Florida Muslim Leader Commemorates Hamas, Calls Jews Monkeys and Pigs

Who knows what else “Brother Sofian” is hiding, apart from the feelings of hate and rage which he attempts to shield from our view?

If you are concerned about Mr. Zakkout and wish to voice your opinion, you can contact the Miami FBI office by email at [email protected] or by phone at 754-703-2000. Please be respectful in any and all communications with this office.

Florida Muslim Leader Commemorates Hamas, Calls Jews Monkeys and Pigs

i bet anything theres a whole shit load of weapons at his mosque.
We should not even be talking to the religious leaders of the Muslims, because they are self-selected as being devoted to the shitttiest religion in the world.

With almost every race or ethnic group, we talk to the business leaders as representatives of their group.

With blacks, we talk to the preachers, and see what a disaster that is.
South Florida Muslim Leader Posts Material from Hitler Supporter
AMANA’s Sofian Zakkout once again refers to Jews as “pigs" and "monkeys.”
January 27, 2016
Joe Kaufman


Sofian Zakkout wears a number of hats. First, he is the director of a prominent South Florida Muslim organization, the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA). Second, he sits on boards of civic groups, including those devoted to fighting crime, such as the local chapters of Citizens’ Crime Watch and Crime Stoppers, whose leadership safeguards him. And third, he’s a raving anti-Semite who embraces terrorist groups and preaches violence. In 2016, he has started off the year in true form by targeting Jews on social media.

The night of Monday, January 11th, was a hate-filled one for Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout. On this night, he aimed his wrath at the Jewish community.

He began by posting onto Facebook side-by-side photos of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and American Jew and former National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Abraham Foxman (shown clawing his hand). Under the photos, along with lines from the Bible intentionally misquoted to make Jews appear as enslavers and murderers, the following is read (with some grammatical repairs): “[T]ell [me] again why my tax money along with most Americans are giving [these] pigs $18 billion annually in financial aid to [these] f**ks in Israel?”

Zakkout attacking the ADL’s Foxman may be retaliation for a July 2010 ADL report condemning Zakkout and his group AMANA for featuring what the ADL called a “venomous” anti-Semitic, anti-Israel video on the AMANA website. The video was produced by and featured white supremacist leader David Duke. Zakkout has since posted a number of Duke videos on social media and has praised Duke as “a man to believe in!”

The Netanyahu/Foxman post, along with a similar one made by Zakkout also featuring Foxman, was taken from the horrifically anti-Semitic, pro-Hitler Facebook site of an individual named David Castillo.

Quotes made by Castillo on his site, include: “[T]he same sh*t Jews run and own everything! Buy a gun and lots of ammo and prepare to take them out, for debt can only be paid back by killing the f**ks who put [us] there;” “All Jews belong in hell with maggots because all they are is maggots!” “The only good Jew is a dead one;” and “I can only wish that a new hero like Adolf Hitler would take back Germany and finally get rid of the lizard bastards…”

After the Netanyahu/Foxman posting, Zakkout posted onto his Facebook page a video stating that the “End of Zionism,” meaning the destruction of Israel, “equals Peace.” Then, right after, Zakkout followed it up by posting another video, where he (Zakkout) stated above it, “Watch these pigs an[d] monkeys Israeli occupiers harassing and harming Palestinian women!” He signed it, “Sofian Zakkout.” In one scene on the video, all that can be viewed is a nicely dressed Israeli family, with a half-dozen children, merely walking together.”

This was not the first time Zakkout referred to Jews as “pigs” and “monkeys.” Just one month ago, in December, above a photo of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, who is a decorated veteran of many different wars and battles fought by Israel the last three-plus decades, Zakkout wrote in Arabic, “You’re a Jew, the grandson of a monkey and a pig.” And he signed it “Sofian.”

Mr. Zakkout’s hateful and frenzied rhetoric against Jews and others, during the past two years, has been overwhelming and constant.


South Florida Muslim Leader Posts Material from Hitler Supporter
He only does the same as all the other muslim leaders. That's why when I hear about the condemnation of terrorism I shrug it off. I know it's crap.

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