Florida Gov. DeSantis Has Just Signed A Bill Into Law That Would Allow Everyday Floridians To Sue Big Tech Platforms For Monetary Damages

I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

JUST IN - Florida Gov. DeSantis has just signed a bill into law that would allow everyday Floridians to sue Big Tech Platforms for monetary damages.
Is Florida going to cover their legal bills when they lose?
We have plenty of lawyers down here in Florida, and no one has to pay unless those lawyers win the case....Just like the big case with Tobacco quite a few years ago, you can bet those hungry lawyers are getting ready for a very big pay day....

At Morgan & Morgan, we believe everyone is entitled to quality legal representation regardless of how much money they make. Our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis — we dont get paid unless you win — so that you can afford to hire an excellent attorney to protect your interests.

Frequently Asked Questions | Morgan & Morgan Law Firm

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You think the EXTREMELY liberal John Morgan is going to take any of this crap on contingency?

Loser cases each and every one.

No responsible and respectable lawyer is going to take these "cases" on contingency. Of course that does leave those great Trump election lawyers. They won lots of those cases didn't they?
Sure they will, once somebody wins one. Then the flood gates will open. Bye Bye Facebook.
This stinking pile never makes it past the first legal test.
Bank it!
I've never seen any convincing evidence that conservatives care about the constitution.

When there's something they want (like a virtually limitless right to carry firearms around almost anywhere they go) they'll talk about the 2nd Amendment.

However, when there's something conservatives don't like (like abortion, or Facebook's right to manage their own platform and sanction people who violate their terms of service) then they're fine with a state passing a law which attempts to usurp federal law even though the constitution prohibits individual states from doing so.

They've VERY flexible that way.

It's the very same reason conservatives felt like they should be able to overturn the 2020 election, regardless of what the constitution states.
How about that cyberspace is the ultimate virtual public square, worthy of all the freedoms, protections, and responsibilities that apply to any other public square?
I guess that's the $64,000 question.

Under existing law, there is no requirement for them to provide a "public square" to the public. Perhaps a law could be passed that requires them to permit freedom of expression, but the Democrats would NEVER support it.
Easy-peasy...Declare the internet a right-of-way.


When you signed on to this forum, you agreed to abide by the rules of the forum.

If you are held accountable for breaking the rules, there is nothing you can sue over.

From your linked article:
"The law requires companies to detail how they reach conclusions about content moderation and stick to those standards consistently, DeSantis said during a press conference on Monday."

As long as the moderators follow the rules and stick to the standards, you have no complaint. This is not a free speech issue. The 1st amendment is there to prevent the gov't from silencing you. It does not apply to private property. It also does not apply when you have agreed to follow the rules set forth by the forums.
Time and litigation will tell. In the meantime, the forums are in the hot seat. At $100K per lawsuit, I would tread lightly if I were them.

If you agree to abide by the set rules, and then break the rules, there is nothing to litigate.
its not so much about the rules as much as its about the selective way they enforce them,,

they created this,,

And you would have to prove a bias. That would be difficult, if not impossible to do.
Shoving nearly all threads questioning the results of the 2020 election into Conspiracy Theories, while leaving most idiotic RUSSIA COLLUSION! threads wherever that they were created for three years is a glaring example.

The honest brokers have resigned...I know some of them, and agree with their reasons for stepping down.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: You nailed it,the ones that do that here are as bad as Twitter,and facebook,at those two fascist platforms,its allowed for them to come on and say trump is a cancer to America yet if they say the same on Biden they are demonized by them.doing that here,the same favoritism,they are no different than those 2 biased platforms.same bias and favoritism.
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Anybody ever visited the conservative cave or Politics forums.....those conservative mods will ban you quicker than any liberal board will....both of them have a good ole boy network going....they suck up to the mod and control the board...they do not like any newbies that are smarter than they are.
I call bullshit on that ....
Easy-peasy...Declare the internet a right-of-way.
That will never happen.

