Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Being reported now.. Muslim terrorist WAS on the terror watch list in 2014 .. Parents immigrated here from Afghanistan.. Terrorist had made numerous threats in the past.
Orlando Terror Suspect Identified: OMAR MATEEN of Port St. Lucie; Has Made Threats In Past [VIDEO] | RedState

From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
Perhaps you need to read more often?

Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

PICTURED: Worst mass shooter in U.S. history - NYC-born 'Islamic extremist' Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe 'who got angry when he saw two men kissing'
  • Suspected Islamic extremist opened fire inside Pulse gay club in Orlando in the early hours of this morning
  • Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida
  • He killed at least 50 people and injured 53 and took party-goers hostage before being killed by police
  • Shooter, 29, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he began shooting in the nightclub
  • Police used an explosive device to distract the gunman and rescue around 30 people who had been taken hostage
  • Police engaged in gunfire with the man and an officer was shot in the head, but he was saved by his helmet
  • FBI says gunman may have 'leanings to radical Islamic terrorism' and it is being investigated as 'an act of terrorism'

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Geez when I went to church there were only 20 suspected dead, now there's 50! I OMG those poor people.

This is a massacre. I'm trying to wrap my brain around it still. Didn't this club have armed security? No one had a C%C? It's unreal.
God damn Democrats, always hatin' on the gays....
He was a registered Democrat, he did some hate'n on them gays at that nightclub... Lol
You aren't really taking your cues from some unconfirmed internet meme, are you? No one in law enforcement has given any such information. No news source is providing such details. But, if an anonymous internet meme said it, it must be so, right?

It's all over the news...what a conundrum for the left, a Muslim democrat shooting up a gay nightclub.

"shooting up a gay nightclue with a GUN. Another problem for the NRA and its supporters. But they have a solution, more guns.
Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
He tried his best to slaughter many more! Thank god a gun stopped him.
From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

PICTURED: Worst mass shooter in U.S. history - NYC-born 'Islamic extremist' Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe 'who got angry when he saw two men kissing'
  • Suspected Islamic extremist opened fire inside Pulse gay club in Orlando in the early hours of this morning
  • Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida
  • He killed at least 50 people and injured 53 and took party-goers hostage before being killed by police
  • Shooter, 29, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he began shooting in the nightclub
  • Police used an explosive device to distract the gunman and rescue around 30 people who had been taken hostage
  • Police engaged in gunfire with the man and an officer was shot in the head, but he was saved by his helmet
  • FBI says gunman may have 'leanings to radical Islamic terrorism' and it is being investigated as 'an act of terrorism'

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Geez when I went to church there were only 20 suspected dead, now there's 50! I OMG those poor people.

This is a massacre. I'm trying to wrap my brain around it still. Didn't this club have armed security? No one had a C%C? It's unreal.

Can't say about Florida, but here it's against the law to carry anywhere alcohol is served.
From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

PICTURED: Worst mass shooter in U.S. history - NYC-born 'Islamic extremist' Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe 'who got angry when he saw two men kissing'
  • Suspected Islamic extremist opened fire inside Pulse gay club in Orlando in the early hours of this morning
  • Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida
  • He killed at least 50 people and injured 53 and took party-goers hostage before being killed by police
  • Shooter, 29, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he began shooting in the nightclub
  • Police used an explosive device to distract the gunman and rescue around 30 people who had been taken hostage
  • Police engaged in gunfire with the man and an officer was shot in the head, but he was saved by his helmet
  • FBI says gunman may have 'leanings to radical Islamic terrorism' and it is being investigated as 'an act of terrorism'

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Geez when I went to church there were only 20 suspected dead, now there's 50! I OMG those poor people.

This is a massacre. I'm trying to wrap my brain around it still. Didn't this club have armed security? No one had a C%C? It's unreal.
The way I understand it there is always a police officer on duty there. I will see if I can find that information.
Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
No such thing is known. All that the Feds have reported is that he "may have been radicalized..." There is absolutely no indication of by whom. And he was watched as a person of interest, for a few months, because he had contact with people who had contact with terrorist organizations. Her was determined to not be a threat, and they quit watching. There is absolutely no indication that he was currently on any watch lists.

Where do you get your bullshit?!?!?
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

PICTURED: Worst mass shooter in U.S. history - NYC-born 'Islamic extremist' Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe 'who got angry when he saw two men kissing'
  • Suspected Islamic extremist opened fire inside Pulse gay club in Orlando in the early hours of this morning
  • Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida
  • He killed at least 50 people and injured 53 and took party-goers hostage before being killed by police
  • Shooter, 29, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he began shooting in the nightclub
  • Police used an explosive device to distract the gunman and rescue around 30 people who had been taken hostage
  • Police engaged in gunfire with the man and an officer was shot in the head, but he was saved by his helmet
  • FBI says gunman may have 'leanings to radical Islamic terrorism' and it is being investigated as 'an act of terrorism'

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Geez when I went to church there were only 20 suspected dead, now there's 50! I OMG those poor people.

This is a massacre. I'm trying to wrap my brain around it still. Didn't this club have armed security? No one had a C%C? It's unreal.

Can't say about Florida, but here it's against the law to carry anywhere alcohol is served.

You cannot carry weapons into bars in Fla. either concealed or open.
Of course he's a dem... They can't tolerate views other than their own.

God damn Democrats, always hatin' on the gays....
He was a registered Democrat, he did some hate'n on them gays at that nightclub... Lol
You aren't really taking your cues from some unconfirmed internet meme, are you? No one in law enforcement has given any such information. No news source is providing such details. But, if an anonymous internet meme said it, it must be so, right?

It's all over the news...what a conundrum for the left, a Muslim democrat shooting up a gay nightclub.

"shooting up a gay nightclue with a GUN. Another problem for the NRA and its supporters. But they have a solution, more guns.

Cease deflecting, the NRA had nothing to do with some goat fugging fool shooting up a gay nightclub
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Gays, be afraid of a Muslim controlled world… Be very afraid.
The way I understand it there is always a police officer on duty there. I will see if I can find that information.

More likely an off duty cop who has been privately hired by the club to work as security. Pretty common approach.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.
That's just stupid. Guns were much easier to get in the past. Even available via mail order. Many hardware stores and pawn shops carried guns.

Liberals can't think, they feel things.
Not in Florida. Florida have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

Chicago has some of the toughest...your point?

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