeSantis has picked out 14 education board members from across the state that he wants to be defeated in 2024. Such public openness about such subterfuge is remarkable and audacious. I guess he doesn't think it's a crime either.

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