The Communist Left HAS to censor Free Speech !!
Wasn't specific enough.

Declaring the internet as a right-of-way is a really easy solution to it all...The political process to get there won't be easy, as the party of censorship has a big dog in the fight.
There's a graveyard of posters who've been permanently banned.
Undoubtedly. There are a lot of whacked-out people out there.

I've told a couple of moderators here (in the past) to go fuck themselves and I wasn't banned. I don't think it gets any more tolerant than that. LOL.
Yeah yo do that at any other site your banned fir good.


When you signed on to this forum, you agreed to abide by the rules of the forum.

If you are held accountable for breaking the rules, there is nothing you can sue over.

From your linked article:
"The law requires companies to detail how they reach conclusions about content moderation and stick to those standards consistently, DeSantis said during a press conference on Monday."

As long as the moderators follow the rules and stick to the standards, you have no complaint. This is not a free speech issue. The 1st amendment is there to prevent the gov't from silencing you. It does not apply to private property. It also does not apply when you have agreed to follow the rules set forth by the forums.
Time and litigation will tell. In the meantime, the forums are in the hot seat. At $100K per lawsuit, I would tread lightly if I were them.

If you agree to abide by the set rules, and then break the rules, there is nothing to litigate.
its not so much about the rules as much as its about the selective way they enforce them,,

they created this,,

And you would have to prove a bias. That would be difficult, if not impossible to do.
its been well proven many times,,,

Bullshit. It has been claimed by liberals that the bias is against them. And it has been claimed by conservatives that the bias is against them.

But the overwhelming majority of these complaints are simply people getting their egos involved and spending too much time whining.


When you signed on to this forum, you agreed to abide by the rules of the forum.

If you are held accountable for breaking the rules, there is nothing you can sue over.

From your linked article:
"The law requires companies to detail how they reach conclusions about content moderation and stick to those standards consistently, DeSantis said during a press conference on Monday."

As long as the moderators follow the rules and stick to the standards, you have no complaint. This is not a free speech issue. The 1st amendment is there to prevent the gov't from silencing you. It does not apply to private property. It also does not apply when you have agreed to follow the rules set forth by the forums.
Time and litigation will tell. In the meantime, the forums are in the hot seat. At $100K per lawsuit, I would tread lightly if I were them.

If you agree to abide by the set rules, and then break the rules, there is nothing to litigate.
its not so much about the rules as much as its about the selective way they enforce them,,

they created this,,

And you would have to prove a bias. That would be difficult, if not impossible to do.
its been well proven many times,,,

Bullshit. It has been claimed by liberals that the bias is against them. And it has been claimed by conservatives that the bias is against them.

But the overwhelming majority of these complaints are simply people getting their egos involved and spending too much time whining.
save you fake ignorance for someone that believes it,,,

And why were they permanently banned? For repeatedly breaking clearly stated rules?
Dude ...

Those sites make up the rules as they go along.

They ban members that they disagree with.

It has absolutely nothing to do with rules.

I don't know about "those sites". I only know about this site. Which is what the poster was referring to.

Bullshit. It has been claimed by liberals that the bias is against them. And it has been claimed by conservatives that the bias is against them.

But the overwhelming majority of these complaints are simply people getting their egos involved and spending too much time whining.
Bullshit ..

The bias is right there for all to see.

I don't know about "those sites". I only know about this site. Which is what the poster was referring to.
Then why did you make a comment about sites you don't know about.

You are proving very quickly to be just another Leftist Fraud.

I didn't make a comment about sites I don't know about. The chain of comments were talking about this site.

If you can't keep up, don't blame someone else's politics (or your accusations about their politics).
Good luck imposing laws on companies in other states.
Companies (or individuals) can be held liable with respect to the laws of the state of the plaintiff.
It's highly doubtful Florida can infringe private companies' First Amendment rights in it's own state. It absolutely can't enforce it upon companies in other states. Did you learn nothing at all from Texas v. Pennsylvania 2020 or DOMA being shredded by the SCOTUS?

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