Florida has the most children hospitalized for COVID-19,

You're the Sue, going on about how cloth masks work
Again, I have seen your type in the past

Spreading pseudo- science and half truths to push a repulsive agenda. You use the same techniques I saw from Holocaust deniers and 9-11 Truthers

They are equally repulsive
Sure, dope.

You know he's talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Whatever public health guidance that the School Board issues, becomes the official policy of the schools.

But then contradicted it with:

The elected governor is the one who ISSUES the public health guidance.

If the people of Florida disagree with Gov. Desantis guidance, they are free to vote for someone else in the next election.
With the untold amounts of damage being done to our children due to the Covid obsessed, its about time serious discussions start about placing the mental cases into reeducation camps and/or places for them to be able to work on getting the setting screws re-set. The biggest problem confronting us now isnt Covid......its the amount of mental snaps that have occurred in about 50% of the public. In the coming weeks when the fun starts, these idea's will become very real. The k00ks need to be marginalized.........permanently. :bye1:

The schools are trying to do something to alleviate this and the Gov is penalising and threatening them. Why does he want to punish kids and their teachers ?

Is there not an option for the Pres to lock him up and take over the running of the death state ?

MMMMM. Possibly the pres of Chase Bank or Monsanto

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