Florida Man Shoots And Kills An Intruder


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008

The husband stated he felt he could not physically stop the intruder, so he went upstairs to get his firearm,” the sheriff’s office said. “He shot the firearm multiple times, ending the threat.”

The husband, whom deputies did not name, said he was standing outside when Edwards walked up to his driveway and approached him in a threatening manner. Witnesses told deputies that Edwards was “acting erratically,” screaming and swearing.

He went into his home through the garage to get away from Edwards, according to deputies, but Edwards followed and pounded on the door to the house. He shattered the large glass panel in the front door and entered the house.

good for him.
He should have called 911 ! They'd be dead but it would have been the right thing to do !
911 would have showed up in 1/2 hour or so once they got done bouncing the head of a guy with an ounce of pot on the hood of his car. He even had bald tires so they need the state police to back them up/tow.PLUS. He had no mask !!!
According to Democrats, since the criminl hadn't stolen anything yet we need to charge the old man and everybody else in sight with murder. Except if the intruder was white and the old guy was black of course. Black people are never guilty of anything.
I wonder why the race of the guy who broke in and beat up the wife isn't disclosed.

According to Democrats, since the criminl hadn't stolen anything yet we need to charge the old man and everybody else in sight with murder. Except if the intruder was white and the old guy was black of course. Black people are never guilty of anything.

youre too stupid to be taken seriously
First, I don’t care what race the guy was who entered, unlike some other commenters who can’t wait to find a case like this to show how scary the folks with more Melanin in their skin are. Or something.

So far, from the information, I don’t have any heartburn with this shooting. I am sorry it was necessary. I regret that it happened, but I have no problem with it. It appears. Note that word, and the meaning of it please. It appears as though this was a justifiable use of force.

Now, why would I defend this shooting, when I have been all over the McMichaels shooting? In this case, the homeowner was minding his own damned business on his property when the attack happened. It was self defense.

I never begrudge anyone the natural right of Self Defense. From what I can tell, the baddie was not retreating, nor making any effort to flee. So as far as I can tell, a justified use of force. Unlike many of the Cause Celeb of the More melanin in the skin of some people are dangerous crowd.
I wonder why the race of the guy who broke in and beat up the wife isn't disclosed.
Thats a very good question

if the attacker were white the lib media would have told us in the headline
First, I don’t care what race the guy was who entered,
Are you sure?

liberals were very interested in the race of the three men in Georgia

why not now?

Check my many, many, posts on that topic. I have said more than once, several times in fact, that I did not care about the races. I cared about the actions. The actions of the McMichaels were wrong, and illegal under Georgia Law. I don’t care if the victim was blue, brown, pink, or purple. I don’t care about the skin color. I look at each incident, and each event. In this case, as everyone, the only question is would you feel differently if the races were reversed?

If it was a White Man who broke into a house with two elderly Black people and the White man was shot. Would you still feel it was a Justified shooting? I would. The colors don’t matter. It is the actions that matter.

If two black people tried to stop a white guy running down the road in Georgia, would you rush to support the black guys? If your answer is yes, then good. If your answer is no, then not so good. I know the answer for many of those supporting the McMichaels. The answer is no. They would demand that those two black people be brought up and put to death and then tried.

We don’t need to treat anyone differently because of color. We need to view them as people, and citizens entitled to every single right the rest of us are. I train people at work. I am a very popular trainer. I am very thorough and treat each trainee exactly the same regardless of race or gender. I was taught that as a child, I has that lesson reinforce in the Army. Every single one of my Soldiers was Green, and Professional when I was a Sergeant. Every lesson I had, from home, to church, to school, to the Army taught me that everyone is a person. My oath before God said I would defend that Constitution, and the Rights contained within.
People should not intrude other people's private property.

Whatever their race, creed or color is....you don't do that without their consent. End of story.

Unless, of course you are prepared to pay the ultimate price.

I have no problem with what that Florida man did.
First, I don’t care what race the guy was who entered,
Are you sure?

liberals were very interested in the race of the three men in Georgia

why not now?

In another thread, when one of the McMichaels did the world a favor idiots asked if it was ever OK to shoot a black. I said yes, depending on the situation. The events tell the story and determine if the actions were justified or not.

I posted that video. Another shooting in Georgia. One of the baddies died. The woman faced no charges. I said then, and now, even if they were not armed, under the law, and my own personal beliefs of right and wrong, the shooting would have been justified. Not good, not a great thing. Justified.

I could post others. There are many justified shootings on YouTube. There are many that I think are not justified. I believe Lethal Force should be used only when necessary. Not when you think you can get away with it. And you should never start something when you are armed.

The husband stated he felt he could not physically stop the intruder, so he went upstairs to get his firearm,” the sheriff’s office said. “He shot the firearm multiple times, ending the threat.”

The husband, whom deputies did not name, said he was standing outside when Edwards walked up to his driveway and approached him in a threatening manner. Witnesses told deputies that Edwards was “acting erratically,” screaming and swearing.

He went into his home through the garage to get away from Edwards, according to deputies, but Edwards followed and pounded on the door to the house. He shattered the large glass panel in the front door and entered the house.

good for him.

The husband stated he felt he could not physically stop the intruder, so he went upstairs to get his firearm,” the sheriff’s office said. “He shot the firearm multiple times, ending the threat.”

