Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Just heard on TV that the gunman's father said Mateen saw two gay people kissing and carrying on in front of his family and was angry which is why he may have targeted the gay community, so at least that might be a motive along with possible terrorist ties.

Except that it's not Drudge, it's The Daily Mail...

So here we go again folks. How many more terrorist attacks do we need under this administration?
Anyone know what's happening with the Dylann Roof case?

I believe Roof's federal death penalty trial starts in November with the state trial following in January. Roof wanted to skip a jury trial and leave it all up to the judge, pleading guilty to 33 counts of committing hate crimes, the feds said, essentially, fuck you. They want to bring it to trial before a jury.

You asked if people see Roof's actions as acts of terrorism. Perhaps you should ask whether or not your government sees what he did as an act of terrorism. They don't. Personally, I would say yes, what he did was terrorism and a hate crime. A hate crime first...

I wonder how many more syrians hillary wants to import? perhaps obama and hillary have a secret plan to exterminate gays.

This incident has nothing to do with Syria.

So Roof murders with a political motive and no one will call it terrorism. Interesting.
What was his political motive?

He had no political motive. None, zip, zero.

I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible of the media without full facts to attach this shit to muslims. When we all know in our guts, its some fucked up white guy, in his mid 40's, with fuckin redneck names that probably responsible for this shit....which is always the fuckin case. How fuckin convenient that we're all having this debate of transgender using fuckin bathrooms and now this? Call me cinical, but this is just too bizzare of a coincident. Not to mention...AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!

But here's the deal folks, if we're to be a nation wrapped in the 2nd amendment, than expect this day after day after day until we're all dead from assault riffles.

Last but not least....Florida, this SYG state, this everyone should own a gun state....uh, we're was Zimmerman? Bottom line, NEVER EVER DOES JOHN WAYNE SHOW UP WITH HIS GUN AT HAND TO PREVENT SHIT LIKE THIS.......just sayin

Your bigotry and racism is duly noted. Again.

You really are no different or better than Steve_McGarrett or Nova Steve or any of the other Stormfront rejects, you know that?

As we don't know who is responsible at this point, perhaps we'd better save wild accusations until you know you won't look stupid later if it proves to be some other party.

sounds like feral rightwing christer terrorists, Orlando is a hot bed of christer taliban like fundamentalist groups

And your bigotry and hatred is also duly noted. Again...

So now how long until gays start getting thrown off tall buildings in America by these "peaceful" Muslims the left embraces so much???

Fucking disgusting.
how in the fuck do you know its a muslim? Bet my last dolla, its a fucked up redneck!!

And you lose...

Let's hope he wiped as many disease ridden sodomites out as he could!. This is today's feel good story.

This disgusting post is what many people see as the "conservative view" on the attack.

One can only hope that little Stevie suffers a long, lingering, painful disease prior to doing the world a favor and expiring...

How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

Go ahead, start another thread on that topic. All the other ones you've started have been so well received..

Oh and she said since the shooters daddy said this has nothing to do with religion then that's that.

Well, his father would be far more qualified to speculate on the man's state of mind than you. The father said that he seemed to become irate when seeing two men kissing a few weeks back. That suggests this could have been just plain old homophobia.

Yes, because family members, classmates, coworkers, friends, and neighbors have never been "shocked" by the actions, and truths later revealed, of people who do this sort of thing...

You say the his father's statement "suggests this could have been just plain old homophobia." Do you suppose that this homophobia could be rooted in some deeply held religious belief? I guessing you wouldn't hesitate to suggest as much were the shooter identified as a Christian...

You know, I just finished reading 26 pages of this thread and I have to say that most of you are truly disgusting, partisan, hate filled human beings. Fifty people are dead. Fifty-three hospitalized. I read maybe, maybe, three sincere posts of sympathy for the victims, and maybe three other posts of actual value, posts that weren't written to score some sort of imagined political points or to piss all over another member. You people need to get a fucking grip.

Chrisitainity does not condone murder...it pushes forgiveness for all sins....try again....

...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies.
"American"? We have a universal ideology? Wow. Someone really ought to tell Don, and Hillary that. Cuz, I'm pretty sure they do not share an ideology.
He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
That "information" comes from an unconfirmed tweet. How about we stick to the things we know, not what someone tweets in the moment. No actual law enforcement agency has suggested that happened.
It comes from the police who confronted him. Just stick your head back in the sand...
I sit here thinking "at least omar did not get to a bunch of young innocent children", I try to be upset about it, but just comfortably Numb. Not surprised. Keep shoving gay crap in peoples face... can't open mailer ad or TV w/o freakin ellen mug on.....
Another RW mooslim sympathizer.

The left are the ones sympathizing with radical muslim extremists....CAIR, the muslim brotherhood.....not the Conservatives...
There are no words .... this goddam foolishness has got to stop. 50 souls lost, for absolutely no reason, others probably to follow. For what? An ideology? A lifestyle choice? My heart is on the ground

I sit here thinking "at least omar did not get to a bunch of young innocent children", I try to be upset about it, but just comfortably Numb. Not surprised. Keep shoving gay crap in peoples face... can't open mailer ad or TV w/o freakin ellen mug on.....
Another RW mooslim sympathizer.

The left are the ones sympathizing with radical muslim extremists....CAIR, the muslim brotherhood.....not the Conservatives...
They do it every time. They're vermin that way.
I sit here thinking "at least omar did not get to a bunch of young innocent children", I try to be upset about it, but just comfortably Numb. Not surprised. Keep shoving gay crap in peoples face... can't open mailer ad or TV w/o freakin ellen mug on.....
Another RW mooslim sympathizer.

