Florida Man Co., Ltd. Hit With 1.6 Million Dollar Fine For 17 Tax Felonies...

Sentences are often times jail time and a fine. Are you really not aware of this?

Do we simply fine the bank robber and let him go home?

What a deal. Steal $500,000, get fined $300,000 if caught and go home.
Hey y'all keep letting all the thieves go that are robbing the cities blind, and y'all are even letting felon's go that are killing innocent people, so who gives a shite what y'all say or do. You're just a bunch of whining crying hypocrites.
If any Con thinks this fine won't hurt the Traitor or his Crime Family you are wrong. Doing business New York and elsewhere just got even worse for him. Lenders will know about this judgement and will jump away as fast as they can.
And fuckers like you will defend Creepy Pants Joe to the hilt...lol

You automatically defend. I do not. Biden's handling of classified material will in all likelyhood cost him another term, which I totally support. You on the hand turn a blind eye the Traitor and his many crimes.

Demorats are lucky to have a strong bench (minus VP Harris, I will not vote her). You on the other hand will for the Traitor regardless.
If it weren't for successful people, you wouldn't be successful, well that's even if you are. But you keep on acting like an ignorant Democrat, that's up to you .... Hey if you can stand it, then go for it ..

It is just fucking mind blowing how all of you view cheating with success.

Successful people do not need to cheat and break the law to get ahead.

I will never for the life of me understand why you all worship rich people the way that you do
You automatically defend. I do not. Biden's handling of classified material will in all likelyhood cost him another term, which I totally support. You on the hand turn a blind eye the Traitor and his many crimes.

Demorats are lucky to have a strong bench (minus VP Harris, I will not vote her). You on the other hand will for the Traitor regardless.
Why do you fear Trump so bad ?? You know good and well Biden is way worse than Trump, but you attack Trump like a rabbid dog. Is it your personal life that moves you to hate Trump, otherwise fearing he is going to do something that might affect your personal life or something ?? What is it with you people ? I only say this because of how you all gave Biden and his alledged crime family a pass, but woe is Trump eh ?
It is just fucking mind blowing how all of you view cheating with success.

Successful people do not need to cheat and break the law to get ahead.

I will never for the life of me understand why you all worship rich people the way that you do
You said rich people as in stereo typing all rich people, and that's what I was slamming you on, not necessarily what the OP is about.
You automatically defend. I do not. Biden's handling of classified material will in all likelyhood cost him another term, which I totally support. You on the hand turn a blind eye the Traitor and his many crimes.

Demorats are lucky to have a strong bench (minus VP Harris, I will not vote her). You on the other hand will for the Traitor regardless.
Suuuuure you do...lol
Sentences are often times jail time and a fine. Are you really not aware of this?

Do we simply fine the bank robber and let him go home?

What a deal. Steal $500,000, get fined $300,000 if caught and go home.
With jail time, how long do you think it will take an inmate to come up with $1.6 million?

The answer is, never. So, the IRS spends $1,000,000 a year to house an inmate and gets $0 in return.

How much business sense is there to that?
With jail time, how long do you think it will take an inmate to come up with $1.6 million?

The answer is, never. So, the IRS spends $1,000,000 a year to house an inmate and gets $0 in return.

How much business sense is there to that?

Those in question here already have it.
If the laws make cheating lucrative, we have unjust laws in regards to white-collar crime. This needs to be addressed. Laws against crime cannot favor the criminal over his victims. Look at all the fraud cases against trump and you realize just how big a criminal he is.

Wow, nice of you to catch up.

We have been saying that for YEARS!

It should be the goal of every American to pay as little in taxes as possible.

Remember, darlings, the tax laws are WRITTEN by the rich.
Wow, nice of you to catch up.

We have been saying that for YEARS!

It should be the goal of every American to pay as little in taxes as possible.

Remember, darlings, the tax laws are WRITTEN by the rich.
It ought to be the goal of every American to get rid of our IRS, our tax law and it’s related rules and regulations. And a ton of related motions.
Sentences are often times jail time and a fine. Are you really not aware of this?

Do we simply fine the bank robber and let him go home?

What a deal. Steal $500,000, get fined $300,000 if caught and go home.
Do you mind that Biden was paid $ 1,000,000 a year by the U of Pennsylvania and never taught a single class? Look at all the Millions of$ the Brandon syndicate is making mostly Illegal
Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

As far as this instance goes...the government got it's money, with penalties and interest. What the fuck is the problem?

If you're worried about the debt and deficit, blame Congress for not operating within the government's mean.

Be quiet.

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