The husband, whom deputies did not name, said he was standing outside when Edwards walked up to his driveway and approached him in a threatening manner. Witnesses told deputies that Edwards was “acting erratically,” screaming and swearing.

He went into his home through the garage to get away from Edwards, according to deputies, but Edwards followed and pounded on the door to the house. He shattered the large glass panel in the front door and entered the house.

good for him.
When something like that happens, people who don't have firearms certainly wish they had a gun and adequate firearms training. But it's too late. They're fucked.

The husband stated he felt he could not physically stop the intruder, so he went upstairs to get his firearm,” the sheriff’s office said. “He shot the firearm multiple times, ending the threat.”

The husband, whom deputies did not name, said he was standing outside when Edwards walked up to his driveway and approached him in a threatening manner. Witnesses told deputies that Edwards was “acting erratically,” screaming and swearing.

He went into his home through the garage to get away from Edwards, according to deputies, but Edwards followed and pounded on the door to the house. He shattered the large glass panel in the front door and entered the house.

good for him.
Sounds like he was on drugs. The shooter did the right thing except there is no way I would have punked out and left my wife there with the guy..
First, I don’t care what race the guy was who entered, unlike some other commenters who can’t wait to find a case like this to show how scary the folks with more Melanin in their skin are. Or something.

This is obviously self defense so no reason really to discuss that aspect.

But you're delusional if you think race doesn't matter. The MSM continually serves up headlines like,

"WHITE Woman Calls Police On BLACK Man"

"Two WHITE Men Chase and Kill Unarmed Black Man"

"WHITE Cop Keeps Knee On BLACK Man And Kills Him"

Race matters when a black is the perceived victim and the white is the perceived perpetrator. If race matters in these cases, then it has to matter all the time, even when blacks kill blacks in the inner cities. Otherwise, nothing will ever change.

People say they want to have the "race conversation", or they say "race doesn't matter", or they say something like you did, "more Melanin in their skin". All they are doing is sweeping the real issues under the carpet and avoiding the ugly truths.

Today we have this headline, "Deadly shooting, arson, looting and armed vigilantes grip city after George Floyd’s death". Those people don't give a shit about George Floyd. This is just another opportunity to do what they do. We've seen this story many times before. It's one vicious cycle, But what changes?

Yes, race matters even in cases like a black man breaking into a Florida home. Let's have the race conversation we need to have.

FYI... before you judge. I'm a minority and I have more melanin than most people in the US.
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First, I don’t care what race the guy was who entered, unlike some other commenters who can’t wait to find a case like this to show how scary the folks with more Melanin in their skin are. Or something.

This is obviously self defense so no reason really to discuss that aspect.

But you're delusional if you think race doesn't matter. The MSM continually serves up headlines like,

"WHITE Woman Calls Police On BLACK Man"

"Two WHITE Men Chase and Kill Unarmed Black Man"

"WHITE Cop Keeps Knee On BLACK Man And Kills Him"

Race matters when a black is the perceived victim and the white is the perceived perpetrator. If race matters in these cases, then it has to matter all the time, even when blacks kill blacks in the inner cities. Otherwise, nothing will ever change.

People say they want to have the "race conversation", or they say "race doesn't matter", or they say something like you did, "more Melanin in their skin". All they are doing is sweeping the real issues under the carpet and avoiding the ugly truths.

Today we have this headline, "Deadly shooting, arson, looting and armed vigilantes grip city after George Floyd’s death". Those people don't give a shit about George Floyd. This is just another opportunity to do what they do. We've seen this story many times before. It's one vicious cycle, But what changes?

Yes, race matters even in cases like a black man breaking into a Florida home. Let's have the race conversation we need to have.

FYI... before you judge. I'm a minority and I have more melanin than most people in the US.

The old saying about one little thing being too much comes to mind. The straw that broke the camels back. A piece of straw is not heavy by itself. It is carried along in a light breeze. But added to many others it eventually exceeds the capacity for the camel to endure.

I am going to repeat what I said to other friends after the Ferguson Riots got going. When you were young you got a skill and a job. You worked your entire life. Bought your house. Bought your cars. And when you drove your cars, shining and clean like a new penny you got pulled over. Is this your car the police asked nastily. All you can do is smile and endure. Your children take it while you still get it. Each little straw added. By the time your grandchildren are starting to endure you are carrying the maximum load. One more straw would set you off.

Every day you see people harassed by police. Every day you see people arrested for nothing. Every time you hear of another neighbor or relative arrested, beaten, or killed the straws pile up. The last straw may be imperfect. I may be a relatively minor event. But it is the straw that breaks the back.

In Ferguson we learned the Police were lying and targeting Blacks. We learned the Prosecutor filed charges against a man who while being beaten by the police got blood on their uniforms and he was arrested for destruction of public property. For bleeding after he was beaten. We learned that the Ferguson Police regularly violated established constitutional rights.

Mike Brown was an imperfect straw. But the rage had been simmering for a long time because of the history of abuses. The straws piled up.

The detractors say that the community is overreacting to this incident. The truth is if they reacted to every incident there would be nothing but perpetual riots. More truth. After generations of abuse and lies. It is going to take time to earn the trust. Time and a lot of work.

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