Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - multiple injuries - BBC News

There are multiple injuries after an attacker opened fire inside a gay nightclub in the Florida city of Orlando, police say.

There are unconfirmed reports that the attacker is still inside the Pulse Club and has taken hostages.

Orlando Police have urged people to stay away from the area.

Video footage being shared on social media showed dozens of emergency vehicles at the scene and people being treated on the pavements.

One man who was in the club at the time said the shooter opened fire at around 02:00 local time (06:00 GMT).

"People on the dance floor and bar got down on the floor and some of us who were near the bar and back exit managed to go out through the outdoor area and just ran," Ricardo Almodovar wrote on Pulse's Facebook page.

Another man, Anthony Torres, said he heard people screaming that others in the nightclub were dead.

Local TV reporter Stewart Moore tweeted that he had been told by a source that more than 20 people had been shot.

Looks like someone has it in for gays, but who is it and what is motivating them?

it seems cultural-----the shooter is of afghani background----As you know---Afghanistan has historic links to Iran. In fact the language (mostly Pashtun) is very close to Farsi. Another cultural issue is Ramadan. The shooter---like many Indonesians----stated his support of Isis.----which suggests he was sunni
The left are off and running with gun grabbing. Watch MSNBC.
Funny thing is, more gun laws would not have stopped this...

Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
The left are off and running with gun grabbing. Watch MSNBC.
Funny thing is, more gun laws would not have stopped this...

Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
You're mixing suicides in with homicides that's called lying. dumb fuck

2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
I thought "sucking dick" exempted you from terrorism Liberals? What you assholes fail to realize is, cocksuckers will be the first with their heads on a pole if Islam ever comes full-blown to this country. You just keep sucking that Muslim dick and ignore that though, OK?
Trying so hard but failing.. A Terrorist with known ties to ISIS, on the terror watch list, SLAUGHTERED 50 Americans.
No such thing is known. All that the Feds have reported is that he "may have been radicalized..." There is absolutely no indication of by whom. And he was watched as a person of interest, for a few months, because he had contact with people who had contact with terrorist organizations. Her was determined to not be a threat, and they quit watching. There is absolutely no indication that he was currently on any watch lists.

Where do you get your bullshit?!?!?
You sound angry.. Worried that your messiah let this lunatic roam the streets of America and we now have the 2nd largest terror attack in US history having taken place?? IT'S being reported EVERY WHERE NOW.. You lowlife scum known as LIBERALS are an enemy of freedom.. I pray to God this will open GOOD Americans eyes to the danger you freaks truly are.
I'm angry that you are posting obviously untrue statements as if they are facts. Your kind of rhetoric, and lies only make things worse, because some people will be stupid enough to believe it. Why don't you try just sticking with known facts, instead of posting unsubstantiated rumour, and fantasy as if it were fact?

I've posted links LOSER.. You freaks hate the truth.. TOUGH DAMN SHIT BOY.
Really? What link is there to his"known ISIS ties", since not one law enforcement agency has said that/ If there is a link claiming that, it is lying.
ROFLMAO The liberal Daily Beast:

Damian Paletta of the Wall Street Journal tweets, “Rep. [Adam] Schiff, [D-CA] who is always cautious, says Dept. of Homeland Security told him Orlando shooter made pledge of allegiance to Islamic State.” Instapundit
A Man sees gays kissing, only in Islam he's justified in the of killing gays...
The same cannot be said in Jesus teachings in the Bible… LOL
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99 % attacker was either a Muslim or a convert or crypto Muslim.The lying western MSM will start a whitewashing of killer and hiding his Muslim believe.

Obama will be on TV in 1 Hour (1.30 PM) telling us all "This has nothing to do with Islam".

Obumble cannot/will not even utter the words 'Islamic Terrorism'.

And excuse me for a political comment at this tragic moment:
But this really plays well for Trump.
I sit here thinking "at least omar did not get to a bunch of young innocent children", I try to be upset about it, but just comfortably Numb. Not surprised. Keep shoving gay crap in peoples face... can't open mailer ad or TV w/o freakin ellen mug on.....
You guys should not let the left drag you into gun debates. Keep the focus FIRMLY where it belongs. Islamic terrorism.

When they try to divert to gun bullshit you need to ignore them or they will never stop changing the subject. Show them who controls the debate rather than giving them power to keep posting their tripe.
Why are isis supporters allowed to roam the streets....they should be rounded up. War on terror enemy combatant.........
Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.

PICTURED: Worst mass shooter in U.S. history - NYC-born 'Islamic extremist' Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe 'who got angry when he saw two men kissing'
  • Suspected Islamic extremist opened fire inside Pulse gay club in Orlando in the early hours of this morning
  • Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida
  • He killed at least 50 people and injured 53 and took party-goers hostage before being killed by police
  • Shooter, 29, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he began shooting in the nightclub
  • Police used an explosive device to distract the gunman and rescue around 30 people who had been taken hostage
  • Police engaged in gunfire with the man and an officer was shot in the head, but he was saved by his helmet
  • FBI says gunman may have 'leanings to radical Islamic terrorism' and it is being investigated as 'an act of terrorism'

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
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Geez when I went to church there were only 20 suspected dead, now there's 50! I OMG those poor people.

This is a massacre. I'm trying to wrap my brain around it still. Didn't this club have armed security? No one had a C%C? It's unreal.

Can't say about Florida, but here it's against the law to carry anywhere alcohol is served.

You cannot carry weapons into bars in Fla. either concealed or open.

Figured as much. They are very strict about it here. You can get your ticket pulled for an alcohol related incident here love PI or DUI as well.
Todays attack is not about gun laws. It's about fighting these sand monkeys on their own turf. If we refuse to do that, like Obama has refused in pulling out of Iraq and Affy, we fight them in Orlando.

Stupid Florida senator is talking about gun reform laws. Stupid bitch. Shes talking about buying guns without a background check. BITCH THIS GUY HAD A GUN PERMIT.
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