Florida Pulse gay club attacked

And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.

Really? "SO MANY"? Where? Being that there are hundreds of millions of Christians in the US, you have to be speaking of tens of millions of Christians who teach hate of homosexuals. Please show us you link to a reliable source making such a claim.
And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.

Really? "SO MANY"? Where? Being that there are hundreds of millions of Christians in the US, you have to be speaking of tens of millions of Christians who teach hate of homosexuals. Please show us you link to a reliable source making such a claim.
People don't seem to appreciate there is a difference between acknowledging homosexuality is against your religion and maybe something you disapprove of, and going to a night club and slaughtering them en masse, hanging them from cranes, throwing them off rooftops, burning them in cages, sawing off their heads and so on. :cuckoo:

This is not the time to politicize this or make it about 'party'.

Radical Islamic Muslims hate homosexuals and murder them around the world. This POS pledged allegiance to ISIS, a group that has slaughtered homosexuals.

So knock off the 'us vs them' liberal/GOP crap today. TODAY it is about AMERICANS being targeted and killed!

If the most deadly terrorist shooting in US history can't bring 'rabid partisans' together as AMERICANS for this one day then they should be condemned as well.

Too late for that, Lame duck President Barack Hussein Obama has already done that before the bodies have been removed.
I have never been taught to hate a homosexual, and I do not. I also do not know anyone that does...except maybe some here. You can't put all the eggs in one basket. That's ignorant.
Eerie...and truly heartbreaking:

News is reporting how in the midst of the carnage in the dance club, bodies lying all over, as they have not been removed from the crime scene, the 'deathly' silence is broken by the sounds of dozens of cell phones ringing...the sound of loved ones desperately trying to reach them... :(

Tough, the same thing happened on 9/11/2001 and every mass tragedy since.
I disagree with labeling them as 'gay Americans'. They are AMERICANS.

I have not served in the military to protect and defend heterosexual Americans or homosexual Americans or metrosexual Americans or Jewish Americans or Latino Americans, or etc... My fellow brothers and sisters fight, fought, and died for AMERICANS.

Enough division.

The nightclub promotes itself as a gay nightclub and is a central location for the gay community to meet in Orlando. The location was not chosen because it was filled with Americans, it was attacked because it was filled with gay Americans, further mostly gay Hispanics.
And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.

Really? "SO MANY"? Where? Being that there are hundreds of millions of Christians in the US, you have to be speaking of tens of millions of Christians who teach hate of homosexuals. Please show us you link to a reliable source making such a claim.
No more unlikely than the Right believing that all Muslims are terrorists.
Were the towers attacked because they were filled with gay Americans? How you can discount his point is beyond me. It doesn't MATTER! They were Americans! The labels are for the birds!
I disagree with labeling them as 'gay Americans'. They are AMERICANS.

I have not served in the military to protect and defend heterosexual Americans or homosexual Americans or metrosexual Americans or Jewish Americans or Latino Americans, or etc... My fellow brothers and sisters fight, fought, and died for AMERICANS.

Enough division.

The nightclub promotes itself as a gay nightclub and is a central location for the gay community to meet in Orlando. The location was not chosen because it was filled with Americans, it was attacked because it was filled with gay Americans, further mostly gay Hispanics.
The killer carried an assault rifle and a pistol, making it as easy as shooting fish in a barrel and accumulate huge numbers of murdered victims.

Maybe one should ask - WHY does a person need an assault rifle? WHY should he have been able to get it? Same thing with the San Diego shooters - they had an arsonal and bullet proof armor. We need to look at extremist ideology yes, but we also need to look at the factors that help to create such a huge death toll.

You wouldn't know an assault rifle if you tripped over one.

Which of these rifle's is an assault rifle?


this one or both?

It's the other one that she shoved up your asshole.

So which one is the assault rifle or are both of them assault rifle's?

I could care less which one is - it's not up to me to make that determination. The killer had one. And he was able to rapidly kill a lot of people.

If you're railing against one...or the other...or both, shouldn't you know what you're talking about? I realize such a thing is irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.
The killer carried an assault rifle and a pistol, making it as easy as shooting fish in a barrel and accumulate huge numbers of murdered victims.

Maybe one should ask - WHY does a person need an assault rifle? WHY should he have been able to get it? Same thing with the San Diego shooters - they had an arsonal and bullet proof armor. We need to look at extremist ideology yes, but we also need to look at the factors that help to create such a huge death toll.

You wouldn't know an assault rifle if you tripped over one.

Which of these rifle's is an assault rifle?


this one or both?

It's the other one that she shoved up your asshole.

So which one is the assault rifle or are both of them assault rifle's?

I could care less which one is - it's not up to me to make that determination. The killer had one. And he was able to rapidly kill a lot of people.

Yes, a lot of people over a period of hours.
And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.

