Florida Pulse gay club attacked

A Islamist shot up a gay club?

Are you sure? Normally, gay clubs are the target of christian fundie.

Best not to jump the gun just yet.

Yeah....how about a list of those christian attacks on gay nightclubs.....
My church doesn't believe in the gay lifestyle but all we did this morning is pray for the speedy recovery of those injured and for comfort for the families of the dead. :dunno: Wow us dangerous cray cray Christians. Too bad "Omar" or whatever the killers name is didn't pray for them instead of shooting them.
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There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.

A pressure cooker was not used to murder the police officer as the assholes attempted their escape.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion
It would be interesting to hear the Muhammad Obama and Crooked Hillary phone calls today as they discuss how their advisors want them to ignore the ISLAMIC TERROR attack or exploit it to their advantage.
Obama will call it a recreational place shooting. Not a terrorist attack, remember he wiped the terrorists out before the 2012 elections. Remember?
Being reported now.. Muslim terrorist WAS on the terror watch list in 2014 .. Parents immigrated here from Afghanistan.. Terrorist had made numerous threats in the past.
Orlando Terror Suspect Identified: OMAR MATEEN of Port St. Lucie; Has Made Threats In Past [VIDEO] | RedState

From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
Link? Turn on the fucking news.

Yeah....embrace Islam folks. "CONVERT OR DIE".

Crooked Hillary will bring us TENS OF THOUSANDS more of these fine Muslims!!!! OPEN THE BORDER!!!

He was American born. I have yet to read how he practiced Islam.
Perhaps you need to read more often?

Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.
He could have been a cow patty too but he's wasn't. He was a Muslim. That why he daddy came out quickly to say " religion has nothing to do with this." Yeah, right.
Being reported now.. Muslim terrorist WAS on the terror watch list in 2014 .. Parents immigrated here from Afghanistan.. Terrorist had made numerous threats in the past.
Orlando Terror Suspect Identified: OMAR MATEEN of Port St. Lucie; Has Made Threats In Past [VIDEO] | RedState

From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
Link? Turn on the fucking news.

Yeah....embrace Islam folks. "CONVERT OR DIE".

Crooked Hillary will bring us TENS OF THOUSANDS more of these fine Muslims!!!! OPEN THE BORDER!!!

He was American born. I have yet to read how he practiced Islam.
Perhaps you need to read more often?

Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.
Guns had nothing to do with his behavior, guilt by association doesn't work. dumbass
What's up with you left wing whackos that you actually hope and pray that a shooter will be a so called white Christian? It's pretty damn sick.

When a shooter is also wearing a suicide vest and screaming Allahu Akbar I don't think of myself as racist because the first thought that crosses my mind isn't


Give me a freaking break!
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Being reported now.. Muslim terrorist WAS on the terror watch list in 2014 .. Parents immigrated here from Afghanistan.. Terrorist had made numerous threats in the past.
Orlando Terror Suspect Identified: OMAR MATEEN of Port St. Lucie; Has Made Threats In Past [VIDEO] | RedState

From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
He was American born. I have yet to read how he practiced Islam.
Perhaps you need to read more often?

Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

PICTURED: Worst mass shooter in U.S. history - NYC-born 'Islamic extremist' Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe 'who got angry when he saw two men kissing'
  • Suspected Islamic extremist opened fire inside Pulse gay club in Orlando in the early hours of this morning
  • Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida
  • He killed at least 50 people and injured 53 and took party-goers hostage before being killed by police
  • Shooter, 29, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he began shooting in the nightclub
  • Police used an explosive device to distract the gunman and rescue around 30 people who had been taken hostage
  • Police engaged in gunfire with the man and an officer was shot in the head, but he was saved by his helmet
  • FBI says gunman may have 'leanings to radical Islamic terrorism' and it is being investigated as 'an act of terrorism'

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Geez when I went to church there were only 20 suspected dead, now there's 50! I OMG those poor people.
Being reported now.. Muslim terrorist WAS on the terror watch list in 2014 .. Parents immigrated here from Afghanistan.. Terrorist had made numerous threats in the past.
Orlando Terror Suspect Identified: OMAR MATEEN of Port St. Lucie; Has Made Threats In Past [VIDEO] | RedState

From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
He was American born. I have yet to read how he practiced Islam.
Perhaps you need to read more often?

Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

ROFL His facebook page.. Bill Nelson, DEMOCRAT IN FLA on Fox News right now with a press briefing.. Bwhahahahahahaha YOU FUCKING LIBERALS are your own worst nightmare.. All too easy. Like shooting fish in a fish bowl.

