Florida Pulse gay club attacked

The hospital I work at is a block from Pulse. The police detoured me trying to get to work this morning. I hadn't listened to the news yet so I figured another train derailed as the tracks are also right there. Found out when I got to work.

One local news channel quoted someone as saying the shooter had "Islamic leanings", whatever the fuck that means.

It means the media is pissed off as hell they have to somehow report islamists are now exterminating gays in america. You can bet the media would be positively gleeful if a white guy was responsible.

If it is a muslim targeting gay Americans....this story will be over before Noon...........nothing to see here....
You're another RW mooslim.

I suppose that in your own fucked up way you may actually be correct. I'm sure that there are those moderate Muslims who call the radicals the "far right" of their religion. But only you would be stupid enough to equate far right Islam with far right Republican,
There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.

A pressure cooker was not used to murder the police officer as the assholes attempted their escape.
Yeah right asswipe! Nice try. But she didn't mention the cop. She said "The Boston Marathon Shooting" she did not stop to think what she was saying in her rush to grab guns.

When did you get out of the padded cell?
50 dead. This is heartbreaking...
What's the next step, Blame the gun or the bomb and not the Muslim?
I blame the shooter..mooslim...christers or whatever....go back to you secret happy dance.

This guy, and his cult...
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?

A lot. Someone already posted the numbers in this thread.
Radical islam, registered democrat. What could possibly go wrong?

It's fewer votes for Hillary.
There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.

A pressure cooker was not used to murder the police officer as the assholes attempted their escape.
Yeah right asswipe! Nice try. But she didn't mention the cop. She said "The Boston Marathon Shooting" she did not stop to think what she was saying in her rush to grab guns.

When did you get out of the padded cell?
Boo fucking Hoo.
God damn Democrats, always hatin' on the gays....
He was a registered Democrat, he did some hate'n on them gays at that nightclub... Lol
You aren't really taking your cues from some unconfirmed internet meme, are you? No one in law enforcement has given any such information. No news source is providing such details. But, if an anonymous internet meme said it, it must be so, right?

It's all over the news...what a conundrum for the left, a Muslim democrat shooting up a gay nightclub.

"shooting up a gay nightclue with a GUN. Another problem for the NRA and its supporters. But they have a solution, more guns.

Cease deflecting, the NRA had nothing to do with some goat fugging fool shooting up a gay nightclub

Their policies and money given to members of Congress and the GOP have everything to do with gun violence in America.
There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.

A pressure cooker was not used to murder the police officer as the assholes attempted their escape.
Yeah right asswipe! Nice try. But she didn't mention the cop. She said "The Boston Marathon Shooting" she did not stop to think what she was saying in her rush to grab guns.

When did you get out of the padded cell?

She escaped by spraying the walls with vag acid, and has now returned to USMB to spread her filth once again.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?
This thread is about an ISLAMIC KILLER. Try to keep up if you can.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?
This thread is about an ISLAMIC KILLER. Try to keep up if you can.

The instant problem is a man with a gun.

...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
No such thing is known. All that the Feds have reported is that he "may have been radicalized..." There is absolutely no indication of by whom. And he was watched as a person of interest, for a few months, because he had contact with people who had contact with terrorist organizations. Her was determined to not be a threat, and they quit watching. There is absolutely no indication that he was currently on any watch lists.

Where do you get your bullshit?!?!?
You sound angry.. Worried that your messiah let this lunatic roam the streets of America and we now have the 2nd largest terror attack in US history having taken place?? IT'S being reported EVERY WHERE NOW.. You lowlife scum known as LIBERALS are an enemy of freedom.. I pray to God this will open GOOD Americans eyes to the danger you freaks truly are.
I'm angry that you are posting obviously untrue statements as if they are facts. Your kind of rhetoric, and lies only make things worse, because some people will be stupid enough to believe it. Why don't you try just sticking with known facts, instead of posting unsubstantiated rumour, and fantasy as if it were fact?

I've posted links LOSER.. You freaks hate the truth.. TOUGH DAMN SHIT BOY.
Really? What link is there to his"known ISIS ties", since not one law enforcement agency has said that/ If there is a link claiming that, it is lying.
ROFLMAO The liberal Daily Beast:

Omar Mateen, Terrorist Who Attacked Orlando Gay Club, Had Been Investigated by FBI

"Oops. There was an error
Something is amiss. We're working to fix it."
Wanna try again?
I'm beginning to think a "tolerate" liberal is more of a threat than a jihadist

Clearly not, you've not yet begun to think.
My thinking is CRYSTAL CLEAR. I see the motive behind the killing which is something that plagues the world. You see an inanimate object & nothing else.
Even IF he didn't have access to the ar15 Americans WOULD STILL BE DEAD BY HIS HAND.
There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.

A pressure cooker was not used to murder the police officer as the assholes attempted their escape.
Yeah right asswipe! Nice try. But she didn't mention the cop. She said "The Boston Marathon Shooting" she did not stop to think what she was saying in her rush to grab guns.

When did you get out of the padded cell?

She escaped by spraying the walls with vag acid, and has now returned to USMB to spread her filth once again.
After what you just wrote you want to accuse me of spreading filth? Oh the fucking irony! Roflmao
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?
This thread is about an ISLAMIC KILLER. Try to keep up if you can.

The instant problem is a man with a gun.

Wrong. The problem is a third world transplant who brought his third world ideology here to the US with him. Who decided that he would try to impose his view of the world on OUR view. And idiots like you look at the gun and blame it for the actions of a third world savage.

You're a progressive who CAN'T think.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?
This thread is about an ISLAMIC KILLER. Try to keep up if you can.

The instant problem is a man with a gun.
The Pressure Cooker Bombers prey on your ignorance

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