Name their names.
Well, for one, that goofy church that protests funerals for military personnel who died in combat. They strut about with signs claiming, "god hates fags."


I knew that's all you had. They're a tiny, mostly family members who make up the entire church. Certainly NOT the MILLIONS you inferred.

I sometimes ride with a club I belong to, the Patriot Guard. If requested, we'll provide an escort or act as a shield between the mourners and the Westboro Baptist loonies. They've pretty much gone by the wayside. They couldn't get near their target, and if they started shouting, we just start our bikes and let them idle.

They are not a sham, but are a very small church of 30k members, so its insignificant in size and hardly speaks for all of Christendom.

Nowhere near 30k members. Thirty at most. You'll never see a photo of them with more than 10 or 12 people including their kids. They're an unaffiliated Primitive Baptist church. Most photos show only 3 or 4 members with a dozen signs they're holding. Worthless group.
Follow the money on that church, who funds it? I am not doing links. I bet they are a sham?
They are not a sham, but are a very small church of 30k members, so its insignificant in size and hardly speaks for all of Christendom.

30, 000 steady members? Huh? That seems Huge! Maybe you meant 3K? I don't want to spam da board but? Huh?

Well, 30k members is pretty small for an ENTIRE DENOMINATION, when you consider that a medium sized denomination is about 4 million, and the Roman Catholic Church has about 1.2 Billion members.

They are NOT an "ENTIRE DENOMINATION". They are one, unaffiliated church in Kansas and they meet in a small house once a week. They couldn't round up 30 if there was free food.
And many so called Christians teach hate of homosexuals, too.

Really? "SO MANY"? Where? Being that there are hundreds of millions of Christians in the US, you have to be speaking of tens of millions of Christians who teach hate of homosexuals. Please show us you link to a reliable source making such a claim.

No more unlikely than the Right believing that all Muslims are terrorists.

I just heard one of his former high school classmates state he was expelled after 9/11. They said he went crazy with excitement over it. Said the police even had to escort him out.

I also heard his father is a taliban sympathiser earlier today.
I'm sure that there are many rumors, but how many rumors prove to be true?

Orlando shooter's father is running for president of Afghanistan, has backed the Taliban, hosts talk show in California and visits the corridors of power in DC
  • Seddique Mateen is the father of mass shooter Omar Mateen, 29
  • Mateen Snr is an Afghan man and also hosts Durand Jirga Show
  • The show is aired on YouTube channel Payam-e-Afghan, from California
  • He visited Congress, the State Department and met political leaders during a trip to Washington, DC, in April
  • He also attended a hearing on Afghanistan security while in the capital
  • Pictures from 2015 show Mateen meeting Reps Charlie Rangel, Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce
  • Police seen searching his home, located close to where his son lived
Father of Omar Mateen had TV show, supports the Taliban

Hilarious; so even his vermin Daddy made it through the Magical Obama Vetting Process. Meanwhile, Christians in the ME, who are being butchered daily in the most horrendous and vile ways, aren't qualified refugees according to the UN and the Obama administration. Truly sick, sick freaks are running the Democratic Party and their shrieking, insane supporters are just like them.
I just heard one of his former high school classmates state he was expelled after 9/11. They said he went crazy with excitement over it. Said the police even had to escort him out.

I also heard his father is a taliban sympathiser earlier today.
I'm sure that there are many rumors, but how many rumors prove to be true?

Orlando shooter's father is running for president of Afghanistan, has backed the Taliban, hosts talk show in California and visits the corridors of power in DC
  • Seddique Mateen is the father of mass shooter Omar Mateen, 29
  • Mateen Snr is an Afghan man and also hosts Durand Jirga Show
  • The show is aired on YouTube channel Payam-e-Afghan, from California
  • He visited Congress, the State Department and met political leaders during a trip to Washington, DC, in April
  • He also attended a hearing on Afghanistan security while in the capital
  • Pictures from 2015 show Mateen meeting Reps Charlie Rangel, Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce
  • Police seen searching his home, located close to where his son lived
Father of Omar Mateen had TV show, supports the Taliban

Hilarious; so even his vermin Daddy made it through the Magical Obama Vetting Process. Meanwhile, Christians in the ME, who are being butchered daily in the most horrendous and vile ways, aren't qualified refugees according to the UN and the Obama administration. Truly sick, sick freaks are running the Democratic Party and their shrieking, insane supporters are just like them.
Yep. The UN camps don't/can't protect the Christians from the Muslims even though they are allegedly fleeing for their lives, so the Christians find themselves having to avoid the camps, and nobody seems to care. Yet another example of Islamic tolerance. Even in alleged extremis, they can't be at peace with others. That alone is an indication of who one should and should not invite into ones country. But as usual, it's all upside down for the dems. It's a travesty.

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