Facebook page really, you Republicans grasp and try so hard. I'm not a Fox news groupie. Actually I will be voting Dem first time ever (I take that back, I voted for Gore, Bush Jr didn't know where the other countries were or how to pronounce their names) , see what I mean you should not assume.
There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.

A pressure cooker was not used to murder the police officer as the assholes attempted their escape.
Yeah right asswipe! Nice try. But she didn't mention the cop. She said "The Boston Marathon Shooting" she did not stop to think what she was saying in her rush to grab guns.
There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.

A pressure cooker was not used to murder the police officer as the assholes attempted their escape.
Yeah the Left, especially Western European Leftists, formed a sort of alliance with Islam years ago. I think it began with their shared hatred of Jews and Christians, which subsequently led to fanatical support for the Palestinians. That was likely the origins of the alliance.

Indeed it did.

Being Leftist and Anti-Semitic in Germany - Susanne Urban

But it is a very bizarre alliance. Islam above all other religions, is the least tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors. Here's another deadly example of that. The Muslim faith doesn't allow tolerating homosexual behavior. I think the Left is beginning to regret their alliance.

This nasty anti-Xian campaign came along as part of the 'Gay Rights' farce; they had received some sympathy for their mindless self-inflicted AIDS epidemic, and misguided special exemptions form the usual CDC tactics for dealing with campaigns, with the result that the poor victims' went on to spread the infection to over a 1,000% more members of their own 'community and the spread to the nation's blood supply and children and others via that mindless 'tolerance', and the 'activists' parlayed that into the 'gay marriage' hoax, as a scheme to get on some faux 'spouses' medical insurance, and from there it kept growing into the full blown psychosis for the New Democrats and 'progressive' sociopaths their 'movement' is today.

It was all the rage for the 'activists' just a few years ago for the shills to tout up Islam as some sort of enlightened paragons of tolerance and intellectual superiority over the backward hateful Xians n stuff, because of the historical Islamic penchant for raping little boys, something the 'gay community' has long supported and endorsed, until the Clinton administration and Jesse Helms came along and the 'community' was shocked to find out kiddie rape was frowned upon in most of the country.
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Of course he's a dem... They can't tolerate views other than their own.

God damn Democrats, always hatin' on the gays....
He was a registered Democrat, he did some hate'n on them gays at that nightclub... Lol
You aren't really taking your cues from some unconfirmed internet meme, are you? No one in law enforcement has given any such information. No news source is providing such details. But, if an anonymous internet meme said it, it must be so, right?

It's all over the news...what a conundrum for the left, a Muslim democrat shooting up a gay nightclub.

"shooting up a gay nightclue with a GUN. Another problem for the NRA and its supporters. But they have a solution, more guns.
Being reported now.. Muslim terrorist WAS on the terror watch list in 2014 .. Parents immigrated here from Afghanistan.. Terrorist had made numerous threats in the past.
Orlando Terror Suspect Identified: OMAR MATEEN of Port St. Lucie; Has Made Threats In Past [VIDEO] | RedState

From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
Perhaps you need to read more often?

Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

ROFL His facebook page.. Bill Nelson, DEMOCRAT IN FLA on Fox News right now with a press briefing.. Bwhahahahahahaha YOU FUCKING LIBERALS are your own worst nightmare.. All too easy. Like shooting fish in a fish bowl.

Facebook page really, you Republicans grasp and try so hard. I'm not a Fox news groupie. Actually I will be voting Dem first time ever, see what I mean you should not assume.
Ask me if I give the first rotten damn how you vote moron? The entire Press Corp to include your DEMOCRAT, BILL NELSON reporting it.. FBI.. you're a worthless loser. Go play in traffic or abort a baby.. whatever it is you fucked up lefties do for kicks these days...
Of course he's a dem... They can't tolerate views other than their own.

God damn Democrats, always hatin' on the gays....
He was a registered Democrat, he did some hate'n on them gays at that nightclub... Lol
You aren't really taking your cues from some unconfirmed internet meme, are you? No one in law enforcement has given any such information. No news source is providing such details. But, if an anonymous internet meme said it, it must be so, right?

It's all over the news...what a conundrum for the left, a Muslim democrat shooting up a gay nightclub.

"shooting up a gay nightclue with a GUN. Another problem for the NRA and its supporters. But they have a solution, more guns.
Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
But remember folks.....

Voting for Hillary will be historic and Trump University didn't make all its students into billionaires!!!

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