Florida OG's Say "We Need A New Guy"

When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

Where do the original gangsters fit in allot this? I thought that was a west coast thing?
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.

lol... you go with that.

Why do you think Trump was elected demwit?

Because the tard herd is dumber than he is, you people were sold on a snake oil salesman.

My people?
Who do you think I am?

Dumballday if ewe support the Orange shit giblet snake oil salesman.

And you support Xi and pootin. Which one of them do you work for?

Neither, ewe of course do know Vlad is trumps dad don't ewe.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.

lol... you go with that.

Why do you think Trump was elected demwit?

Because the tard herd is dumber than he is, you people were sold on a snake oil salesman.

My people?
Who do you think I am?

Dumballday if ewe support the Orange shit giblet snake oil salesman.

So what are your plans when Biden goes down in flames for the third time?
He sucked back then and he sucks even more now.
Lucky for him he probably forgot about his first two pathetic attempts.

Do not care not voting for that fool either.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.

lol... you go with that.

Why do you think Trump was elected demwit?

Because the tard herd is dumber than he is, you people were sold on a snake oil salesman.

My people?
Who do you think I am?

Dumballday if ewe support the Orange shit giblet snake oil salesman.

And you support Xi and pootin. Which one of them do you work for?

Neither, ewe of course do know Vlad is trumps dad don't ewe.

Yeah, he's YOUR daddy....

Here's YOUR hero obummer, bowing down to his master, pootin. Who's putz he happens to be.

well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is a hard thing to handle.

See you in November.
“I guess they took a chance and all went to hell.”


Some tried to rationalize their vote for Trump by asking “how bad can Trump be?”

Well, now they know - exceedingly bad.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is hard to do.

they are either seeing the writing on the wall - or in such denial, they refuse to even fathom donny losing.

either way - it's fun to watch.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Playtime? If Trump does win...then you lose. If Biden wins...then you lose AGAIN because the Democrats have zero solutions to fixing economies...improving race relations...insuring law and order and solving the immigration problem...something that will quickly become apparent!

So have "fun" watching either of those scenarios play out!
“I guess they took a chance and all went to hell.”


Some tried to rationalize their vote for Trump by asking “how bad can Trump be?”

Well, now they know - exceedingly bad.

Since we don't have an agreed to standard (that we could also use to judge Obama) why don't you take your opinion, roll it up real tight and fuck yourself with it.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.

lol... you go with that.

Why do you think Trump was elected demwit?

Because the tard herd is dumber than he is, you people were sold on a snake oil salesman.

My people?
Who do you think I am?

Dumballday if ewe support the Orange shit giblet snake oil salesman.

And you support Xi and pootin. Which one of them do you work for?

Neither, ewe of course do know Vlad is trumps dad don't ewe.

Yeah, he's YOUR daddy....

Here's YOUR hero obummer, bowing down to his master, pootin. Who's putz he happens to be.

Lol, ya tRamp believes his das Vlad over his own intelligence agencies and the FBI. Swallow that little load off commie jizz ewe uninformed ball washer.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.

lol... you go with that.

Why do you think Trump was elected demwit?

Because the tard herd is dumber than he is, you people were sold on a snake oil salesman.

My people?
Who do you think I am?

Dumballday if ewe support the Orange shit giblet snake oil salesman.

And you support Xi and pootin. Which one of them do you work for?

Neither, ewe of course do know Vlad is trumps dad don't ewe.

Yeah, he's YOUR daddy....

Here's YOUR hero obummer, bowing down to his master, pootin. Who's putz he happens to be.

Lol, ya tRamp believes his das Vlad over his own intelligence agencies and the FBI. Swallow that little load off commie jizz ewe uninformed ball washer.

And I can hear with my own ears as your hero tells pootin he is ready to do his bidding.
When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

Really? A rich wealthy banker, retiring in Florida, says we need to replace Trump? Who woulda thunk it.

It's it amazing who quickly the "bankers are evil" people jump, dance and sing to the tune of the rich wealthy elite?

The left-wing is in the pocket of the rich elite, more than Republicans ever are.

And it's it amazing how when thousands of Democrats switch to vote for Trump, that no one notices. But when one super wealthy elite in Florida says they are voting against Trump, the left-wing acts like this is divine from Heaven.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Bellows the hyper partisan stooge.

Projection is thy middle name.

i am an indy & have voted across the spectrum of political parties. i vote for issues, not people. i've vote (D), (R) & green party. in fact - i voted for nader in 2000 against gore & my own state senator...

i bet i've voted for more (R)s than you would ever vote for a (D).

Bullcrap. Your posts are universally the same. All hyper partisan twaddle.


want some names? phil giordano... joe santopetro ... john rowland... jody rell - all republicans. & i've voted for alot of locals on the town counsel, school board, etc....

funny how they all turned out to become CONvicted criminals after being voted into office (except for governor rell )

go google the first one...lol.....

Pfaff, all you wish. Your unprovable claims are useless. We SEE what you post, so your lies are easily wrinkled out.

sure sure - partisan stooges like yerself assume everybody else is.
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well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Bellows the hyper partisan stooge.

Projection is thy middle name.

i am an indy & have voted across the spectrum of political parties. i vote for issues, not people. i've vote (D), (R) & green party. in fact - i voted for nader in 2000 against gore & my own state senator...

i bet i've voted for more (R)s than you would ever vote for a (D).

You'd be right about that.
There hasnt been a Dem worth voting for in three decades.

you voted for W twice?

that 'splains alot.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.
America had the eagle symbol long before hitler and nazi germany existed

soooooooooo? the similarities in the intent on how it's drawn is what matters.

native americans had the swastika long b4 the nazis. but what was the intent behind the germans' using it?

the star of david looks like a 'marshal's badge ' but the intent of slapping it on a 'magazine cover ' style tweet money & hillary's face - makes the difference.
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