Ya, one your emperor sucks up to. Don't see how you can love him so blindly when he would gladly let the RW mooslem shoot you in the face.

Except that it's not Drudge, it's The Daily Mail...

So here we go again folks. How many more terrorist attacks do we need under this administration?
Anyone know what's happening with the Dylann Roof case?

I believe Roof's federal death penalty trial starts in November with the state trial following in January. Roof wanted to skip a jury trial and leave it all up to the judge, pleading guilty to 33 counts of committing hate crimes, the feds said, essentially, fuck you. They want to bring it to trial before a jury.

You asked if people see Roof's actions as acts of terrorism. Perhaps you should ask whether or not your government sees what he did as an act of terrorism. They don't. Personally, I would say yes, what he did was terrorism and a hate crime. A hate crime first...

I wonder how many more syrians hillary wants to import? perhaps obama and hillary have a secret plan to exterminate gays.

This incident has nothing to do with Syria.

So Roof murders with a political motive and no one will call it terrorism. Interesting.
What was his political motive?

He had no political motive. None, zip, zero.

I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible of the media without full facts to attach this shit to muslims. When we all know in our guts, its some fucked up white guy, in his mid 40's, with fuckin redneck names that probably responsible for this shit....which is always the fuckin case. How fuckin convenient that we're all having this debate of transgender using fuckin bathrooms and now this? Call me cinical, but this is just too bizzare of a coincident. Not to mention...AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!

But here's the deal folks, if we're to be a nation wrapped in the 2nd amendment, than expect this day after day after day until we're all dead from assault riffles.

Last but not least....Florida, this SYG state, this everyone should own a gun state....uh, we're was Zimmerman? Bottom line, NEVER EVER DOES JOHN WAYNE SHOW UP WITH HIS GUN AT HAND TO PREVENT SHIT LIKE THIS.......just sayin

Your bigotry and racism is duly noted. Again.

You really are no different or better than Steve_McGarrett or Nova Steve or any of the other Stormfront rejects, you know that?

As we don't know who is responsible at this point, perhaps we'd better save wild accusations until you know you won't look stupid later if it proves to be some other party.

sounds like feral rightwing christer terrorists, Orlando is a hot bed of christer taliban like fundamentalist groups

And your bigotry and hatred is also duly noted. Again...

So now how long until gays start getting thrown off tall buildings in America by these "peaceful" Muslims the left embraces so much???

Fucking disgusting.
how in the fuck do you know its a muslim? Bet my last dolla, its a fucked up redneck!!

And you lose...

Let's hope he wiped as many disease ridden sodomites out as he could!. This is today's feel good story.

This disgusting post is what many people see as the "conservative view" on the attack.

One can only hope that little Stevie suffers a long, lingering, painful disease prior to doing the world a favor and expiring...

How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

Go ahead, start another thread on that topic. All the other ones you've started have been so well received..

Oh and she said since the shooters daddy said this has nothing to do with religion then that's that.

Well, his father would be far more qualified to speculate on the man's state of mind than you. The father said that he seemed to become irate when seeing two men kissing a few weeks back. That suggests this could have been just plain old homophobia.

Yes, because family members, classmates, coworkers, friends, and neighbors have never been "shocked" by the actions, and truths later revealed, of people who do this sort of thing...

You say the his father's statement "suggests this could have been just plain old homophobia." Do you suppose that this homophobia could be rooted in some deeply held religious belief? I guessing you wouldn't hesitate to suggest as much were the shooter identified as a Christian...

You know, I just finished reading 26 pages of this thread and I have to say that most of you are truly disgusting, partisan, hate filled human beings. Fifty people are dead. Fifty-three hospitalized. I read maybe, maybe, three sincere posts of sympathy for the victims, and maybe three other posts of actual value, posts that weren't written to score some sort of imagined political points or to piss all over another member. You people need to get a fucking grip.

Chrisitainity does not condone murder...it pushes forgiveness for all sins....try again....

What the fuck are you talking about?
...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies.
"American"? We have a universal ideology? Wow. Someone really ought to tell Don, and Hillary that. Cuz, I'm pretty sure they do not share an ideology.
He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
That "information" comes from an unconfirmed tweet. How about we stick to the things we know, not what someone tweets in the moment. No actual law enforcement agency has suggested that happened.
It comes from the police who confronted him. Just stick your head back in the sand...
Really? Can you source that?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
might be a join operation of muslim and christian terrorists, seeing how they feel about gays,and have the same mentality
I sit here thinking "at least omar did not get to a bunch of young innocent children", I try to be upset about it, but just comfortably Numb. Not surprised. Keep shoving gay crap in peoples face... can't open mailer ad or TV w/o freakin ellen mug on.....
Another RW mooslim sympathizer.

Ya, one your emperor sucks up to. Don't see how you can love him so blindly when he would gladly let the RW mooslem shoot you in the face.

Actually, the radical muslims have more in common with left wingers...they both believe in a powerful central government dictating all aspects of life...that is why it is so easy for left wingers to defend muslims after each attack....

Conservatives in America...want limited government....with checks and balances limiting it's power over the indivdiual.....
From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies.
"American"? We have a universal ideology? Wow. Someone really ought to tell Don, and Hillary that. Cuz, I'm pretty sure they do not share an ideology.
He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
That "information" comes from an unconfirmed tweet. How about we stick to the things we know, not what someone tweets in the moment. No actual law enforcement agency has suggested that happened.
It comes from the police who confronted him. Just stick your head back in the sand...
Really? Can you source that?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
CNN live news coverage
CNN also reported that senior isis social accounts began celebrating the attack almost as soon as it began. BEFORE the identity of the killer was public

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