Florida Expands Don't Say Gay Bill

Okay, I just gotta say it.

"Stann" = "Zincwarrior"

I remember when fags were cool like aaronleland and mdk.

I mean, they're still cool AF, but what in the everloving fuck is all this other faggotry going on around here?

I tell ya wut; I'm prepared for faggotry from:



And uh..

Oh yeah..


Outside of that I'm not prepared to deal with any kind of stupid faggotry whatsoever.
Believe whatever you wish, I have lots of friends both gay and straight and they're all cool.
Right about now I'm thinking about: How do you say "STFU, YOU STUPID FAGGOT", without being judged

as some kinda homophobic bigot label and all that.

This bans the teaching of sexual orientation/gender unless it is IN THE CURRICULUM, like in health class.


Why would teachers be teaching this at any rate in other classes? Who is opposed to this?

Or if you are, then you are comfortable with me, a Christian, straying from my curriculum to teach "whatever I think is important". Right?
Actually teachers always attempt to teach what the students need to know and that includes all the students, not just the majority and not just the minorities, ALL the students. That is a responsibility as well.as common sense.
Right about now I'm thinking about: How do you say "STFU, YOU STUPID FAGGOT", without being judged

as some kinda homophobic bigot label and all that.

You can't, it's a reflection on you not me.
Come to defend your boyfriend. Look Stann you might just get laid after all LOL
I don't know anyone on here, and I like it that way. Most people are extremists on here and not very nice at all. If they can't call you names and launch personal attacks they get upset. They must have nothing else to say.
I bet they didn't, peniswhacker boi.
Ya Know? Some things Just Ain't Natural.
One of them is thinking a scrotum can be magically transformed into a vagina.
The only difference between male and female is one's an inny and the other's an outty , sorta like belly buttons. Everyone begins as female. The production of testosterone at about 9 weeks creates males. In transgender surgery going from male to female the corpora cavernosa is removed and the penis is turned inside out and attached internally. Just in case you didn't know how it goes. They don't wack it off.
Actually teachers always attempt to teach what the students need to know and that includes all the students, not just the majority and not just the minorities, ALL the students. That is a responsibility as well.as common sense.

Um no.

I think students need to know about Jesus Christ. Should I "attempt" to teach them that? Is that a "responsibility and common sense"?
Um no.

I think students need to know about Jesus Christ. Should I "attempt" to teach them that? Is that a "responsibility and common sense"?
Actually teaching any religious doctrine is not necessary, they get enough of that at home if they are unfortunate. I forget which city allowed religious ( Christian of course ) statuary on public grounds. The state court ruled they could do that but they couldn't discriminate against anyone. Many other groups started putting in their requests but when the Satanists put in their request they immediately changed the policy and took everything down. What does this have to do with teaching religion in school. The same thing could happen. You don't always get what you want in this life and that's a good thing.
Can we please have this for all of the other forty-nine states as well?

The Fascist State of Florida’s war on the First Amendment continues.
Um no.

I think students need to know about Jesus Christ. Should I "attempt" to teach them that? Is that a "responsibility and common sense"?
Look at the statistics on rape and age of victims and look at the youngest age women ( children ) have become pregnant and / or given birth. If it is 12 years old then a responsible sex education course would teach young girls everything they need to know to prevent that from occurring. It's that simple.
Actually teaching any religious doctrine is not necessary, they get enough of that at home if they are unfortunate. I forget which city allowed religious ( Christian of course ) statuary on public grounds. The state court ruled they could do that but they couldn't discriminate against anyone. Many other groups started putting in their requests but when the Satanists put in their request they immediately changed the policy and took everything down. What does this have to do with teaching religion in school. The same thing could happen. You don't always get what you want in this life and that's a good thing.

So you have nothing--right. That's a yes then. I can teach Jesus Christ because I find it "responsible" and "common sense".

So you have nothing--right. That's a yes then. I can teach Jesus Christ because I find it "responsible" and "common sense".

If you want to teach Jesus, who's to stop someone else from teaching Buddha or Mohammad or Satan. No one. That's why it isn't done. Church and your home are the only appropriate places for Jesus if you choose to worship that deity.
Okay, I just gotta say it.

"Stann" = "Zincwarrior"

I remember when fags were cool like aaronleland and mdk.

I mean, they're still cool AF, but what in the everloving fuck is all this other faggotry going on around here?

I tell ya wut; I'm prepared for faggotry from:



And uh..

Oh yeah..


Outside of that I'm not prepared to deal with any kind of stupid faggotry whatsoever.
So you now realize " faggots " are not all alike. That's correct all subcultures reflect the main culture but some have even more diversity.

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