Florida issues new guidance to doctors telling them to warn patients they could suffer HEART ATTACK after Covid shot

Florida is warning citizens the Covid Vax can cause heart attacks. Sweden discards Eight millions doses of Covid Vax. England has stopped offering the Covid Vax as of 2-12-23.

People are waking up! :clap:

18 February 2023
De Santis is aligning with Idaho.

The media is both dangerous and profoundly illiterate. OP's report says 'The vaccine is not available in America, though, and could not be responsible for the uptick in VAERS reports in 2021.'

Oh yes it could, because it uses the same spike protein. Furthermore, Norway never published the sequenced spike protein from their own coronavirus that showed up there in 1975:

Post #83
Florida is warning citizens the Covid Vax can cause heart attacks. Sweden discards Eight millions doses of Covid Vax. England has stopped offering the Covid Vax as of 2-12-23.

People are waking up! :clap:

18 February 2023
Perhaps DeSantis is not getting campaign funds from Big Pharma nor does he want to work for Big Pharma after he leaves office.

Perhaps the people are more important to DeSantis than Big Pharma and he feels they should be warned about hearts attacks and Covid vaccinations.

I agree, but the state level is still too high for most things.
Fair point, but on some items like concealed carry I prefer to have a state law that overrides local law to stop confusion.
In Florida again....

He is on the right track!:thup:

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis called on state lawmakers to make permanent existing penalties for companies that require all employees get the Covid-19 vaccination, his latest move to curtail pandemic mitigation efforts.

Still unsolved is the menstrual records of young girls.
I didn't get that shit, so curious if those who did get it were warned of possible side effects by whoever administered the shot before they got it? There has to be informed consent for EUA treatments.
I didn't get that shit, so curious if those who did get it were warned of possible side effects by whoever administered the shot before they got it? The has to be informed consent for EUA treatments.
The former 1-term president poisoned a Merica…
Doctors should read the black label warnings to patients on all drugs they prescribe along with their recommendation, as far as I am concerned.

This is frightening!

Here’s VAERS data on COVID-19 vaccine injuries as of February 10, 2023.

This is frightening!

Here’s VAERS data on COVID-19 vaccine injuries as of February 10, 2023.

Should be frightening to some, but not me personally, as I have never shown to be very negatively reactive to medicines or vaccines. I don't know you well enough to say. You be careful now, ye hear?
1-term president poisoned America? The American-assisted Chinese communist virus, SARS2, has a spike protein with RGD and a furin cleavage site. The latter occurs in no other virus of its class.

We have just found a black-legged tick virus (vector of Lyme disease), collected in the U.S. by Columbia University in 2008, that also has both RGD and furin. A furin cleavage site was being inserted into a SARS1 virus in Montana in 2006. What does Big Pharma and The Elf know about this 2008 Columbia University virus?
We know that Hunter Biden's investment in Metabiota was paying dividends is the coronaviruses that they found were not published, such as the African swamp rat coronavirus which also supposedly vectors monkeypox, though the truth about this particular virus remains locked up in an Antwerp lab.

'Consider patients in Holland, where Barbara Pronk lived. Of those 25,000 Dutch cases reported annually, 1,000 to 2,500 people were estimated in 2015 to suffer prolonged symptoms a year after treatment, including fatigue, pain, and problems with concentration.
....In 2001, a Columbia University team published a study of twenty children, 8-16, whose parents had taken them to an average of four doctors, with some seeing seven physicians before Lyme disease was confirmed.

These diagnostic delays came at a price....memory and attention problems....lower IQs....trouble retrieving words and were hypersensitive to light and sound. Ominously, eight of the children, or forty percent, had had suicidal thoughts, and two had made suicidal gestures.'
(Pfieffer MB, Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change, pp. 33-4)
Should be frightening to some, but not me personally, as I have never shown to be very negatively reactive to medicines or vaccines. I don't know you well enough to say. You be careful now, ye hear?

There has been an inmense ammount of information in America and all over the world about the real harm the poison jab is causing to people......but

When it comes to this as in everything, we all evaluate the information and act accordingly.
Should be frightening to some, but not me personally, as I have never shown to be very negatively reactive to medicines or vaccines. I don't know you well enough to say. You be careful now, ye hear?
Um... kinda missing the point.

The government - OUR government - engaged in a massive and very expensive conspiracy to push certain medical treatments, ridicule others, silence valid scientific discussion and plain old everyday discussion....


Why do you think they did it?
Um... kinda missing the point.

The government - OUR government - engaged in a massive and very expensive conspiracy to push certain medical treatments, ridicule others, silence valid scientific discussion and plain old everyday discussion....


Why do you think they did it?

Yes, for example the Swine Flu Program in 1976 was stopped after 3......yes, only 3 people die after the shot!!!!

And here and now, we have millions who have died after the Covid poison jab!

Why is that? how is that allowed???

I don’t want the federal government telling my doctor what he can tell me. I trust my doctor but I do not trust the Feds.
But you don't mind DeSantis telling your doctor what he can tell you or treat you. Change your name to Batshit.
But you don't mind DeSantis telling your doctor what he can tell you or treat you. Change your name to Batshit.
I am for the states having more power than the federal government in many areas. I personally do not trust the federal government as the D.C. Swamp is corrupt.

If Big Pharma is willing to donate money to the politicians in Washington, they may be inclined to make sure that Big Pharma makes big bucks.

I am for the states having more power than the federal government in many areas. I personally do not trust the federal government as the D.C. Swamp is corrupt.

If Big Pharma is willing to donate money to the politicians in Washington, they may be inclined to make sure that Big Pharma makes big bucks.

The Articles of Confederation failed fuckup.
The Articles of Confederation failed fuckup.
Perhaps you need to learn a little more about history.


In the United States, the federalist system emerged because the states evolved from separate colonies, which had diverse populations and different needs. The Framers of the Constitution envisioned that state governments, not the national government, would be the main unit of government for citizens on a day-to-day basis.…emphasis added
Perhaps you need to learn a little more about history.


In the United States, the federalist system emerged because the states evolved from separate colonies, which had diverse populations and different needs. The Framers of the Constitution envisioned that state governments, not the national government, would be the main unit of government for citizens on a day-to-day basis.…emphasis added
Boi, the Articles of Confederation lasted 8 years before it was scrapped as unworkable.
Boi, the Articles of Confederation lasted 8 years before it was scrapped as unworkable.
True, but that does not alter the fact that the framers of our Constitution wanted to states to be more powerful than they are today.

That was the reason the Tenth Amendment was in the Bill of Rights.


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