Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
No such thing is known. All that the Feds have reported is that he "may have been radicalized..." There is absolutely no indication of by whom. And he was watched as a person of interest, for a few months, because he had contact with people who had contact with terrorist organizations. Her was determined to not be a threat, and they quit watching. There is absolutely no indication that he was currently on any watch lists.

Where do you get your bullshit?!?!?
You sound angry.. Worried that your messiah let this lunatic roam the streets of America and we now have the 2nd largest terror attack in US history having taken place?? IT'S being reported EVERY WHERE NOW.. You lowlife scum known as LIBERALS are an enemy of freedom.. I pray to God this will open GOOD Americans eyes to the danger you freaks truly are.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

Vermont has the least restrictive gun laws of all 50 states and you never hear about anything like this happening there
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
More frivolous gun laws would not of stopped this. dumb fuck
Most all these mass shootings have been in "gun free zones" so take your dumbass head out of your dumb ass... Lol
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
There used to not be NICS (The National Instant Criminal Background Check System), no background checks at all. This has nothing to do with gun laws.
Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
No such thing is known. All that the Feds have reported is that he "may have been radicalized..." There is absolutely no indication of by whom. And he was watched as a person of interest, for a few months, because he had contact with people who had contact with terrorist organizations. Her was determined to not be a threat, and they quit watching. There is absolutely no indication that he was currently on any watch lists.

Where do you get your bullshit?!?!?
You sound angry.. Worried that your messiah let this lunatic roam the streets of America and we now have the 2nd largest terror attack in US history having taken place?? IT'S being reported EVERY WHERE NOW.. You lowlife scum known as LIBERALS are an enemy of freedom.. I pray to God this will open GOOD Americans eyes to the danger you freaks truly are.
I'm angry that you are posting obviously untrue statements as if they are facts. Your kind of rhetoric, and lies only make things worse, because some people will be stupid enough to believe it. Why don't you try just sticking with known facts, instead of posting unsubstantiated rumour, and fantasy as if it were fact?
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

Vermont has the least restrictive gun laws of all 50 states and you never hear about anything like this happening there
Yeah, but their all "stinkin commie socialists". Haven't you heard?
Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
No such thing is known. All that the Feds have reported is that he "may have been radicalized..." There is absolutely no indication of by whom. And he was watched as a person of interest, for a few months, because he had contact with people who had contact with terrorist organizations. Her was determined to not be a threat, and they quit watching. There is absolutely no indication that he was currently on any watch lists.

Where do you get your bullshit?!?!?
You sound angry.. Worried that your messiah let this lunatic roam the streets of America and we now have the 2nd largest terror attack in US history having taken place?? IT'S being reported EVERY WHERE NOW.. You lowlife scum known as LIBERALS are an enemy of freedom.. I pray to God this will open GOOD Americans eyes to the danger you freaks truly are.
I'm angry that you are posting obviously untrue statements as if they are facts. Your kind of rhetoric, and lies only make things worse, because some people will be stupid enough to believe it. Why don't you try just sticking with known facts, instead of posting unsubstantiated rumour, and fantasy as if it were fact?

I've posted links LOSER.. You freaks hate the truth.. TOUGH DAMN SHIT BOY.
The left are off and running with gun grabbing. Watch MSNBC.
Funny thing is, more gun laws would not have stopped this...

Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

Vermont has the least restrictive gun laws of all 50 states and you never hear about anything like this happening there

Correct. And Utah has an extremely high rate of gun ownership....yet very low crime.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
There used to not be NICS (The National Instant Criminal Background Check System), no background checks at all. This has nothing to do with gun laws.
Which not every state (including, I believe Florida) is required to access for gun purchase. that is one of Bernie's desires - to make instant background checks a national requirement. Not a terrible idea, to my mind.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
They aren't lax at all. They allow for concealed carry if you meet the standards and requirements.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

Vermont has the least restrictive gun laws of all 50 states and you never hear about anything like this happening there

Correct. And Utah has an extremely high rate of gun ownership....yet very low crime.
The states that have more guns per capita, are the safest states.
The left are off and running with gun grabbing. Watch MSNBC.
Funny thing is, more gun laws would not have stopped this...

Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
No such thing is known. All that the Feds have reported is that he "may have been radicalized..." There is absolutely no indication of by whom. And he was watched as a person of interest, for a few months, because he had contact with people who had contact with terrorist organizations. Her was determined to not be a threat, and they quit watching. There is absolutely no indication that he was currently on any watch lists.

Where do you get your bullshit?!?!?
You sound angry.. Worried that your messiah let this lunatic roam the streets of America and we now have the 2nd largest terror attack in US history having taken place?? IT'S being reported EVERY WHERE NOW.. You lowlife scum known as LIBERALS are an enemy of freedom.. I pray to God this will open GOOD Americans eyes to the danger you freaks truly are.
I'm angry that you are posting obviously untrue statements as if they are facts. Your kind of rhetoric, and lies only make things worse, because some people will be stupid enough to believe it. Why don't you try just sticking with known facts, instead of posting unsubstantiated rumour, and fantasy as if it were fact?

I've posted links LOSER.. You freaks hate the truth.. TOUGH DAMN SHIT BOY.
Really? What link is there to his"known ISIS ties", since not one law enforcement agency has said that/ If there is a link claiming that, it is lying.
The left in this thread are trying to focus on Republican politics instead of seeing the real threat that is right in front of them.

Especially rdean. Despicable

Q. What is the real threat

A. A man with a gun

This week a terrorist opened fire in a Tel Aviv shopping mall. This had the potential for a massacre but instead only 4 people were killed. You want to know the difference? Israeli authorities are armed to the teeth. All heathy individuals serve in the military.

1. All Israel Jews conscripted to be soldiers at age 18. Not all serve but a decent amount do serve.
2. More Israeli's know how to correctly handle a crisis situation because their military training comes into play.
3. A gun doesn't sprout legs and start shooting, it requires an outside force to activate it and deactivate it. You get a person with a gun who is willing to die for their beliefs the only thing that's going to stop him is another person with a gun. If he doesn't have a gun he will use another means of destruction so the problem isn't the gun, it's the human. He could kill just as easily with a pressure cooker bomb.

Conscription in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hospital I work at is a block from Pulse. The police detoured me trying to get to work this morning. I hadn't listened to the news yet so I figured another train derailed as the tracks are also right there. Found out when I got to work.

One local news channel quoted someone as saying the shooter had "Islamic leanings", whatever the fuck that means.

It means the media is pissed off as hell they have to somehow report islamists are now exterminating gays in america. You can bet the media would be positively gleeful if a white guy was responsible.

If it is a muslim targeting gay Americans....this story will be over before Noon...........nothing to see here....
You're another RW mooslim.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
There used to not be NICS (The National Instant Criminal Background Check System), no background checks at all. This has nothing to do with gun laws.
Which not every state (including, I believe Florida) is required to access for gun purchase. that is one of Bernie's desires - to make instant background checks a national requirement. Not a terrible idea, to my mind.
Frivolous gun laws equal more crime…

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